Prof. Ray Eve

Office: 442 UH

Office Hours: 4-5 MW and

by appointment

Phone: 272-3764 or

273-2661 (Main Soci. Office)

SOCI 5319


Spring, 2011

Wednesdays6 – 8:50 p.m.

1. Prerequisites

Students should have a B.S. or B.A. degree in the social sciences or humanities. Exceptions may be made at the professor'sdiscretion.

2. Texts

Friedman, Thomas. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Anchor Books.

2000. (Note, I think there is a revised version of this book,

but if at all possible, please try to get a copy of the original

as published in 2000).

Steger, Manfred. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction.

Oxford University Press.

There will be almost weekly readings that are obtained

either as hand-outs in class, or free online. There will

probably be roughly two such weekly readings (and typically

of journal article length).

3. Introduction to the topic

Globalization is a wide-ranging and controversial topic at this point

in time. Not the least of such controversies concerns a host of different

arguments about how the term should be defined. Among these arguments over

definition we find considerable criticism in recent years that most definitions of globalization treat the term in purely economic terms. However, an

increasing body of literature (especially in sociology) argues that such an

approach is too narrow in scope. Consequently, this course will take a

broader view and often ask about the impacts of globalization on the other

main institutions of society (such as the family, the workplace, the military,

religious conflict, etc). Also we will look arguments that globalization is

not a new phenomenon and has occurred at other points in the past.

4. Attendance

Students attending regularly and otherwise showing motivation will receive more consideration than will those attending seldom. Chronic absenteeism (5 or more unexcused absences) will be grounds for failing the course at the Professor's discretion.

5. Grading Practices

Your grade will be based on mid-term and final examinations and a

term paper, plus an in-class presentation (ordinarily based on the same material as the term paper).

Mid-term Exam = 25% Final Exam = 25% Term Paper = 25% In-Class Presentation/s = 25%

6. Absences

Reasons for excusal from an exam must be very serious, and should be checked in advance whenever possible with the professor.

  1. Late Assignment

IMPORTANT: Any assignments which are turned in late will have their scores reduced by 5% each day they are late unless the student has shown serious reasons for the delay to the Professor. Preferably such reasons

Should be discussed in advance whenever the situation allows for this course of action.

IMPORTANT: Anyone not appearing on the night they are scheduled to give

an in-class presentation will receive a drop of one letter grade in their

overall course grade! (This, of course, assumes the students is unable to produce a viable excuse for such an absence).

  1. Disabilities

Any student with a disability should check with the Professor

during the first week of class so arrangements can be made to accommodate their situation.

9. Dropping the Course

The Professor will not automatically drop a student. It is the

Responsibility of the student to see that the appropriate paper work is filled out,

10. Academic Honesty

Each student is expected to comply with the University's academic honesty policy.