MK Gallery Young Filmmaker of the Year 2016
Thank you for your interest in MK Gallery Young Filmmaker of the Year which celebrates MK Gallery’s site redevelopment and Milton Keynes Community Foundation’s 30th anniversary. The award scheme returns for a second year, providing an exciting opportunity for children and young people aged 4-19, to share their creative talents – this year in the form of filmmaking. Entrants from across Milton Keynes are invited to develop new, or submit existing, screen work in response to the themes from City Club before the deadline of Friday 4 November. This pack explains how individuals, schools and groups can enter.
Key Dates / Schedule:
Family Workshops Every Saturday throughout August
Masterclasses for young people 24,25,26 October (half term)
Free school assemblies weeks beginning 12, 23 September
Free Teachers CPD 6, 7, 8 September
Artist Lead Workshops for schools Available Autumn Term
Deadline for entries Friday 4 November
Short listing of entries by end November
Pop up screenings November / December
Final judging of entries Early December
Award ceremony Mid December
If, after reading the full pack, you have any unanswered questions please call MK Gallery’s Young Filmmaker Team on 01908 676900 or email inserting Young Filmmaker into the subject header. We look forward to welcoming your submission.
Best Wishes
Young Filmmaker Team
MK Gallery
MK Young Filmmaker Submissions Pack
Contents of this pack:
· Information on how to enter
· Supporting Programme - Activities to support individuals and schools
· Submissions Guidelines
· Background to City Club
Who can enter?
MK Young Filmmaker of the Year is an exciting competition providing schools, groups and individuals the chance to create new, or showcase existing, screen based work. Anyone aged 4-19 living in MK is eligible to enter. There are four age categories; 4 to 6 yrs. 7-10 yrs, 11 to 14 yrs and 15 to 19 yrs. A winner, plus runners up will be chosen from each category.
What kind of work can be submitted.
A short film between 15 seconds and 3 minutes in length. It can be any genre, for example documentary, animation, drama or art film. The work must be inspired by, or connect with, the theme of City Club. (see attached Background to City Club)
How do I enter?
Step 1 Download and read through this information pack
Please make sure you have read and understood the guidelines for submission. If you are developing a collaborative entry via school/group or independently please share details of this pack with all those involved. Any questions remaining should be directed to
Step 2 Registration: Please register using the Registration Form
Anyone interested in making a submission must first complete a Registration Form. This enables MK Gallery to better manage the submissions process. The earlier you do this the better as we can then keep you informed of opportunities along the way.
Step 3 Submission: Create and submit your film
Submissions can be made at any point though please note that the final deadline for entry is Friday 4 November 2016. Entries received after this deadline will not be considered. To enter you must use the Submissions Form entering your personal information and You Tube or Vimeo link to your film.
How do I submit my completed film?
Submit your film by completing the Submission Form ensuring that you complete all relevant details before submitting, including the film link. If you are entering as an individual please enter your school details as appropriate. Only entries with full information completed will be considered. Please note that films should be exported as a Quicktime, .MOV or .MP4 file, and must not exceed a 1gb file size. (see our ‘How to export my film guidelines’) The 1 gb export should be sent to and saved as the entrants name and film title. You can send your file via or
How are Winners Selected?
The winning entries will be chosen by a panel of judges including a professional filmmaker. The panel will consider each piece of film on its own merit and will take into consideration the following: artistic and filmmaking skill, understanding of the equipment used, creativity, originality and how well it addresses the chosen theme. The winning entries, plus selected runners up will be screened at the awards ceremony where prizes will be awarded.
Supporting Programme
· CPD Opportunies
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Tuesday 6
Thursday 8
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Hire Equipment
Assembly and Classroom Talks
Masterclass 1:
Masterclass 2:
Saturday Studio for Families, ages 5+
In August Saturday Studio provides support for entries to MK Young Filmmaker of the Year. Sessions run every Saturday, 1-3pm, and are open to families with children aged 5+. Gain inspiration and enjoy filmmaking activities for just £1* per person. Book online HERE
Tickets* Places are limited, and booking essential. Ensure you book the correct number of child tickets for children that you need and adult tickets for adults. The charge is payable on the door, but due to the popularity of the sessions, please reserve your tickets online. Thank you.
Filmmaking Masterclasses for 16+*
Filmmaking masterclasses are available over the summer and October breaks for all individuals aged 16+. These sessions are hosted by professional filmmakers and include materials and equipment for participants to experiment, play and delve into the filmmaking process. Sessions provide a great opportunity for those who want to explore where film making can lead as a career opportunity and progression routes post school. Each session costs £5, bookable via Places strictly limited. Save the dates below. Alternatively please email to reserve your space now inserting Young Filmmaker Masterclass in the subject header.
Filmmaking Masterclass with Roy Heath: Monday 24th October 1-5pm
Filmmaking Masterclass with Marianna Simnett Tuesday 25th October 1-5pm
Filmmaking Masterclass with John Harrigan Wednesday 26th October 1-5pm
Artist lead workshops for schools
MK Gallery is providing a limited number of MK Young Filmmaker Workshops run in school for a maximum group size of 30. Professional artists / filmmakers will visit your school and lead a special film making workshop to inspire your students. Workshops are available for EYFS, KS1&2, KS3&4 pupils. These can be tailored to meet the needs of your class as well as aiding submission for the competition. Workshops are charged at Half Day £5 per pupil / Full Day £10 per pupil. A minimum charge applies.
Teachers Continued Professional Development
MK Gallery and Into Film are offering free CPD opportunities for EYFS, Key Stage 1&2 and Key Stage 3&4 teachers. These sessions will support teachers who wish to embed creative approaches to filmmaking, and those keen to try out new opportunities for screen based work in the classroom.
Following the session teachers can also find out more about how to roll out the MK Young Filmmaker competition in school alongside current schemes of work, in arts, media, design and technology or extended curricular. Guidance will be led by a professional filmmaker and teacher who can answer any questions about the competition and support you in introducing the opportunity in your school. We can also aid you in delivering it to VI, HI and EAL pupils. Book now before 1 September.
All events are free of charge. Booking is essential. Although designed with different year groups in mind teachers are very welcome to book for multiple sessions and across different Key Stages to those taught within school. Skills are transferable and encouraged across age groups. Book now before 1 September:
EYFS – Storymaking with the Gruffalo: Tuesday 6 September, 3.30-5pm
Key Stage 1&2 teachers – Soundworks: Wednesday 7 September, 3.30-5pm
Key Stage 3&4 teachers – Animation: Thursday 8 September, 3.30-5pm
Assembly and Classroom Talks
Invite MK Gallery’s Young Filmmaker Team to visit your school to deliver an assembly or class presentation. These 20 minute tasters provide an overview of the Young Filmmaker competition, inspiring children and young people to create their own screen work. We are happy to consider how your session might fit in with current activity in school to encourage both independent and whole class / school entries. All assemblies / talks are provided free of charge throughout the weeks beginning 12 and 23 September, scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Book as soon possible to guarantee a space with a first and second choice of date and time.
Filmmaking Guidelines
Permissions Guidelines
MK Gallery’s Young Filmmaker Team are on hand with information and guidance for both schools and individuals to support your entry. Please take particular note of the guidelines below when considering the creation of your films.
· It is the responsibility of the filmmaker(s) that all on-screen contributors and performers have consented to be in your film.
· Please ensure that you have written permission for all music in your film. We strongly recommend that you use copyright free music in your film to avoid paying any licence fees. If the team have a concern over the inclusion of music it is possible that we may be unable to publically screen your film if shortlisted. Examples of websites for music are:
British Library Archival Sound Recordings:
Royalty Free Music:
The Free Music Archive:
Filming in Public Spaces Guidelines
Please be aware of MK Council’s Guidelines to filming in public spaces which can be found HERE If you choose to undergo filming in a public space there are a number of considerations we ask you to bear in mind - Please establish whether the space is public or private land. If the space is council owned we have been informed that there will be no charge for filmmaking associated with the MK Young Filmmaker project. Please specify (if known) where you plan on filming as part of your Registration Form and you will be provided with a letter acknowledging participation in the project. MK Gallery will then share this information with MK Council in order to comply with their guidelines and to ensure they are aware of those taking part. If land is privately owned (i.e. thecentreMK / Parks Trust sites) please inform us immediately. Again providing full information on the Registration Form will help our team establish if further courtesy conversations are required locally. Equally when planning your project please contact us if you require further advice.
Technical Guidelines
How Do I Export My Film? In order to submit your film, you will need to export the final edit as a QUICKTIME .MOV or .MP4 FILE Please see below for guidance on how to export your film in different editing programs. You must ensure you film does not exceed a 1gb file size.
You must change the filename of your film to your
(e.g JoeBloggs_TestFilm)
Steps to export my film
To export your completed film in iMovie, click on ‘File’ in the toolbar and then click ‘Share’ and ‘File’ in the dropdown list. In this file window you can change the name of your clip, the resolution and quality of your film ready for submission. We recommend selecting ‘High Quality’. By clicking ‘Next’ you are then able to choose where you wish to save your film on your computer.
If you need help on how to export your film in iMovie, please watch this short online tutorial (
Final Cut Pro X
To export your completed film in Final Cut Pro X, click on ‘Share’ in the toolbar and then click ‘Master File’ in the dropdown list. In this file window you can change the name of your clip on the ‘Info’ tab, and then the resolution and quality of your film ready for submission in the ‘Settings’ tab. We recommend selecting ‘H.264’. By clicking ‘Next’ you are then able to choose where you wish to save your film on your computer.
If you need help on how to export your film in Final Cut Pro X, please watch this short online tutorial (
How do I upload my film?
To upload your completed film to YouTube make sure you have a Google account, and then click on the ‘Upload’ button at the top of the webpage. You can then drag and drop the relevant video file into the upload window which will start the upload.
Make sure when uploading your film that you change the privacy settings of the video to UNLISTED by clicking the dropdown privacy menu. This is to make sure your film is secure.
You should change the filename of your upload to your
(e.g JoeBloggsTestFilm)
Click ‘Share’ and copy the URL link when submitting the film.
Background to City Club
City Club was the name originally given to a national leisure complex planned for centre Milton Keynes in the 1970s. It was due to be an exciting combination of physical recreation and entertainment as part of the city’s original ‘master plan’ but was never actually built. MK Gallery’s City Club in now the work of two artists, Gareth Jones and Nils Norman who have submitted a proposal for a City Club as part of the gallery expansion. The two artists plan to create a new kind of public artwork that looks at the whole environment, which invites the visitor to consider the role art can play in our everyday lives. City Club will include three main elements; a garden, a piazza and playground and will offer a space for everyone to enjoy.
Piazza: architecture and Urban Design
Public space is the flooring beneath our feet, the layout of roads, the planting of trees, the design of lampposts, the disposition of signs, benches and litterbins. Your inspiration could be the architecture of MK, the city skyline, different shapes, materials, lines and textures of the buildings and spaces around you, street furniture (lighting, signposts, seating etc) maps , how people move around the city.
BE inspired by…architecture, urban design, public spaces, structure, building street furniture, grid system, layout, construction, planning, place making.
Garden: The Green City
City Club proposes a garden without walls. A new garden, connecting parks with the city, gifting trees to the city and planting that reflects the cosmopolitan character of the City Club. Your inspiration could be finding different places plants grow in the town, changing an urban space with plants and trees, going on a sculpture walk, how do trees change a space? A walk through a local park.
Be inspired by… landscape architecture, green spaces, gardening, sculpture, environment, organic natural, parks, open spaces, planting recreation.
Playground: The art of play
Both art and play will be at the heart of City Club, each activity enhancing the development of the other. Your inspiration could be your local or school playground, where do children, teenagers or adults play in Milton Keynes? Where is play allowed/not allowed? Using street furniture to play, try changing a space with play.
Be inspired by…play, leisure, role play, imaginative play, serious play, social interaction, games, toys and play equipment, playscapes, colours, shapes, playground architecture.