Illinois Fall Tournament 2012: Grueling Pace, Meager Rations
Written and Edited by Ike Jose, Billy Busse and Austin Listerud
1.This polity left behind a fixed number of troops to fight Argos at Thyrea, which ended with the suicide of Othryades, the last man standing. Tyrtaios was a poet who composed patriotic songs in honor of the victories of this polity, which often consulted the Great Rhetra. Its citizens under the age of thirty were conscripted into the shadowy krypteia. This city state conquered its neighbors during the First Messenian War.Its kings Cleombrotus I and Agesilaus II fought against Epaminondas at the battles of Leuctra and Mantinea after the Peloponnesian War. For 10 points, name this ancient Greek city state known for its warrior culture.
ANSWER: Sparta
2.One legend states that this figure spent much of her life incognito in Egypt and that she was replaced by a copy of herself made out of clouds. In The Odyssey, she receives nepenthe from Polidamma. A later legenddescribes how she imitated the voice of men’s wives during a night raid. The Aeneid describes the ignominy of this woman, who mutilates the body of her last husband Deiphobus. She is both sister and sister-in-law to Clytemnestra.Her mother Leda was impregnated in the form of a swan. Fifty men pursued her when she left Sparta and went to the court of King Priam. For 10 points, name this wife to Menelaus then Paris, a figure largely responsible for the Trojan War.
ANSWER: Helen of Troy
3.A relation is said to possess the "anti" type of this property when it implies A and B are equal if the relation holds for A to B and B to A. This property also gives its name to a set theory operation which takes as inputs sets A and B, and returns the difference of elements that are found in either set, but not both sets. This type of function, such as f=x+y, produces the same output when the order of the inputs are altered. In linear algebra, this type of matrix is equal to its own transpose. In order for a relation to be an equivalence relation, it must possess transitivity, reflexivity and this other property. For 10 points, name this common mathematical property, which for a polygon, implies that an axis can be drawn through the polygon to create two mirror images.
ANSWER: symmetric [accept word forms]
4.This novel’s first chapter describes the narrator reading books by Erika Ostrovsky and Theodore Roethke while traveling on a plane to meet Bernard O’Hare. This book’s first chapter begins with the sentence “All this happened, more or less,” and concludes with the assertion the final words will be “Poo-tee-weet.” It includes a scene in which Edgar is killed for stealing a teapot. The last words of Roland Weary prompt Paul Lazarro to murder this novel’s protagonist. While at a zoo, the main character is exhibited with Montana Wildhack. He also becomes “unstuck in time” and sees the firebombing of Dresden. For 10 points, name this novel about Billy Pilgrim, a work by Kurt Vonnegut.
ANSWER: Slaughterhouse Fiveor The Children’s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death
5.In one conflict over this geographical feature, Friedrich von Kressenstein’s forces were held off by John Maxwell, who defended it. The closure of this feature trapped the Yellow Fleet in nearby Bitter Lake. The United Nations Emergency Force was proposed by Lester Pearson to guard this entity, for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize. It was largely the brain child of Ferdinand de Lesseps, who formed a namesake company to manage it. Anthony Eden resigned his post as Prime Minister shortly after France and Britain invaded the country west of this structure in a conflict sometimes known as the Tripartite Aggression. It was nationalized to finance the Aswan High Dam. For 10 points, name this canal that connected the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea.
ANSWER: Suez Canal
6.Saint Methodius wrote a mystery play dramatizing the preparedness and unpreparedness of peoples of this sort. In one culture, people with this quality are not subject to pater potestas and served a term of office for thirty years in a certain structure in the Forum Romanum.According to a Judgment Day parable named for them, five of them brought enough oil for their torches, while the other five didn’t. Theodosius I disbanded a cult of these people who guarded the sacred fire of the Roman goddess of the hearth. Some cultures display soiled bed sheets to show that a newly-wed wife was one of these. For 10 points, name these individuals, 72 of which may or may not be promised to Islamic martyrs.
ANSWER: virgins [accept word forms like virginity; accept female virgins; accept Vestal virgins, prompt on women]
7.Act 2 of one of this composer's operas begins with a visit to Rodolfo's Castle and includes the passionate lament "Tutto e sciolto." That opera sees the title character Amina mourn for Elvino's loss, only for him to awaken her by putting a ring on her finger. An aria that addresses the "Pure Goddess" adorned in silver and is called "Casta Diva" appears in another of this man’s operas. In addition to composing La Sonnambula, he composed a tragedia lirica which includes the proconsul Pollione as a character. That opera ends with the title druid immolating herself on a pyre. For 10 points, identify this composer of the bel canto style, whose operatic output includes Norma.
ANSWER: Vincenzo Bellini
8. This molecule can assume a complex structure known as a pseudoknot when two stem loops are intertwined. One pathway involving this molecule sees it become incorporated into the RISC complex after this molecule is cut by the Dicer enzyme. That pathway silences gene expression and is called this molecule's namesake interference. Introns are removed from this molecule in a process called splicing, which occurs inside the cell nucleus after transcription. For 10 points, name this molecule involved in protein synthesis which has a "messenger" type, a single stranded nucleic acid contrasted with DNA.
ANSWER: RNA [or ribonucleic acid, accept DNA before “RISC”]
9.One poem by this writer describes various harpies gnawing on oak trees, inside of which are the bodies of people who have committed suicide. In another work, this author describes how Amor ruled him after he boldly proclaims “Here begins the new life.” One of this author’s characters is a man trapped in ice up to his neck who gnaws on an archbishop’s skull. That man, a count who ate his children, is named Ugolino. The boatman Phlegyas carries a group to the city of Dis in the same poem by this author, whose central setting implores “ye who enter here” to “Abandon all hope.” This author travels with Virgil around the nine circles of hell in that poem. For 10 points, name this author, whose Divine Comedy includes The Inferno.
ANSWER:DanteAlighieri[accept either]
10.Tinbergen was one of the first economists to apply Newton’s law of gravitation to this activity, suggesting that the flow associated with it is equal to the product of two “economic masses” divided by the separation distance. One theory of this activity suggests that entities that use their abundant factors intensively will engage in this activity more. That Heckscher-Ohlin model builds upon an earlier economist’s attempt to explain this practice, using the example of England, Portugal, wine and cloth. Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage outlined why countries should engage in this activity. For 10 points, identify this practice of swapping goods between two parties.
ANSWER: economic trade
11.A painting by this person held by The Metropolitan features a scythe hanging in a tree while a rake sits in the grass. This artist of The Flowering Orchard painted red walls and a yellow floor in a diagonally oriented painting whose lone standing man, modeled after Joseph Ginoux, is dressed completely in white. A doctorsupports his face with his hand while his elbow rests on two yellow books in one of this man’s paintings of Dr. Gachet. For two years during the 1880's, he painted many still-lifes of sunflowers. For 10 points, name this artist who worked in France and painted various scenes of Arles in works like The Night Café and The Starry Night.
ANSWER: Vincent van Gogh
12.A species of painted frog in this country was thought to be extinct until Lake Hula was drained. Along with its eastern neighbor, this country is encroached by the Aravah Region. This country controls the offshore Tamar Gas Field, where natural petroleum was first discovered within it. It is home to aplateau ancient city where many sicarri took their own lives, Masada. Much of this country is covered by the Negev Desert. Its larger cities include Hebron and Beersheba. This country borders the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the east and Lebanon to its north. For 10 points, name this country whose cities include Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
ANSWER: Israel
13.Theodor Adorno laid out the ideas of the culture industry in a work that examines a “popular” form of this activity. Eduard Hanslick wrote that “moving forms in essence” is what makes up “the beautiful” in this activity. One theorist on this activity pointed out how Meyerbeer’s The Prophet is an example of “Jewishness” in this activity. In his book Politics, Aristotle argued that this activity and gymnastics were productive of virtue and can dispose the mind to any emotion. Pythagoras argued that the intervals used to measure this activity were linked with movements of divine bodies, which has been termed "the [this] of the spheres." For 10 points, identify this art form consisting of sounds, one of whose greatest theorists was John Cage.
ANSWER: music [prompt on art, accept harmony and anything involving music being made, such as “playing music”]
14.For an Euler-Bernoulli beam, this quantity is proportional to Young's modulus times the 2nd derivative of displacement with respect to position. The 3 components of this quantity can be determined in terms of the 3 components of angular velocity by the Euler equations. For a dipole in an electric field, this quantity is equal to the dipole moment crossed with the field. Precession occurs when this quantity is perpendicular to the angular momentum vector. When calculating this quantity, it is useful to find the lever arm. Newton's Second Law sets it equal to the product of the moment of inertia and angular acceleration. For 10 points, name this quantity defined as R cross F, the rotational analogue of force.
ANSWER: torque
15.Kentucky governor John Crittenden resigned from his post so he could join Millard Fillmore's cabinet in this position. A report on the harmful effects of pornography was named after a man who served in this office during the 1980's; that man is Edwin Meese. After holding the post of Secretary of the Navy, Charles Bonaparte established the FBI after he replaced William Moody in this position. The first one was Edmund Randolph. During the Red Scare, another person to hold this office deported anarchists by conducting his namesake "raids." For 10 points, identify this position currently held by Eric Holder, who is in charge of the Department of Justice.
ANSWER: United States attorney general
16.In one work by this author, a character uses a riddle about chess to explain why a novel about time never mentions time. The Tetragrammaton and the Jewish calendar are manipulated by Red Scharlach after the death of a rabbi to throw off and murder the detective Erik Lonnrot in a different story by this man. This man wrote about Captain Madden, who pursues a relative of the author Tsui Pen in another story. In addition toDeath and the Compass, he wrote a work in which a Chinese English professor shoots Stephen Albert to convey a location of British artillery to Imperial Germany during World War I. For 10 points, name this author of The Garden of Forking Paths and The Library of Babel, an Argentine.
ANSWER: Jorge Luis Borges
[Note: Jarl is pronounced “Yarl”, Parthurnax is “Par-Thur-Nax”]
17.Authors from this polity who dabbled in the dark arts include Arondil, who kept four journals detailing the revival of multiple Yngvild Ghosts, as well as Calixto Corrium, a man who is discovered to be “the Butcher.” The highest mountain in this title region is called “the throat of the world” which is inhabited by Parthurnax. This province is divided into nine holds, each of which is ruled by a Jarl. Institutions within it include the College of Winterhold and the Thieves Guild in Riften. It was prophesied that a hero within this region would save it and the empire from dragons. For 10 points, name this province that is the namesake of the fifth Elder Scrolls Game.
ANSWER: Skyrim [accept Old Kingdom or Fatherlandor Keizaalor “the land of the Nords”, you should accept Dawnstar, or The Pale, due to fact Arondil is from there]
18.For an isothermal process, the change in entropy of one of these systems is proportional to the natural log of the ratio of final to initial pressure. In these systems, the internal energy and enthalpy are solely functions of temperature, and the heat capacity at constant pressure is equal to the heat capacity at constant volume plus R. These systems have a fugacity coefficient of 1, a compressibility factor of 1, zero intermolecular attractions and zero particle volume. In these systems, which tend to occur at high temperatures and low pressures, Gay-Lussac’s and Boyle’s Laws are true. For 10 points, name this theoretical phase of matter whose namesake law states that PV = nRT.
ANSWER: ideal gases [DO NOT PROMPT OR ACCEPT on “gases” alone. Prompt on “ideal system”]
19.One ruler with this name reversed the liberal trends of his father by following what he outlined in the Accession Manifesto and was known as “the Peasants’ Tsar.” Another ruler of this name reversed much of his early liberal policies by appointing Aleksey Arakcheev as advisor. That ruler lost a battle with his ally Francis II, and after a later battle, he met the opposing emperor on a raft in the Neman River, where he signed the Treaty of Tilsit. Another person of this name was killed after Nikolai Rysakov of the People’s Will used a small bomb on his carriage. For 10 points, give this name of various czars of Russia, the second of which emancipated the serfs.
ANSWER: Alexander [accept any additional identifiers appended to the answer, such as Alexander I, etc.]
20.Act three of this work opens with a courtesan bemoaning her current business before she is given a sack of silver by the thieving Pilia-Borza. It ends "let due praise be neither to fate nor fortune, but to heaven," as spoken by Ferneze to Calymath. Its prologue sees the ghost of Machiavael extol the virtues of the title character, who first appears surrounded by heaps of gold. Its protagonist poisons an entire nunnery after his daughter Abigail joins it and purchases the Christian-hating slave Ithamore while at a market. For 10 points, name this play by Christopher Marlowe about the scheming Barabas, which may have inspired Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.
ANSWER: TheJew of Malta
This man composed a C major fantasy for solo piano so difficult that he said “the devil may play it” and a song cycle based off of 24 poems by Wilhelm Müller. He used an ascending piano figure to depict its jumping subject and that chamber work of his uses a double bass rather than the normal second violin. This composer of Die Winterreise also composed a 9th symphony in C major that is contrasted to his "Little" 6th symphony in the same key. This composer of a "Great" symphony and the Trout Quintet is also known for his 8th symphony in B minor, which consists of two movements. For 10 points, name this Austrian composer of an "Unfinished" symphony.
ANSWER: Franz Peter Schubert
1.This movie closes with a priest taking on a sixth child, and as it opens, a commoner comes to the title gate and tells the tale of a grisly murder to that priest and a woodcutter. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this murder mystery in which the wife of a murdered samurai, the samurai's shade, and a murderer played by Toshiro Mifune each provide a different account of the events.
ANSWER Rashomon
[10] Rashomon was directed by this Japanese director, who was also in charge ofThe Seven Samurai.
ANSWER: Akira Kurosawa
[10] Akira Kurosawa also directed this film, in which Miki and Washizu meet a spirit spinning a wheel thatprophesizes one of them will become lord of the castle. It is an adaptation of Macbeth.
ANSWER: Throne of Blood [accept Kumonosu-jo]
2.The core of these structures consists of the lamina propria surrounding a central lacteal, which absorbs fatty acids. For 10 points each: