We suggest that you initial & date when each item is completed.
ISI (IllinoisSwimming Inc.)
- posting the setup file for participating teams touse
- setup the online entrysystem
- Create and send host the Meet Manager backup to use for themeet
Host Entry Chair
- Verifying accuracy of Meet Managerfile
- any question with regards to error in file should be directed to ISI
- MeetName
- Do not change the meet names once you open the MM database you have received from ISI. Regionalswill have unique names designated to each regional do not change or correct the meet title. Any changes may cause problems in Meet Mobile[PL2] and loading results into the national database.
- Reportheaders
- State meets must be shorter than 25 characters due to live broadcast – do not change unlessrequested
- Time standards are in file including next level, i.e. sectional, zone,national
- Divisionals [PL3]– statestandards
- Age Group – AA, Zone (AAA),AAAA, Sectionals, Futures and JuniorNationals
- Senior State – Sectionals, Futures, Junior Nationals, Nationals or Open, Trials(summer only)
- Event orders – especially in years with newevents
- Sessionorder
- Sessiontimes
- Scoring
- Records (AGS, SRS - NOTRegionals)[PL4]
- initial records have beenloaded
- records can be found on the ISI website underTIMES.
- confirming records 1 week prior tomeet
- make sure flags are set so records broken at meet will show as such inresults
- bottom of records page next to name of record - enter flagsymbol
- Senior State - care needs to be taken in updating during meet, as multiple agegroups
- .Don’t just update records without confirming as yougo
2.Online Meet Entry System - (OME)[PL5]
oISI will set up the championship meets in OME
oEntry opening date and closing date for each meet will be published in the meet entry packet
oISI will have access to all OME data for any entry questions that may arise
oAt the close of OME ISI will send the Meet Manager database to the entry chair
oUSE the OPEN feature under File in Meet Manager do not use RESTORE
oIn additions ISI will provide the following:
List of Team Contacts from OME
List of email addresses of clubs participating in the meet
List of relays that are requesting swims in prelims vs finals
3.Entries (inclusive of changes) received after the OME deadline has passed and 24 hours prior to the start of competition shall:
oBe recorded by the club host entry chair
oClub host entry chair will charge the appropriate fee stated under Article 206.8.11 of the Illinois Rules and Regulations
oClub host entry chair will submit entry/change to ISI club, athlete name, athlete USA Swimming ID,event name and time to check for eligibility and time verification.
oAthlete will be entered into the meet after confirmation from ISI and Meet Referee.
oHost club will collect payment for entries prior to the start of the first day of competition and remit the Illinois Swimming surcharge back to ISI
Best practice send entry report and exception report for each subsequent[PL6] submittedentry
best practice create an organizationalsystem
oi.e. a notebook alphabetical byteam
Print any needed email correspondence for documentation and reference and bring tomeet
- Late fee finesare spelled out in Illinois Swimming Rules and Regulations
- Includes missedevent
- Forgettingswimmer/relay
- Relay onlyswimmers
- Not addressingexception
oNo excuse - accuracy is entering team’s responsibility to be accurate and review entryreports
if team agrees to late fees - do not enter until given ok from MeetReferee
oClub Entry Chair will keep an Excel Spreadsheet of all scratches notating the following
Date and time scratch is received
Host club and contact submitting the scratch
Name of Athlete and Age Grp
Name and number of event
Submitted entry time
oAll email correspondence concerning scratches is to be retained and brought to the meet for the Admin Referee
oLate Afternoon – prior to meet start Send to Illinois Swimming
- Most recentbackup
- Pre-Scratch Prelim and 10 & U session, session reports (do not include finalssession)
- ISI will post onweb-site
- Timed Finals events psych sheets (not including 10 & Undersessions)
- Doinclude
- All 200-1650/1500 timed finalevents
- All Relays - withoutnames
- ISI will post onweb-site[PL7]
- Late Afternoon Send to Coaches/team contacts, Meet Ref, Admin Ref along with this statement: “Timelines that are posted are only approximations to be used only for general planning purposes. The actual meet session timelines may vary from what is posted. Athletes and coaches are responsible to adhere to all meet deadlines and competition/event startingtimes.”
- Full psychsheet
- Link to ISI web-site for session reports and timed final psych sheets listedabove
- Awards Schedule (should also be placed in CoachPackets)
- Concussion Protocol and Check Off Lists must be placed in all Coach Packets
- Any other last minutereminders
6.Positive Check-in Events - late Thursday
- Check with admin referee as they may choose to printinstead
- Print distance and relay event psychsheets
- recommend print by event/age group/day andgender
- may also do additional sort on relays byteam
- available for Clerk of Course before the meetstarts
During the Meet:
1.Teams Check-in
- no fewer than 3 people/lines to assist teams on Day1
- coach contact information should be confirmed
2.Live Results and MeetMobile
- If availableset-up
- No availability post results by end ofsession
- (.pdf is sufficient) following eachsession
- Make note as such on hostweb-site
- Should be checked to show in event headers in your MMdb
- SRS: US Open or Nationals, JRs, Futures,Sectionals
- AGS: Jrs, Sectionals, Futures, AAAA, Zone,AA.
- REG AGS & SRScuts
- Should have a flag set for each record to show up inresults
Post meet:
1.Send MM Backup AND TM exported resultsfile
- ASAP - many teams are headed to the next level meet, and need results to prove or updatetimes
- to ISI and TechnicalChair
- do not lock db forISI
- will post on ISIweb-site
- all teams thatparticipated
- lock db prior tosending
- may send pdf of results (publication order withsplits)
2.Post a link on host website to ISI Championshippage
- for final results files (.pdf in PUBLICATION ORDER, .zip and/or.CL2)
[PL1]Will contain the following
[PL2]Will have unique names designated to each regional do not change or correct the event title. Any change may cause problems in Meet Mobile and loading results into the national times database.
[PL4]Host club will do the following
[PL5]Late entry procedure for additions or changes
[PL7]? will we post or provide a link to the host club