Approval Date:

This form must be typed, filled in completely and signed by Investigator prior to review.

Use a Separate Form for Each Species

Call 594-4349 for assistance

New York Medical College

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee




Complete all sections, If not applicable, indicate such.

Section A:Investigator and Animal Use Information

Principal Investigator:
E-mail Address: / Department: / Mailing Address:
Phone: / Category for Pain and Distress:
B □ D □
C □ E □
Project Title:

Are you applying for, or receiving funds for the proposed experiments from external or internal sources that require peer review? Yes No

Identify the funding agency (ies) by name and Research Admin Log #(s) below :

(You can get the log # from the Office of Research Administration)

Agencies and/or Log #’s:
Species common name:
Strains that will be used: / # of animals requested for 3 year period of this experiment: / # of animals requested for year 1:

Check Applicable:

NEW_____ Modification* (Major Minor ) 3 Year Renewal**_____

Current Protocol # ______

  • *Major Modification please highlight within the text of the protocol any proposed changes
  • **If 3 year renewal, please provide a progress report (a brief summary, IN LAY LANGUAGE, of what you have learned over the past 3 years): (Enter Text Here)


I will follow the Institutional Laboratory Animal Resource (ILAR) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act Regulations administered by the United States Department of Agriculture. I understand that these laws and regulations are applicable to all animal use that is funded through and administered by NYMC.
As required by the Animal Welfare Act regulations, I hereby assure the IACUC that this experiment does not unnecessarily duplicate previous experiments. Furthermore,
I will obtain the approval of the IACUC for any significant changes in the experiment before they are implemented.
I certify that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. I accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project.
I also certify that the experiments described in this protocol faithfully reflect the work proposed in the sponsored project(s) identified on page one of this application. (“Per” signatures not acceptable)
Principal Investigator ( signature required): ______
Date : ______Faculty rank of PI:______



If the animals are to be kept away from the Central Facilities for longer than 12 hours, provide the following information, including a justification.

N/A / Building / Room # / Length of time at this location / # to be housed / Responsible Individual
Method of Transport


(Complete all): If not applicable, indicate such with N/A

N/A / Procedure / Time to Complete Procedure / Responsible
Individual / Location
In vivo (other than Surgical, e.g. bleeds, echocardiograms, hypoxia chamber etc.):
Survival Surgery :
Non-survival Surgery (animals will be euthanized at the end of the procedure):
Immediate euthanasia (tissue/organ collection):

If animals are transported to any location outside the Central Facilities, provide the following information, including a justification.

N/A / Building / Room # / Length of time at this location / Responsible Individual
Method of Transport


List all that will be used other than standard diet and emergency drugs to be used

(i.e., injected, ingested or topically applied) in live animals

N/A / Drugs / Dosage / Route / Volume / Responsible Individual
Protocol Specific
Will non-pharmaceutical grade medication or experimental compounds be used in the protocol activity?
NO □ YES □
If yes, please justify and provide relevant information to the sterility, compatibility and purity of the chemical as well as the source:


Indicate if the following hazards are used in the procedures done on live animals

Hazard / No / Yes
Recombinant DNA
Infectious Agents
Toxic/Carcinogenic Materials
X-Ray, Fluoroscope
Non-Ionizing Radiation (laser, microwave, etc.)

* All Cell Lines are considered potentially infectious.

  • Contamination of biological specimens such as rodent cell lines, hybridomas and tumor cells with rodent pathogens can result in devastating outbreaks of disease in laboratory animals implanted with these materials.
  • Please submit a sample to IDEXX for IMPACT testing.
  • Contamination of human cell lines and tumors with human pathogens can pose a health risk to research personnel and Animal Care Technicians.
  • Please submit a representative sample to IDEXX for h-IMPACT testing.


Complete the information below for each substance to be used.

The Investigator must contact Energy, Environment, Health & Safety () to discuss hazard management and if an Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) review is required.

Name of Agent:

Route of administration:

Indicate the dosage per kg., frequency, and duration of administration:

State the mechanism of secretion (urine, feces, breath, etc.):

Indicate if there is an active drug and/or active metabolite in excretions.

State whether active drugs or metabolites in excretions are volatile.

Indicate for how long the substance itself or metabolites are excreted.

Describe management of animal contact items (cages, bottles, etc.):

Describe management of animal carcasses:

Describe the technical experience you and/or your staff have had with this specific material(s):

Section B Protocol Summary

B1Describe in non-technical terms the objectives of the work to be done on animals.

BRIEFLY explain the relevance this work will have to human or animal health, the advancement of knowledge or the good of society.

Define all abbreviations.

B2Describe the experimental hypotheses and specific aims of the study.

  1. Statement of hypothesis (If none, state the reason for animal use: e.g. training):
  1. Statement of all specific aims:

B3LITERATURE SEARCH (for Category D & E only):

Federal Regulations require that “the principal investigator has considered alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals

(Category D or E) and has provided a written narrative of the methods used to determine whether or not:

  • Suitable alternatives to the use of live animals are available
  • Alternatives exist to the painful procedures

We believe that the performance of a database search remains the most effective and efficient method for demonstrating compliance with the requirement to consider alternatives to painful/distressful procedures. However, in some circumstances conferences, colloquia, subject expert consults or other sources may provide relevant and up-to-date information regarding alternatives, in lieu of, or in addition to, a database search.

When other sources are the primary means of considering alternatives, sufficient documentation should be provided to the IACUC to demonstrate the expert’s knowledge of the availability of alternatives in the specific field of study.

The narrative should include:

  • Two sources for use of USDA covered species (dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs etc...)
  • One source for rats and mice
  • List databases used for search (Scopus, PubMed) and (Altweb or Agricola) and/or Toxnet for toxicology studies. See link for library search:
  • KEY WORDS and/or strategy with the number of citations used.
  • NON ANIMAL MODEL must be included in search terms

Are there alternatives to the use of live animals? Yes □ No □

Database Search / Date of Search / Years Searched / Search terms used / Number of hits

Are there alternatives to painful or distressful procedures (Category D & E is this true for alternatives too)? Yes □ No □

Database Search / Date of Search / Years Searched / Search terms used / Number of hits

A summary of your literature search is required. Provide details here:

B4Why was this particular species/strains chosen?

B5The number of animals requested for this protocol is based on the following (Check only One):

__ A statistical estimation of the number of animals appropriate to the study design that justifies the number required to achieve statistical significance (i.e. group table, power/sample size analysis, etc.)

__ The estimated minimum number necessary to achieve meaningful pilot study data

__The number necessary to obtain sufficient tissue and other material for testing or analysis

__The number required to provide sufficient technical training

Please justify the total number of animals approved for the entire 3 years, with statistical methods if appropriate. Provide details here:

B6Outline of Animal Use

  • Provide concise summary of animal use from the day of arrival to completion of experiment. Include brief outline of all procedures including surgery and euthanasia.
  1. Enter Text here:
  1. State any special husbandry requirements (singly housed animals must have justification):
  1. State duration of the study and define experimental end-points.
  1. Is death an anticipated endpoint as part of experimental plan?:

Yes ___No ___

If Yes, please justify:

  1. Describe potential adverse effects of this study on the animals and identify the specific humane endpoints. Include details/specific plan of the monitoring that will be used to evaluate the health of the animals and the procedures to be followed in case of adverse effects:
  1. Describe the method of euthanasia.

Primary Method / Agent / Route / Dosage / Responsible individual

Secondary method of confirming death______

B7Genetically engineered animal use. Are there any changes in the animal genome that may result in any adverse effects on the animal?

Yes ___No ___ N/A______

If Yes, please describe:

B8Will the proposed research require the use of physical restraint of awake animals?

No____ Yes ___

If yes, please provide scientific justification and describe in details (including training of animals to adapt to restraint, observation intervals and veterinary care if adverse effects may occur):

B9Will any animals be subjected to fluid/food restrictions? (Not including NPO of pre-op animals)

No____ Yes ___

If yes, please provide scientific justification and describe in details (including monitoring to ensure that nutritional needs are met; body weight monitoring periods, maintenance of written record):

B10If experiments include blood collection provide the method used to draw blood, the site, frequency of bleeds and amount of blood drawn at any one time. If animals are anesthetized or sedated for blood drawings, specify what agent, dose and route of administration.

No____ Yes ___

If yes, please provide details:

B11Does the experiment involve surgery on live animals?

No____ Yes ___ If yes, answer the following questions:

  1. Surgical Procedure:
  1. How will the animal, surgeon and instruments be prepared for aseptic surgery?
  1. What will be used for pre-anesthetic/anesthetic agents and at what dosage, volume and route of administration?
  1. What is the duration of surgical procedure?
  1. Who is the surgeon?
  1. Provide detailed description of surgical manipulations:
  1. How will skin be closed?
  1. Describe the monitoring of anesthesia depth, frequency and who will do the monitoring?
  1. Will neuromuscular blocking agents be used?

No____ Yes ___

If yes, describe how the depth of anesthesia will be monitored:

B12Does the experiment involve Survival Surgery on live animals?

No____ Yes ___ If yes, answer the following questions:

  1. Postoperative Care.
  1. Post-operative analgesics and at what dosage, volume and route of administration? (include justification if withheld):
  1. Who will observe the animal during the recovery?
  1. Note observation intervals during the entire postoperative period.
  1. If skin sutures or clips are used, when will they be removed?

B13Will Multiple Survival Procedures be done on animals?(These procedures would include performing survival surgeries as well as producing a significant impairment to the animal’s daily activity).

NO □ YES □

If yes, provide scientific justification for requiring more than one survival procedure on the same animal:

B14PHS Policy requires a scientific justification for using the ascites method to produce antibodies:

Is the ascites method used? NO □ YES □

If yes, provide justification:

B15Person(s) to be contacted in case of emergency:

Title: / Telephone #:
Cell #:

B 16Provide the following information for ALL RESEARCH PERSONNEL involved in animal contact:

Hands On training is necessary if personnel have less than 1 year experience.

Name: / Role on Project. Including :
  1. Qualifications:
  1. Experience with the procedures used in the experiments:
  1. Number of years of experience with the specific species used in this experiment
/ Clearances:
EHS: ______
Name: / Role on Project. Including :
  1. Qualifications:
  1. Experience with the procedures used in the experiments:
  1. Number of years of experience with the specific species used in this experiment
/ Clearances:
EHS: ______
Name: / Role on Project. Including :
  1. Qualifications:
  1. Experience with the procedures used in the experiments:
  1. Number of years of experience with the specific species used in this experiment
/ Clearances:
EHS: ______



Signature: ______
IBC approval date:______

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