Churches Recognized for Connectional Giving in 2015
Thank you to these 124 churches for reporting their income for all 12 months of 2015 and remitting 13% in Tithe Plus Mission Giving. They have each been honored with a Connectional Giving Certificate.
AfterHours Denver
Akron UMC
Alameda Heights UMC
Alger Memorial UMC
Applewood Valley UMC
Aspen Community UMC
Aurora First UMC
Avondale UMC
Basalt Community UMC
Bethany UMC
Beulah UMC
Blue Cliff UMC
Bowen Community UMC
Brighton UMC
Bristol UMC
Broomfield UMC
Burlington UMC
Burns Memorial UMC
Calvary UMC
Carbondale UMC
Carpenter UMC
Centenary UMC
Center UMC
Cheyenne Wells UMC
Christ UMC, Casper
Christ UMC, Denver
Christ UMC, Fort Collins
Christ UMC, Salt Lake City
Community UMC, Keenesburg
Community UMC, Pagosa Springs
Crossroads UMC, Grand Junction
Elizabeth UMC
Erie UMC
Estes Park UMC
Eureka Community UMC
Evans UMC
Evergreen UMC
Faith UMC, Cheyenne
Father Dyer UMC
First UMC, Boulder
First UMC, Casper
First UMC, Castle Rock
First UMC, Colorado Springs
First UMC, Cortez
First UMC, Douglas
First UMC, Dove Creek
First UMC, Florence
First UMC, Fountain
First UMC, Grand Junction
First UMC, Laramie
First UMC, Limon
First UMC, Longmont
First UMC, Loveland
First UMC, Montrose
First UMC, Newcastle
First UMC, Pierce
First UMC, Platteville
First UMC, Rawlins
First UMC, Rock Springs
First UMC, Salida
First UMC, Springfield
Fort Morgan UMC
Fowler UMC
Frontier UMC
Fruita UMC
Genoa UMC
Good Shepherd UMC, Thornton
Goode Centennial UMC
Grace UMC, Cheyenne
Grace UMC, Denver
Grace UM Faith Community, Buena Vista
Granada UMC
Grand Valley UMC
Grant Avenue UMC
Hillsdale UMC
Howard UMC, Woodrow
Hugo UMC
James Memorial UMC
Kirk UMC
Korean American UMC
Las Animas UMC
Longs Peak UMC
Lyons Community Church
Manzanola UMC
Mead UMC
Monte Vista UMC
Mountain View UMC, Boulder
Niwot UMC
North Park Community Church
Olney Springs Community UMC
Ovid UMC
Paonia UMC
Park City Community UMC
Parker UMC
Phillips UMC
Pleasant Valley UMC
Saguache UMC
Scott UMC
Shepherd of the Hills UMC
Spirit of Hope UMC
St. James UMC, Central City
St. Paul UMC, Copperton
Sundance UMC
Sunrise UMC
Swink UMC
To Ae Ofa UMC
Torrington UMC
Tri-Lakes UMC
Trinidad UMC
Trinity UMC, Denver
Two Buttes UMC
UMC of Hygiene
UMC of La Junta
UMC of Meeker
UMC of Steamboat Springs
Upton UMC
Vineland UMC
Walsh UMC
Washington Park UMC
Wesley UMC, Pueblo
Wheatland UMC
Wiley UMC
Wilson UMC
Yuma UMC