Illinois Fall Tournament 2012: Grueling Pace, Meager Rations

Written and Edited by Ike Jose, Billy Busse and Austin Listerud

1.Amaria Cahila raided the National Residence of the Invalids to stock up on supplies for this event. Sylvain Bailly became a mayor after perpetrators of this event slew Jacques de Flesselles. Bernard-René de Launay found his head on a pike after being overwhelmed by the forces of Camille Desmoulins after this event. This action occurred after an outrage about the dismissal of Jacques Necker. It followed the gathering of the National Assembly, which produced the Tennis Court Oath. It took place on July 14th and resulted in 7 prisoners still residing in the main complex. For 10 points, name this early action of the French Revolution where an angry mob overtook a prison.

ANSWER: Storming of the Bastille [accept synonyms for “storming” like “assault,” prompt on partial answers]

2.While serving as the editor of The Journal of American Folklore from 1925-1940, this thinker encouraged the growth of the Federal Writers’ Project and championed “applied folklore.” This anthropologist worked with Erna Gunther and Gene Weltfish to catalogue the mythology of the Southwest Indians. This thinker borrowed Nietzsche's Apollonian and Dionysian to analyze the Dobu, the Kwakiutl and the title tribe. A 1946 study by this author of Zuni Mythology and Patterns of Culture distinguished between guilt cultures and shame cultures. That work was written at the behest of the Office of War Intelligence and is a study of Japanese society. For 10 points, name this author of The Chrysanthemum and the Sword.

ANSWER: Ruth Benedict

3.In 2011, this country was struck by another eruption of Mount Tungurahua, its largest active volcano. The CONAIE grassroots movement in this country ousted Lucio Gutierrez in 2005. In March 2012, Fabricio, the brother of the leader of this country, filed paperwork to run against his brother. This country’s current president proposed extracting oil from Ishpingo-Tambocoha-Tiputini as part of the Yasuni-ITT energy policy. In August 2012, ambassador Ricardo Patino announced that this country granted Julian Assange political asylum. For 10 points, name this country currently lead by Rafael Correa, a South American country with capital at Quito.

ANSWER: Republic of Ecuador

4.This composer's Messe Solennelle was recycled into his Te Deum, while that mass was scrapped from a symphony honoring Napoleon. This composer's virtuosity in conducting led him to author Treatise on Instrumentation. His own Requiem honors those who died during the July Revolution and calls for four offstage brass bands. The "Orgy of Brigands" movement marks the end of a work for viola and orchestra that was composed while he was staying in Abruzzo, Harold in Italy. The first movement of his most notable piece depicts "reveries and passions" and concludes with a dream depicting "the witches sabbath." That orchestral work depicts Harriet Smithson with an idee fixe. For 10 points, name this French composer of Symphonie Fantastique.

ANSWER: Hector Berlioz

5.A political cartoon depicts this person lugging a cart that carries the Nobel Peace Prize. This man’s country experienced a great amount of financial duress due to his government giving out many loans after a 1923 earthquake. His Prime Minister was murdered in a series of incidents that included the League of Blood and February 26 Incidents. Under this man’s rule, his army dynamited a railroad in the Mukden incident, which was designed to stage a pretext to invade Manchuria. His people heard his voice for the first time in the Jewel Voice Broadcast, and he later renounced his divinity. For 10 points, name this emperor who presided over Japan during World War II.

ANSWER: Emperor Hirohito[or Emperor Showa]

6.Some members of this phylum use podicellaria for locomotion and feed on organisms using a body part called the lantern of Aristotle. This phylum of organisms is the first to have a true endoskeleton made from mesodermal cells. The oldest members of this phylum are crinoids, and other groups of them include ophiuroids and holothuroids. These organisms move and breathe by pumping material through a sieve plate into a stone canal, which provides locomotion to their tube feet. Typically, these organisms make use of a water vascular system and exhibit pentaradial symmetry. For 10 points, name this invertebrate phylum that includes sea urchins and starfish.

ANSWER: echinoderms [Accept echinodermata]

7.One author from this country wrote a book in which the title character espouses a belief in Humanitism and tells a parable about the usefulness of war which concludes "to the victor goes the potatoes." That author from this country wrote about Rubaio, a man who inherits money from Quincas Borba, in his book Philosopher or Dog. One novelist from this nation describes the plantation town of Ilheus in Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon. That author wrote about the marriages of the title character after the pharmacist Teodoro after Vidinho dies in a book about Dona Flor. For 10 points, name this home of Joaquim Machado de Assis and Jorge Amado, a Portuguese speaking nation.

ANSWER: Brazil[or Brasil]

8. John Singer Sargent visited the Prado and copied this painter’s rendition of the Pieta, which ascribes a blue tint to Christ’s body. In of his works, a yellow-robed St. Peter at the top left suspends two keys with his right hand. He painted a man grasping a rope on Jesus's hand in his version of The Disrobing of Christ. Another biblical scene painted by this artist has a blue-robed John the Baptist throw up his hands during the titular The Opening of the Fifth Seal. He segregated heavenly figures at the top of a painting that shows a funeral procession of a noble. For 10 points, name this artist of View of Toledo and The Burial of Count Orgaz, a man born in Greece.

ANSWER: El Greco[or Domenikos Theotokopoulos]

9.One work that tries to explain this man’s thought posits a “library of Mendel” that is navigated via cranes and not skyhooks. Dobzhansky wrote a different work outlining why nothing makes sense except in the context of this man’s major idea. A book about this thinker claims his major idea is a “universal acid” and was written by Daniel Dennett. With Bishop Wilberforce, Thomas Huxley debated the major ideas of this man in a famed 1860 debate. His major theory was furthered explained in such books as The Descent of Man, which stressed the power of sexual reproduction. For 10 points, identify this author of On the Origin of Species, who proposed a theory of natural selection.

ANSWER: Charles Darwin [accept Daniel Dennett on the first sentence]

10.In organic synthesis, an acetic acid derivative containing three atoms of this element is useful due to its extreme acidity. A compound exhibiting pentagonal bipyramidal geometry contains 7 atoms of this element bonded to iodine--that compound is stable since this element forms very small ions. A notably square planar compound consists of a xenon atom bonded to 4 atoms of this element. An acid consisting of hydrogen and this element has the ability to etch glass. The Pauling scale assigns the highest value of electronegativity to this element, whose 19 isotope is used in NMR. For 10 points, name this lightest of the halogens, an element with atomic number 9 and symbol F.

ANSWER: fluorine

11.This work's two epigraphs are quotes from Mailfitre and Horace, and at multiple points its author compares the hero to Byron’s Childe Harold. The main character wakes at seven to bathe in a stream everyday in this work, in which a girl walks into his abandoned mansion to peruse through the books of the title character to learn his true nature. The protagonist rejects a rural woman only to beg for her hand later as she becomes a “princess of the Neva.” The title character’s flirtations with another Tarina sister force him to name his servant Guillot as his second during his duel with Zaretsky and Olga’s lover Lensky. For 10 points, name this work where Tatyana is rebuffed, a Russian verse novel by Alexander Pushkin.

ANSWER: Eugene Onegin [or Yevgeniy Onegin]

12.The namesake of this thing later on went on a fact-finding mission with Nuncio Pacelli to lay out plans for peace in his country. Barbara Tuchman’s account of this issuance begins with a description of the Telconia searching for five cables. This document begins “We intend to begin on the first of February…” and was made public by Nigel de Gray, Dilly Knox, and William Montgomery. This document was deciphered in Room 40 by British intelligence and was addressed to ambassador Heinrich von Eckardt. For 10 points, name this document issued in 1917 by the namesake German Foreign Secretary, which called for Mexico to wage war against the U.S.

ANSWER: Zimmerman Telegram

13.One person of this sort is kidnapped by an evil pumpkin and imprisoned in Zucchini Mountains in a Nes game, while another person of this kind is from Guardia Kingdom and sneaks out to have fun at the Millennial Fair. In addition to Marle from Chrono Trigger, Tim seeks out one of these figures who is running away from the monster in Jonathan Blow’s Braid. The Forest Spirit ravages the land in a Miyazaki movie focusing on Ashitaka titled after one called Mononoke. In Brawl, a person of this sort uses a golf club, frying pan, vegetables and a toadstool as weaons For 10 points, name this type of royalty which includes Mario Kingdom’s Peach, who is usually “in another castle.”

ANSWER: princesses

14.This figure is tied up by a woman who uses seven bowstrings that have not been dried. In one enterprise, this man ravaged crops by attaching torches to the tails of foxes after a man stole his wife. Although he ate honey from the carcass of a lion, he broke his vow to never touch a corpse. A woman from Sorek tied him up with ropes to obtain a bribe from this figure’s enemies, many of whom he killed with the jawbone of a donkey. By destroying pillars to collapse the temple of Dagon, this blind man killed himself and his enemies, the Philistines. For 10 points, name this biblical figure from the Book of Judges who lost his strength when Delilah cut his hair.

ANSWER: Samson[or Sampson; or Shimshoun; or Shimshon]

15.One statement named for this scientist states that the circulation of a velocity field for an inviscid and incompressible fluid does not change in time. Along with a German, this scientist names a phenomenon in which adjacent fluid layers are moving at different velocities, producing a shear instability-that phenomenon is named for this man and Helmholtz. This scientist is the second namesake of an effect in which a gas cools isenthalpically--that effect is named for him and Joule. Multiplying a Rankine by 5/9 gives a unit named for this scientist. For 10 points, name this scientist who names a unit of temperature that is zero at absolute zero and is equal to Celsius plus 273.

ANSWER: Lord Kelvin [or William Thomson]

16.During this man’s reign Parliament passed an act that banned nonconformists from coming within five miles of incorporated towns. Along with the Conventicle and Corporation Act, that law was part of the Clarendon Code that was passed under this man’s reign. This monarch married Catherine of Braganza, but spawned an incredible amount of children through his “pretty, witty” mistress Nell Gwyn. The second and third Anglo-Dutch Wars occurred during this man’s reign. Much of the rule of this man is chronicled in Samuel Pepys’s Diary, which also describes the Great Fire of London. For 10 points, identify this first king of the English Restoration, the son of Charles I.

ANSWER: Charles II of England

17.This poem describes the title circumstance with the phrases “earth has stopped the ears” and “Eyes the shady night has shut.” Its addressee is a “townsman of a stiller town” and will be admired by the “strengthless dead” who will flock to gaze at him. This work describes how “the name died before the man” after telling the title figure “you will not swell the rout.” He also is said “to slip betimes away from fields where glory does not stay.” Warning “early though the laurel grows, it withers quicker than the rose,” it ends with the line “the garland briefer than a girl’s.” For 10 points,name this poem from A Shropshire Lad about a deceased runner, a work by A. E. Housman.

ANSWER: “To an Athlete Dying Young

18.Hecale vowed to make a sacrifice to Zeus if one of these animals could be captured. In one of Aesop’s fables, a lion tries to trick one of these animals to his death by offering a sheep to it. King Aegeus assigned his son Theseus to hunt down one of these creatures that ravaged the plains of Marathon. To prove he was divine, Minos asked Poseidon to send one of these animals from the sea. That same creature of this sort was later captured by Heracles, which Eurystheus wanted to sacrifice to Hera. In Minoan art, a common motif was to depict people leaping over these animals. For 10 points, name this animal, which is combined with a human to make the minotaur.

ANSWER: bulls [prompt on cattle or cows, since cow nowadays is a gender-neutral synonym for cattle]

19.Small dust particles comprise this body's toroidal "halo" ring and its very faint "gossamer" ring. The Oval BA is a large storm within the atmosphere of this planet. In July 1994, scars were visible in this object's atmosphere due to its collision with the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Moons of this planet include the reddest object of the Solar System called Amalthea, as well as one another whose tidal interactions with it cause it to be the most volcanic object in the solar system. This planet’s most notable feature is a persisting cloudy anti-cyclonic storm in its southern hemisphere. For 10 points, name this fifth planet from the sun, which contains the Great Red Spot.

ANSWER: Jupiter

20.One character in this play finds a nipple on a gas pipe that is attached to a fuse box. While at Frank’s Chop House, another character meets two women named Miss Forsythe and Letta. In another scene, the title figure orders his wife to throw away a stocking she knits, for it reminds him of his affair with “The Woman” in Boston. Shortly after that affair, his eldest son fails math and loses his football scholarship. Howard Wagner fires the title character of this work, which ends a car crash designed to afford Linda, Biff and Happy some much-needed insurance money. For 10 points, name this work about the end of Willy Loman, a play by Arthur Miller.

ANSWER: Death of a Salesman


One director from this country made a silent documentary showing people at work in Man with a Movie Camera. One filmmaker from this country wrote the influential treatise Sculpting in Time and began a film about a painter with a character escaping a mob in a hot air balloon before it crashes. He also directed a film about a man who leads people through "The Zone." In addition to the director of Stalker, this country was the birthplace of a man who used his theories of "montage" in a movie in which a baby in a carriage rolls down a series of steps in a movie about sailors protesting the consumption of spoiled meats. For 10 points, name this home of Andrei Tarkovsky and Sergei Eisenstein.

ANSWER: Russia [I guess you can take the USSR or Soviet Union, because they are more correct in some cases]


1.For 10 points each, name these inventors of the early 20th and late 19th century.

[10] This Italian physicist, who won the 1909 Nobel Prize, extended the work of Heinrich Hertz and was one of the first people to transmit radio waves. He is known as the inventor of the radio.

ANSWER: Guglielmo Marconi

[10] Before that, this Scottish inventor invented the telephone. He improved upon Edison’s phonograph and put together the first metal detector, which was used on James Garfield.

ANSWER: Alexander Graham Bell

[10] This German inventor and partner of Wilhelm Maybach was the first to use an internal combustion engine for high speeds, which he termed the petrol engine. His namesake company merged with Karl Benz’s company in 1926.

ANSWER: Gottlieb Daimler

2.He fights at Waterloo, escapes imprisonment in a tower, becomes archbishop and impregnates Clelia Conti. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this nephew of the Countess of Mosca, who dies a monk after the death of Clelia and his son.

ANSWER: Fabriziodel Dongo [accept either; or Fabrice del Dongo]

[10] Fabrizio del Dongo appears in this Stendhal novel that satirizes late 19th century European customs.

ANSWER: The Charterhouse of Parma[or Lachartreuse de Parme]