STEM Academy / Ashley
Marine Science Academy / Hoggard
International Baccalaureate / NHHS
Lyceum Academy / Career Readiness
Academy at Mosley /
Southeast Area Technical High School
(SEA-Tech) / Isaac Bear
Early College High
and Future Teacher Career Academy / Wilmington Early
College High School
Ideal Candidate / Current 9th grade academically mature students interested in STEM areas and the medical field / Rising 11th & 12th graders. Strong interest in marine science and rigorous college preparation / Academically- driven, curious students who seek out enrichment / Academically mature sophomores seeking a hands-on, college prep experience / 8th and 9th graders looking for personalization, college and career focus / Rising 9th grade students looking for specialized learning experience. / Rising 9th grader committed, strong academic students.. / Rising 9thgrader committed to becoming a lifelong learner.
Academics / Focus science & math courses NCSSM IVC Courses CTE STEM courses / Research, internship, up to 6 college waiver credits at UNCW or CFCC. / Rigorous globally-focused coursework with potential for college credit / Rigorous, Integrated AP/Honors coursework with potential college credit; project based/experiential learning / Hands on approach to learning and CTE/NAF integration across the content / 7 Programs of Study, over 60 pathways using blended, flexible scheduling / All honors HS curriculum completed in 2 yrs. UNCW classes 11th/12th grade.
The Future Teacher Career Academy at IBEC is a small learning community for high school students interested in a career in teaching. The FTCA will prepare students to become leaders in their classrooms and schools. / Rigorous high school curriculum, CFCC Associates degree within 5 years
Extra- Curriculars / 10 STEM hours required each year Membership in 1 STEM related club / SCUBA certification option. Spring break diving trip to FL Keys. / Research, service, international travel, school extracurriculars / SCUBA Cert,Haunted House,Teaching Trips: DC,FL,AZ, App Mtns, International / Math Team, FBLA, and others driven by student interest / Clubs, Student Organizations & options to participate in athletics / Clubs, Student Organizations, community service. / Service learning, clubs, CFCC organizations, WECHS Ambassadors
Pre-requisites / Honors Biology, Math I and Math II Honors, and 1 STEM elective: Medical or Engineering / Honors and/or AP math and science recommended. / Pre-IB 9th and Pre-IB10th program coursework / Pre-Lyceum coursework; chart available at edline.net/pages/lyceum / Interest in a small setting and off-site learning opportunities / Those who want a jump start to a career focused education or certificate / Students’ career interest should require a university degree. / Career interest requiring an Associate's Degree or college / university degree.
Additional Requirments / Science fair project required if not a member of a club / Internship and scientific research projects. / CAS Project, Extended Essay Research Project / Application, recommendations, interview / Application (online or paper), records, recommendation and interview / Application, Essay, Interview, Recommendations & Records / Application, essay, interview, shadowing, teacher rec. / Application, essay, interview/shadowing and teacher recommendations.
Enrollment window / February 5 – February 19 / January 16 – January 30

NHCS High School Specialty Programs Website