II.The following is a listing of independent service providers or practitioners, that are not employees at a Northwell Health facility, but deliver emergency or medically necessary care at North Shore University Hospital and whose services may not be covered under this FAP:

Name / Primary Specialty / Secondary Specialty / Tertiary Specialty
Abazid, Ahmad G., MD / Family Medicine
Abemayor, Violet J., MD / Internal Medicine
Abittan, Chaim S., MD / Gastroenterology
Abrahamson, Hal F., DPM / Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
Abrudescu, Florentin A., MD / Internal Medicine
Accetta, Joseph R., Jr., DO / Pediatrics
Ackerman, Kenneth R., MD
Ackert, Gregory M., MD / Internal Medicine
Addona, Tommaso, MD
Adickman, Martin N., DMD
Adler, Carl M., DO
Adler, Marc S., MD
Adler, Michael E., MD
Admoni, Marcel M., MD
Agin, Carole W., MD
Agnew, Jennifer L., MD / Colon/Rectal Surgery
Agrawal, Narayan D., MD / Internal Medicine
Aguilh-Figaro, Toycina, MD
Aharon, Yigal, MD / Internal Medicine
Ahdoot, Allen, MD / Internal Medicine
Ahdoot, Michael, MD
Ahmad, Habeeb, MD
Ahuja, Kartikya, MD / Cardiac Electrophysiology
Ajemian, Gregory M., MD
Akinboboye, Olakunle O., MD / Internal Medicine / Sleep Medicine
Akinrinade, Oluwatoyin, MBBS / Nephrology
Akrami, Jason A., MD
Alencherry, Joseph, DPM
Alexander, Deepu K., MBBS
Alexis, Uel J., MD / Anesthesiology
Ali, Eyad M., MD
Ali, Nicole M., MD / Internal Medicine
Ali, Sayed, MD
Aliprandis, Elias T., MD
Aliprandis, Tjoyia, MD
Alizadeh, Kaveh, MD
Al-Misky, Ousaima N., MD
Altman, Stuart J., MD
Altman-Neumann, Joan E., MD
Alyeshmerni, Khosrow, MD
Alyskewycz, Mykola R., MD
Amin, Dhruv M., DO
Amin, Kalpesh S., MBBS / Internal Medicine
Amin, Mohsena F., MD / Internal Medicine
Amin, Viren G., MD
Amoashiy, Michael, MD
Ananda, Anupama, MD
Anand-Nichols, Sonia, MD / Neurophysiology
Anderson, Dale H., MD
Andrianov, Alexandre, MD
Angel, Michael J., MD
Angelilli, Allison, MD
Annabi, Amir M., MD
Anyoku, Obiora O., MD
Apfel, Paul, DDS
Appelbaum, Daniel M., MD / Internal Medicine
Aranda, Diane, MD
Arbesfeld, Benjamin Z., MD / Cardiovascular Disease
Arbisser, Sherry L., MD / Allergy and Immunology
Archibald, Steven A., MD
Ardeljan, Johny D., DO
Ardito, Anthony P., MD
Arena, Francis P., MD / Hematology
Aronovich, Yulia, MD
Aronsohn, Judith L., MD
Arora, Arun K., MD / Critical Care Medicine
Arum, Eugene S., MD
Ash, Zev, MD
Asheld, John J., Jr., MD / Internal Medicine
Ashourzadeh, Bita, MD
Ashourzadeh, Kourosh, DO
Aslam, Mohammad, MD
Asnis, Jeremy S., MD
Attia Alla, Ayman Z., MD
Attivissimo, Lori Ann, MD / Hematology / Internal Medicine
Auerbach, Robert J., MD
Auguste, Louis-Joseph, MD
Autz, Arthur L., MD
Avaricio, Elizabeth, MD
Avaricio, Michael, MD / Internal Medicine
Avila, Vincent S., MD
Azar, Angela, MD
Azer, Victor, MD / Internal Medicine
Aziz, Farzana H., MD
Babalola, John A., MD
Babinski, Eleanor, MD
Bacotti, Joseph L., MD
Badillo, Felix L., MD
Bae, Stewart H., MD / Internal Medicine
Baghdassarian, Bagdig S., MD
Baharestani, Samuel, MD
Bailey-Maletta, April M., DPM
Bajaj, Shanta, MD / Hematology
Bakshandeh, Norman, MD / Surgery
Baktidy, Vlassi, MD / Internal Medicine / Critical Care Medicine
Balachandar, Viswanathan, MD / Pediatric Endocrinology
Balakumar, Mala M., MD / Surgery
Balkin, Ronald A., MD
Ballas, Mayer E., MD / Internal Medicine
Banerjee, Sara, MD / Neuroradiology
Bangiev, Alexander, MD
Bank, Jonathan, MD
Bansal, Meera, MBBS / Cytopathology
Bansal, Rajiv, MD / Internal Medicine
Barasch, Daphna-Raquel, DO
Barash, Fred S., MD
Barbaro, Thomas, DPM
Barkin, Michael D., DPM
Barkoff, Matthew W., DPM
Barnard, Morris, MD / Internal Medicine
Barnswell, Carlton B., MD
Baron, Tatiana M., DO
Barricelli, Florence, MD
Bartoc, Cristian D., MD
Bartolotta, Sandy C., DO
Bartsich, Sophie A., MD
Base, Marvin J., MD
Bass, Barry D., DDS
Bass, Lewis, DO
Battillo, Joseph A., MD
Beauvil, Magdala D., DO
Becker, Eugene, MD
Becker, Stephanie K., MD
Beckerman, Adam H., MD
Beekman-Brand, Kathie H., MD
Beer, Jeffry R., MD
Behrens, Stuart M., MD
Bellovin, Barry J., MD / Internal Medicine
Belotte, Marie A., MD
Benatar, David A., MD
Bender, Seth R., MD / Cardiovascular Disease / Internal Medicine
Benhuri, Massoud M., MD
Benilevi, Daniel, MD
Benjamin, Anat, MD
Benjamin, John, MD
Benmen, Eldad S., MD
Ben-Sorek, Ethan S., MD
Berck, Clifford M., MD
Berg, Gordon J., DPM
Berger, Andrea A., MD / Internal Medicine
Berger, David B., MD
Berger, David J., MD / Internal Medicine
Berger, Jay S., MD
Berger, Jeffrey N., MD / Internal Medicine
Berger, Lisa R., MD
Berger, Mitchell R., MD / Internal Medicine
Berger, William J., MD / Internal Medicine
Beridze, Natalia, MD / Internal Medicine
Berke, Stanley J., MD
Berland, Doris, MD
Berland, Jay S., MD / Critical Care Medicine / Sleep Medicine
Berman, Lori S., DO
Berman, Neil D., DDS
Bernstein, Constance, DDS
Bernstein, Jeffrey M., MD / Internal Medicine
Berroya, Renato B., MD / Surgery
Betterman, Mary J., MD
Beyda, Allan E., MD
Bezack, Brian J., DO / Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine
Bhumi, Sarat A., MD / Cardiovascular Disease
Biele, Diane, MD
Bilello, Rachael G., DO
Bilotti, Mary Ann, DPM
Bircaj, Alfred S., MD
Bitman, Leslie M., MD
Bitterman, Stuart, MD
Bitton, Mark A., MD
Bitton, Rachelle N., MD / Internal Medicine
Blanck, Richard H., MD
Blanco, Joseph A., MD
Blau, Agnes, MD
Blau, Irwin H., MD / Pediatrics
Blau, Richard H., MD
Blau, William L., MD / Internal Medicine
Blednova, Darya, MD
Blenner, Deborah S., MD / Pediatrics
Block, Seymour H., DO / Forensic Psychiatry
Blonder, Ashley S., DO
Bloom, Ronda, MD
Bloom, Scott P., MD
Bloom, Thomas, MD
Blumenthal, Steven J., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Bodian, Adam B., MD
Boglioli, Lauren R., MD / Nuclear Cardiology / Internal Medicine
Borges, Andressa, MD / Nuclear Cardiology / Internal Medicine
Borochov, Inessa, DPM
Boshnack, Arthur, MD / Internal Medicine
Bover, Eduard, DO
Bozza, Anthony T., MD
Bradnock, Howard W., MD / Internal Medicine
Bral, Pedram, MD
Braunstein, Ellen J., MD
Breen, Patricia, DMD
Breidbart, David M., MD / Internal Medicine
Breidbart, Rory S., MD / Internal Medicine
Breitbart, Arnold S., MD
Brenner, Marc A., DPM
Brenner, Steven H., MD / Obstetrics and Gynecology
Bressler, Jill A., MD
Brewer, Bruce W., MD
Brickman, Michael A., MD / Surgery
Bridbord, J. W., DDS
Brieff, David B., MD
Brietstein, Daniel, MD
Brisman, Jonathan L., MD
Brisman, Michael H., MD
Brodsky, Neil M., MD / Internal Medicine
Brody, Neil I., MD
Brofsky, Joseph M., DMD / Dental Medicine
Broukhim, Maryam, MD
Brountzas, Maria, MD
Brown, Jeffrey A., MD
Brown, Timothy C., MD
Browne, Robert A., DMD
Browning, Jared C., MD
Brustein, Sheryl N., MD
Bruzzone, Charles L., MD
Buck-Haskin, Stephanie C., MD
Budman, Cathy L., MD
Buglino, Lisa K., DO / Pediatrics
Bulbin, Alan M., MD
Bulczak, Dariusz P., MD / Neuroradiology
Bulsara, Girish, MD / Geriatric Medicine
Burgoyne, Brian, MD / Neuroradiology
Burzotta, John L., DPM
Busch, David A., DO / Internal Medicine / Geriatric Medicine
Butchma, Olaf, DO
Butler, Alan L., MD / Pediatric Anesthesiology
Butler-Murphy, Marilyn, DPM
Byrns, Daniel J., MD / Internal Medicine
Caccese, William J., MD / Internal Medicine
Cadet, Robyn A., MD
Cagen, Steven B., MD / Internal Medicine
Cai, Min, MD
Caldemeyer, Karen, MD / Neuroradiology
Caliendo, Frank J., MD / Surgery
Calluzzo, Ilia E., MD
Camillery, Daniel C., MD
Campbell, William F., DDS
Campese, Christopher L., MD
Canizares, Jose Alberto, MD / Addiction Psychiatry
Cantele, Jeffrey R., MD
Capilupi, Thomas, MD
Caprarella, Rina, MD
Caputo, Christopher, MD
Carlsen, Andrea R., MD
Carlson, Joanna A., MD
Carlucci, Stephanie, MD
Caronia, Ronald M., MD
Carras, Douglas H., MD
Carras, Nicholas G., MD
Carrera, Louis A., MD / Nephrology
Carroll, Zev E., MD / Internal Medicine
Carvan, Ibrahim, MD
Cassidy, Kevin A., MD
Cavanaugh, Lisa A., MD
Cavanaugh, Patrick J., MD
Cavazos, Cristina M., MD
Cavuoto Petrizzo, Marie A., MD
Cerna-Helfer, Ana L., MD
Cerrato, John A., DMD
Cervantes, Jocelyn M., MD
Cetin, Lynn T., MD
Chacko, Jeffrey K., MD / Pain Medicine
Chacko, Varughese P., MBBS
Chadha, Jang B., MD / Critical Care Medicine / Internal Medicine
Chakrabarti, Chhaya S., MD / Pediatric Endocrinology
Chalson, Margaret K., MD
Champaneri, Charu, MD
Chan, Emia H., MD
Chan, Hon C., MD / Hematology / Internal Medicine
Chan, Sherman, MD
Chan, Wai P., DO
Chandok, Anu G., MD / Medical Oncology / Internal Medicine
Chang, Benjamin M., MD
Chang, Jerry W., MD
Chang, William, MD
Chardavoyne, Rashmae, MD
Charytan, Morris M., MD / Allergy and Immunology
Chatpar, Prem C., MD / Internal Medicine
Chaudhri, Farida P., MD / Oncology
Chaudhry, Naeem A., MD / Geriatric Medicine
Chaudhry, Saqib S., MD / Surgical Critical Care / Thoracic Surgery
Chen, Ailian, MD / Internal Medicine
Chen, David Q., DO / Spine Surgery
Chen, Helen H., DO / Internal Medicine
Chen, Marie H., MD
Chen, Thomas T., MD
Chen, Xia, MD
Chen, Yaxi, MD
Chengot, Thomas M., DO / Interventional Cardiology
Cherian, Sarah M., MD / Vascular Neurology
Chernoff, Ira J., MD
Chernoff, Marc B., MD / Spine Surgery
Cheruvanky, Thulasi, MD
Cheung, Tony W., MD / Oncology / Internal Medicine
Chhabra, Dalbir K., MBBS
Chhabra, Inderpal S., MBBS
Chianese, Maurice J., MD
Chiang, Nancy L., MD
Chicvak, John, DDS
Chikvashvili, Daniel, MD
Chilicki, Andrew B., MD
Chin, Angie, DDS
Chio, Jane L., MD
Cho, Samuel, MD / Internal Medicine
Choi, Alexander K., MD
Cholakian, Ohanes K., MD
Chorost, Mitchell I., MD
Chowdhury, A.Y.M Maksudul A., MBBS
Christy, Michael R., MD / Surgery of the Hand / Craniofacial Surgery
Chu, Peiyun, MD
Chung, Brian K., DO
Chung, Yunhee, MD / Medical Oncology / Internal Medicine
Churgin, Samara S., MD / Surgery
Chusid, Arnold, MD
Ciancimino, Andrew J., MD
Cipollone, Maria, MD
Cirlincione, Adam S., DPM / Recon Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery
Clarke, Delphia M., MD
Cohen, Adam D., MD / Internal Medicine
Cohen, Alan J., MD / Psychiatry
Cohen, Anthony S., MD
Cohen, Barton E., MD
Cohen, Benjamin R., MD
Cohen, Bradley J., DO
Cohen, Brian D., MD
Cohen, Claire O., MD
Cohen, Ian S., MD
Cohen, Jeffrey T., MD / Internal Medicine
Cohen, Joseph B., MD
Cohen, Kenneth H., MD / Internal Medicine
Cohen, Matthew S., MD
Cohen, Paul A., DO
Cohen, Ronald B., MD / Internal Medicine / Geriatric Medicine
Cohen-Kashi, Kambiz J., MD / Surgery of the Hand
Cohen-Kronfeld, Denise, DMD
Cohn, Howard I., MD
Cole, Justin L., DDS
Colucci, Richard G., MD
Como, Michael, MD / Critical Care Medicine
Condon, Edward M., MD
Conley, Diane H., MD
Cooper, David J., MD / Critical Care Medicine
Cooperman, Leslie B., MD
Cordero, Kenneth P., MD
Corines, Christopher, MD / Geriatric Medicine
Corriel, Robert N., MD / Pediatrics
Costable, John M., Jr, MD / Gastroenterology / Internal Medicine
Costin, Valeria L., MD
Crescenzo, Delfino M., MD / Oncology / Internal Medicine
Criss, Adam N., DO / Internal Medicine
Cruvant, David A., MD
Cruz, Marcos J., MD
Cucchiara, Vita M., MD
Culotta, Maria G., MD
Cyran, Daniel J., DO
Dadashev, Vladimir Y., MD
D'Agostino, Richard J., MD
D'Agostino, Ronald D., DO / Internal Medicine
D'Ambra, Russell L., MD / Internal Medicine
D'Ambrosio, Philip M., MD
D'Amico, Edward L., DPM
D'Anca, Michael A., MD
Daniels, Brian A., MD / Sports Medicine
Danoff, K. S., DMD
D'Arienzo, Peter A., MD
Darvishzadeh, Jerald C., MD
Davenport, Thomas A., MD
D'Aversa, Gerard, MD
David, Maria Cristina, DDS
Davidoff, Samuel, MD / Internal Medicine
Davis, Jonathan, MD
Davis, Steven R., MD
Deane, Leland M., MD
DeAngelis, Michael R., DO
DeAngelis, Teresa M., MD
Del Priore, Emilio, MD
Delshadfar, Hoorbod, DO
DeLucia, Fred J., DPM
Demetriou, Chris A., MD
Deng, Juliang, MD
DeNoto, George, MD
Deo, Sheetal S., DO
DeOrchis, Vincent S., MD / Neurophysiology
Deramo, Vincent A., MD
DeRisi, Dwight C., MD
Derzie, Alain J., MD
Desai, Vikas, MD
D'Esposito, Robert F., MD
DeVita, Gregory A., MD
Dewal, Hargovind S., MD / Spine Surgery
Dhama, Bhupesh, MD / Cardiovascular Disease
Dharia, Nimish S., MD / Internal Medicine
Diamond, Eric A., MD
Diaz, Raymond A., MD
Diblasio, Christopher J., MD
DiCapua, John F., MD / Pain Medicine
Dick, Gilbert A., MD
Dicker, Mordecai A., MD
Dictrow, Robert L., DDS
Din, Mairaj U., MD
Dines, David M., MD
Ding, Xiaoling, MD
Dini, Stephen J., DPM
Dissick, Addie N., MD
Ditkoff, Michael K., MD
Dittmar, Klaus, MD / Medical Oncology / Internal Medicine
Dobriner, Mark W., MD
Doctor, Dilip S., MD
Donnelly, Gerard B., MD / Internal Medicine / Hematology
Dorce, Ketsia, MD
Douglas, Barry K., MD
Dounel, Matthew, MD / Preventive Medicine
Dourmashkin, Michael R., MD
Dowling, Thomas J., Jr., MD / Orthopaedic Surgery / Spine Surgery
Draga, Aspasia E., MD
Drucker, Barry L., DO
Dua, Asha, MD
Dubensky, Deborah L., MD
Dubowsky, Jay J., MD / Internal Medicine
Dugar, Shaifali, MD
Dumitrescu, Paul C., MD
Dyer, Lori, MD / Urology
Dym, Jean-Paul, MD
Edelman, Robert A., MD
Edelman, Sari D., DO / Internal Medicine
Edelson, David G., MD
Edelstein, Martin P., MD
Edgecomb, Paul S., MD
Efkarpides, Teddy, DPM
Eichen, Aimee L., MD
Einbender, Harry J., DDS
Einberg, Kenneth R., MD / Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Eisen, Arthur, MD
Eisenstein, Jack, DPM
Eisikowitz, Leon B., MD / Internal Medicine
Elice, Michael W., MD
Elihu, Shahryar G., MD / Hospice/Palliative Medicine
Eliza, Mariel, MD
Elkowitz, Marc J., MD / Surgery
Ellis, Rachel F., MD
Elliston, Lauren N., MD
Elterman, Steven H., DMD
Enker, Irwin P., MD
Ephrat, Moshe, MD
Epstein, Paul L., MD
Epstein, Ralph H., DDS / Anesthesiology
Errico, Michael J., MD
Erstein, David P., MD / Internal Medicine
Escobar, Celia C., MD
Esmaeili, Azadeh, MD
Ettinger, Alan B., MD
Evanov, Frank A., MD
Ezekwe, Felix I., MD
Ezzi, Nisreen J., MBBS
Fabiano, Fredric, MD
Facibene, William A., MD
Factor, Steven D., MD
Fagan, Ronald C., MD
Faghih, Fariba, MD
Fagin, James C., MD / Pediatrics
Faitell, David A., MD / Internal Medicine
Faliszek, James E., MD / Neuroradiology
Familusi, Abiola O., MD / Physical/Rehab Medicine
Fan, Theresa C., DDS
Farahani, Gholamali, MD
Farkash, Arthur, MD
Farooqi, Mushahid A., MD
Farrugia, Teresa A., DO
Farzan-Kashani, Farzad, MD
Fasano, Andrew J., MD
Fassihi, Amir A., MD
Fastenberg, David M., MD
Feder, John M., MD
Fein, Alan M., MD / Critical Care Medicine / Internal Medicine
Feinberg, Joseph, MD
Feingold, Brian D., MD
Feingold, Randall S., MD
Feinstein, Stuart D., MD
Felderman, Theodore P., MD
Feldman, Herbert B., MD
Feldstein, Richard C., MD
Fell, Brad E., MD
Fenner, Samuel, MD
Ferguson, Christopher J., DPM
Fermin, Timothy C., MD
Ferrone, Philip J., MD
Fetner, Rachel, MD / Internal Medicine
Feuer, Ezra H., MD
Fidler, Elliot J., DDS
Fierstein, David I., MD
Fierstein, Kerry F., MD
Fierstein, Mark A., MD
Fillos, Triantafillos J., MD / Medical Oncology
Fils-Aime, Annie M., MD
Fine, Ronnie G., MD / Urology
Fink, Lawrence S., MD
Finkel, Richard A., MD
Finkelstein, Sharon A., MD
Finn, Richard S., MD
Fiorillo, Annette L., DO / Allergy and Immunology
Fisherman, Barry N., MD
Fitterman, Glen, MD
Fitzgerald, Michael P., MD
Fitzmaurice, Susan, MD
Flamenbaum, Helen S., MD
Fleischhacker, Glenn, DO
Fleischman, Daniel H., DDS
Flicker, Jason T., MD
Flug, Abraham D., MD
Flug, Adam J., MD
Foral, Jonathan M., MD
Forde, Grace I., MD / Neurology
Forte, Richard S., MD / Medical Oncology
Franco, Joseph J., DO / Cardiovascular Disease
Frandina, Martina M., MD
Frank, Joshua E., MD
Frankel, Perry A., MD / Internal Medicine
Frantz, Stephen L., MD / Surgery
Fratello, Steven J., MD
Freeberg, Gary W., MD / Critical Care Medicine / Internal Medicine
Freedman, Alan M., MD / Surgery of the Hand
Freeman, Jason S., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Freilich, Aaron, MD / Internal Medicine
Freyle, Jaime, MD
Frid, Genya, MD
Fried, Allan, MD
Fried, Maxine H., MD / Geriatric Medicine
Fried, Stephen J., MD / Clinical Neurophysiology
Fried, Steven M., MD / Pediatrics
Friedel, Armand, MD
Friedman, Gary H., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Friedman, Seth G., MD / Internal Medicine
Friedman, Steven C., MD / Pediatric Urology
Friedman, Steven G., MD
Fried-Oginski, Wendy B., MD
Frieri, Marianne, MD / Diagnostic Lab Immunology
Fuchs, Suzanne C., DPM
Fuentes-Felix, Candido E., MD / Surgery
Fung-Liu, Blanche, MD / Internal Medicine
Funt, David K., MD
Funt, Tina K., MD
Fuschetto, David P., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Fuschetto, Orlando S., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Futerman, Howard M., MD / Internal Medicine
Fuzaylov, Dmitriy, MD / Pain Medicine
Gadaleta, Dominick C., MD
Gal, Robert A., MD / Internal Medicine
Galea, Cristina M., MD
Gallagher, Pamela M., MD
Gallo, Michael V., MD
Gambino, Anthony T., MD / Interventional Cardiology
Gambino, Charles A., DO
Ganea, Gheorghe R., MD
Ganjian, Emil, MD
Ganz, Cary H., DDS
Garbus, Jules E., MD / Surgery
Garcia-Moreno, Francisco A., MD / Medical Oncology / Internal Medicine
Gardella, Slavina, MD
Gardner, David, DDS
Garofalo, John A., MD
Gasparini, Mauro, MD
Gecelter, Gary R., MD
Gecui, Madalina, MD
Gelfenshteyn, Kira, MD / Internal Medicine
Gennaro, Mark, MD
Genovese, Joseph F., DO / Critical Care Medicine / Internal Medicine
George, Finny, MD
George, Mary L., DMD
George, Zachariah M., MD
Georgescu, Vanda M., DDS
Gerardi, Frank, MD
Gerasimov, Madina R., MD
Gerba, William M., MD / Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Gerontis, Catherine C., MD
Gershbaum, Meyer D., MD
Gerstein, Hal, MD / Hematology / Internal Medicine
Gerut, Zachary E., MD
Gewirtz, Andrew E., MD
Ghalchi, Michael, MD
Gianelli, Philip A., MD / Addiction Psychiatry / Geriatric Psychiatry
Giannikas, Christina S., MD
Gibbs, Alan M., DDS
Gill, Gurmit S., MD / Pulmonary Disease / Sleep Medicine
Giller, Jeffrey P., DDS
Gilliar, Wolfgang G., DO / Neuromuscular Medicine
Ginsberg, Ari L., MD / Medical Oncology
Ginsberg, Edwin, DMD
Ginsburg, Dov B., MD
Ginzburg, Lev, MD / Internal Medicine
Girardi, Sarah K., MD
Gitlin, Jordan S., MD / Urology
Giuffrida, Michael J., MD
Given, William P., MD
Giyanani, Ravi, MD
Glaser, Robert, MD
Glashofer, Marc D., MD
Glasman, Abraham M., MD
Glavas, Panagiotis, DDS
Glick, Jaimie B., MD
Glick, Mark A., MD
Glickman, Laurence T., MD
Glickman, Scott S., MD
Gluck, Joel T., DDS
Gocs, Diane M., MD
Goel, Nirmit, MD
Gold, Michael B., MD
Gold, Risa L., MD / Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
Goldberg, Amy D., MD
Goldberg, Douglas A., MD / Internal Medicine
Goldberg, Gary D., MD
Goldberg, Jeffrey A., DDS
Goldberg, Joel, MD / Internal Medicine
Goldberg, Leslie P., MD
Goldberg, Steven M., MD / Internal Medicine
Goldblum, Lester F., DO / Internal Medicine
Golden, Sherwin K., MD
Goldfarb, Andrew M., MD / Nuclear Cardiology
Goldman, Arnold J., MD
Goldman, Neil S., MD / Addiction Psychiatry
Goldstein, Brian S., MD
Goldstein, Eric M., MD
Goldstein, Ilene J., MD / Pediatrics
Goldstein, Jonathan V., MD
Goldstein, Matthew J., MD
Goldstein, Michael J., MD / Internal Medicine
Goldstein, Michael T., MD
Goldstein, Stanley, MD / Pediatrics / Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine
Golub, Cary M., DPM / Foot Surgery
Golyan, Bijan, DO / Internal Medicine
Golyan, Faraidoon D., DO / Internal Medicine
Golyan, Joseph, MD / Internal Medicine
Gombert, Myles E., MD / Internal Medicine
Gomez, Henry E., MD / Internal Medicine
Goncharuk, Andrey, MD / Internal Medicine
Gooden, Cheryl, MD / Pediatric Anesthesiology
Goodman, Barry S., DDS
Goradia, Meera S., MD
Gordon, Ronald J., MD
Gordon, Susan, MD
Gorski, John F., MD
Gorski, Lydia E., MD / Geriatric Medicine
Gostanian, Nouneh J., MD / Hematology
Gotlieb, Vladimir K., MD / Medical Oncology / Internal Medicine
Gould, Eric F., MD
Gould, Robert J., MD / Pediatrics
Goussis, Onoufrios S., MD / Internal Medicine
Graham, Kenneth B., MD
Grant, Fitzclaud, MD
Grant, John A., MBBCH / Pediatric Neurological Surgery
Grant, Robert T., MD
Greco, Gina C., DO
Green, Abraham I., MD
Green, Howard S., MD
Green, Judith, MD
Green, Shari B., MD
Greenbaum, Mitchell, DPM
Greenbaum, Scott, MD
Greenberg, Andrew P., MD
Greenberg, Andrew S., MD / Surgery of the Hand
Greenberg, Burt M., MD
Greenberg, Stephen T., MD / Surgery
Greenfield, Martin, MD / Internal Medicine
Greenspan, Stacy L., DO / Neuroradiology
Greenstein, Steven E., MD
Grieco, Richard J., MD
Griffin, Daniel O., MD / Internal Medicine
Grijnsztein, Jacob M., MD
Grinman, Lev, MD
Grobman, Craig R., DO
Grossman, Martin A., MD / Hospice/Palliative Medicine
Grossman, Seth A., MD
Grotas, Jason A., MD
Gruber, Jack, DDS
Guillaume, Carl, MD
Guinto, Roy B., MD
Gumenik, Liliya, DPM / Foot Surgery
Gupta, Adarsh K., MBBS / Psychosomatic Medicine / Sleep Medicine
Gupta, Aruna, MD / Medical Oncology
Gupta, Deepti, DDS
Gupta, Mohinder P., MD / Internal Medicine
Gupta, Rom M., MD / Internal Medicine
Gupta, Saroj, MBBS
Gupta, Swarn K., MD / Internal Medicine
Guram, Mohinder K., MBBS
Gursoy, Erdal C., MD / Internal Medicine / Cardiac Electrophysiology
Guy, Judah P., MD
Ha, Chung K., MD / Gastroenterology
Haas, Ronald C., DDS / Prosthodontics
Haber, Laurence D., MD
Haberman, Jeffrey, MD
Hadi, Syed U., MBBS
Hadjiev, Boyan, MD / Internal Medicine
Hafeez, Tahir, MD / Internal Medicine
Haghighi, Farzad A., MD
Haig, Ellen, MD / Internal Medicine
Haimovic, Itzhak C., MD
Hakimian, Justin, MD
Halikiopoulos, Demetrios, DO
Halio, Joel H., MD
Hallenbeck, Richard D., MD
Haller, Jeffrey E., MD / Internal Medicine
Halpern, David K., MD
Halpern, Max N., MD
Hammerschlag, Bruce C., MD
Hampton, Phyllis A., MD
Han, Michael S., MD / Clinical Neurophysiology
Hande, Rashmi, MD
Hannanian, Farshad D., MD
Hantverk, Jed A., MD
Hao, Howard, MD
Happes, Michael, MD / Cardiovascular Disease
Harghel, Cristian, MD / Geriatric Medicine
Harnett-Robinson, Roy E., MD
Harnick, Joel I., MD / Pediatrics
Harris, Maury, MD
Hartendorp, Paul A., MD / Surgery
Harvey-Banchik, Lillian P., MD
Haselkorn, Joan S., MD
Hass, Ada, MD
Hassan, Khawaja Ali A., MD
Hassan, Rana N., MD
Hassan, Zena K., MD
Hassett, John J., Jr., MD / Pulmonary Disease / Critical Care Medicine
Hassett, John J., Jr., MD / Critical Care Medicine / Sleep Medicine
Haunss-Sapinski, Karen A., MD
Hawkins, Lynn A., MD / Pediatric Endocrinology
Hayes, Daniel D., MD
Hayman, Robert T., MD / Dermatology
Hays, Peyton L., MD
He, Jinghua, MD / Pain Medicine
He, Xiaorong, MD
Hebroni, Shohre, MD
Heimann, Stuart J., DDS
Heinze, Glenn W., DMD
Held, Evan L., MD
Heller, Alvin W., DDS
Heller, Arielle R., DDS
Heller, Haren A., MD
Henderson, Jannell F., MD
Hendizadeh, Pedram A., DPM
Hendler-Goldberg, Karen L., MD
Henry, Charles S., MD
Henry, Heidi K., MD
Herko, Patricia, MD
Herling, Steven L., DO
Herman, Eugene G., DMD
Herman, Laura A., MD
Herman, Marc W., DDS
Herman, Robert D., MD / Internal Medicine
Heron, Dihan, MD
Hershon, Kenneth S., MD / Internal Medicine
Hershon, Stuart J., MD
Herzberg, Abraham J., DPM
Higgins, Kenneth J., MD
Hilepo, Jim N., MD / Internal Medicine
Hira, Jai S., MD
Hirjibehedin, Pouruchishti F., MD
Hirsch, Barbara R., MD
Hirsch, Jonathan D., MD / Internal Medicine
Hirschberg, Robert, DO
Hitner, Jason B., MD
Hochstein, Alec O., DPM
Hoffman, Bernard, MD / Child/Adolescent Psychiatry
Hoffman, Lloyd A., MD / Surgery of the Hand / Surgery
Hoffman, Michael L., MD / Internal Medicine
Hogan, Timothy, MD
Hom, Adam, MD
Hong, Benjamin D., MD / Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
Hong, David E., DO / Surgery