Ex. No: 1 Document Creation and text manipulation
with scientific notations
I. Open a new document using File -> New option and type the text.
II. Bold, Italic, Underline, Spell check
1. Select the word.
2. Press CTRL+B or button on the formatting toolbar.
3. Press CTRL+I or button on the formatting toolbar.
4. Press CTRL+U or button on the formatting toolbar.
5. Right click on the word, Click Spelling and Grammar on tools or button on the standard tool bar.
III. Saving the document
1. Press CTRL+S or button on the standard tool bar
2. Select the Save option from the File menu. It shows the Save As dialog box. Choose a suitable file name in File name text box. Then click save button on Save As dialog box.
IV. Alignment
1. Select the text for alignment.
2. Left alignment: Press CTRL+L or button on the formatting toolbar.
3. Right alignment: Press CTRL+R or button on the formatting toolbar.
4. Center alignment: Press CTRL+E or button on the formatting toolbar.
5. Justification: Press CTRL+J or button on the formatting toolbar.
V. Bullets and Numbering
1. Select the text.
2. Click Bullets button on the formatting tool bar or choose Bullets and Numbering option from the Format menu. The following dialog
box appears.
3. Choose required Bullet from the Bullet tab for Bullets.
4. Choose Numbering button on the formatting tool bar or choose required number series from the Numbered tab in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.
VI. Line Spacing
1. Select the paragraphs of the document or choose Select All option from the Edit menu or by pressing CTRL + A.
2. Choose paragraph option from the Format menu. A paragraph dialog box appears.
3. Select the line spacing that is required then click ok.
VII. Font Type and Size
1. Select the required text.
2. Choose Font option from the Format menu. The Font dialog box appear as shown below.
3. Choose the required font type from the Font drop down list box and the required size from the Size list box on the Font Dialog box. Then click OK.
VIII. Inserting Symbols
1. Type the text, then put the cursor where the symbol is to be inserted.
2. Choose Symbols option from the Insert menu.
3. It shows the Symbol dialog box. Then choose the appropriate Font type.
4. Then choose the required symbol from the Symbols dialog box. Then click OK.
IX. Adding Animation to the text
1. Type and select the required text.
2. Choose Format -> Font option.
3. Font dialog box is displayed, choose Text Effects tab.
4. Choose the required animation and click OK.
Ex.No:2 Table creation, Table formatting and Conversion
To create , format and convert tables using MS-Word.
I. Table Insertion
1. Choose Table -> Insert ->Table option.
2. It displays Insert Table dialog box.
3. Choose the required number of rows and columns and then click OK.
II. Split and merge cells
1. Select the cell to be splitted.
2. Click Table menu from the Menu bar.
3. Select Split cell option from the Table menu, the split cells dialog box appears.
5. Enter the choice to split cells and click OK.
6. Select the cells in the table for merging.
7. Select the Merge cell option from the Table menu or click on the Merge cells button in the Tables and Borders toolbar.
III. Sorting the table contents
1. Select the table to be sorted and choose Sort option from the Table menu.
2. The sort dialog box is displayed.
3. Choose the required column for sorting in the Sort list box and click OK.
IV. Splitting the table
1. Select the row from which the table is to be divided.
2. Choose Split table option in the Table menu.
V. Calculations using formula
1. Insert the table & type the required information.
2. Place the cursor in the cell at which calculation result is to be displayed.
(For example, finding the maximum in a column).
3. Choose Formula option from the Table menu, Formula dialog box is
VI. Auto formatting the table
1. Select the table.
2. Choose Table AutoFormat option in the Table menu which shows the Table Autoformat dialog box.
3. Choose the required format from the Formats list box and click OK.
VII. Converting the table to text
1. Select the table.
2. Choose the Convert - > Table to Text options from the Table menu.
3. Now it shows the Convert table to text dialog box.
4. Choose the separator of the text and click OK.
VII. Converting the text to table
1. Select the text to be converted to table.
2. Choose the Convert -> Text to Table option from the Table menu which shows the convert text to table dialog box.
3. Choose the table size and separator text option and click OK.
Ex.No:3 Mail Merge and Letter Preparation
To do mail merge and prepare letters using MS-Word.
I. Mail Merge
A. Creating the main document
1. on the menu bar, click on Tools-> Letters & Mailings-> Mail Merge...
2. A task pane will appear on the right of the word document.
3. Under Select document type, choose Letters
4. Click on Next: Starting document at the bottom of the task pane
B. Selecting the starting document
1. Under Select starting document, select Use the current document will allow you to start from the current document shown on the screen.
2. Click on Next: Select recipients at the bottom of the task pane
C. Selecting recipients
1. Under Select recipients, click Type a new list.
2. Click Create..., the following window will appear.
3. In the New Address List window, type the data you want to include under Enter Address information; for example, title, names, and address information.
4. To make another entry, click New Entry.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you've added all the entries you want, and then click Close.
6. In the Save Address List window, type a name for the data list in the File name field, and select a folder to save the list.
7. Click Save.
8. click on Next: Write your letter.
D. Formatting letter
1. Type the text that you want to appear in every form letter.
2. Insert merge fields where you want to merge names, addresses, and other data from the data source (i.e. recipient list) by clicking anywhere you want in the main document to insert the field.
3. Then click on More Items and insert individual field.
4. click Next: Preview your letters.
E . Preview letters
1. To preview the items in order, click the arrows under the Preview your letters heading.
2. To locate a specific item, click Find a recipient..., and then enter the criteria in the Find field.
3. To change the list of recipients, click Edit recipient list..., and make your changes in the Mail Merge Recipients window.
4. Click on Next: Complete the Merge at the bottom of the task pane
F. Complete the merge
1. Click Edit individual letters
2. In the Merge to New Document window, select the records you want to merge.
3. Click OK.
II. Printing Labels
1. Choose Tools->Envelopes and Labels option.
2. It displays Envelopes and Labels dialog box.
3. Type the Label Address in the Address box.
4. Click on Full page of same label option.
5. Click on New document.
III. Letter Wizard
1. Choose Tools->Letter Wizard.
2. It displays Letter Wizard Dialog box.
3. Choose the appropriate page design and Letter style and click OK.
ExN0:4 Drawing - Flowchart
To draw flowcharts using MS-Word.
1. Choose Flowchart option in the Autoshapes menu of the Drawing toolbar.
2. Choose the appropriate flowchart symbol. Then drag the Symbol in the document.
3. Type the text in the symbol by Right-click then choose Add Text.
4. Using the Arrow button Line style button Arrow style in the Drawing toolbar. Draw the lines connecting to the different flowchart symbols.
5. Select all the flowchart symbols and lines in the document using the select object button, then Right-click to choose Grouping->Group.
ExN0:5 Chart- Line, XY, Bar and Pie
To draw Line, XY, Bar and Pie charts using MS- Excel.
I. Line Chart
1. Enter the data in the spreadsheet.
2. Choose Chart option from the Insert menu or choose the chart Wizard button from the standard tool bar.
3. It shows the chart wizard step 1 0f 4 – chart type dialog box.
4. Choose the Line chart from the chart type list box. Then click Next.
5. It shows the chart wizard step 2 0f 4 – chart type dialog box.
6. Click on data range to select the required data.
7. Click on series tab to enter the X- axis values and click Next.
8. It shows the chart wizard step 3 0f 4 – chart type dialog box.
9. Enter the values for chart title, X and Y axes. Click Next.
10. It shows the chart wizard step 4 0f 4 – chart type dialog box.
11. Click on Finish. Similar procedure will be followed for Bar , Pie , XY Chart.
ExN0:6 Formula – Formula Editor
To calculate the formula by formula editor using MS- Excel.
I. Calculation:
1. Enter the data in the worksheet as follows
2. Place the cursor in G4, type =SUM (B4:F4).
3. Copy the formulae for the remaining students.
4. finally, the worksheet is shown as follows:
ExN0:7 Spreadsheet – inclusion of object, picture and graphics, protecting the document and sheet.
To include the object, picture, graphics and protect the document and also sheet.
I. Inserting the objects in the worksheet:
1. Choose object option in the Insert menu.
2. Select a file or object from the file as shown below:
4. choose picture option from the insert menu
5. Choose appropriate object from the Autoshape menu of the drawing toolbar.
II. Inserting a picture.
1. Choose picture option in the Insert menu.
2. Then choose From file option.
3. now the Insert Picture dialog box is shown as below:
4. Choose the picture to insert into the worksheet and click on insert button.
5. Now the selected picture is inserted into the worksheet.
III. Show the worksheet in 3D effect.
1. Open the worksheet, using File -> open option.
2. Now it opens the selected worksheet.
3. Select the data range in the worksheet.
4. Choose Format -> AutoFormat..
5. It shows the AutoFormat dialog box as shown below.
6. Click on 3D Effects auto format.
7. Now the worksheet is shown in 3D format style.
IV. Protect a sheet in MS-Excel.
1. Click on cell, which you want to protect.
2. Choose Tools - > Protection, then choose protect sheet
3. It shows the protect sheet dialog box asking the password to protect sheet.
4. Type the password click and ok. Then it asks for confirmation password box. Type the same password again and then click ok.
5. Now the sheet is under protection.
6. If you click on any cell to type, then the following message box appears by specifying the sheet under protection.
7. To remove protection, choose Tools -> Protection - > Unprotect Sheet, and then type the password to unprotect.
8. Now the sheet can be unprotected and follow the same procedure by choosing the Tool -> Protection -> Protect Workbook option, to protect the workbook.
Ex.No:8 Sorting and Import / Export Features
To sort the data , import external data from access database and to export the data using MS-Excel.
I. Sorting
1. Enter the required data and select the data to be sorted.
2. Choose Sort option from the Data menu.
3. It displays sort dialog box.
4. Then choose the column name in sort by combo box and also choose whether ascending or descending.
5. Then click OK.
II. Importing External data
1. Create a database in MS-Access.
2. Choose Data->Import External Data->Import Data
3. It displays the Select Data Source dialog box.
4. Select the required data source and click open.
1. Open the workbook.
2. On the File menu, click Save As.
3. Now the Save As dialog box appears.
4. In the File name box type a new name for the workbook.
5. In the Save As type list, click a file format.
6. Click on save button.