Division of Engineering Research
The E-Funding News

June 7, 2013

- MSU ICER is hosting several training courses this summer for students and
faculty interested in learning techniques for high performance computing.

- NSF S-STEM 12-529 internal Engineering selection documents due to Dr. Chatti June 7, 2013- see email from 5/24 for details.

-For the latest agency info on the effect of Sequestration, this is a good website

- For information on NSF’s transition to Research.Gov reporting effective Feb 1, 2013-

-If you’ve been away, archived E-Funding News are easily accessed at


1.International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) - NSF

2.National Reconnaissance Office Broad Agency Announcement for the FY2014 Director's Innovation Initiative Program

3.Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) - Methods of Improving Air Traffic Radar Performance – Dept Transporatation
4. Geoinformatics (GI) - NSF

5.Innovation Corps Sites Program (I-Corps Sites) – NSF

6. Explosives and Equipment Characterization (EXEC) Pre-Solicitation Conference – Dept Homeland Security

7. First Responders Group Broad Agency Announcement – Dept Homeland Security
8. Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, system integration, operationalization, sustainment, acquisition, exploitation and fusion support for Biometrics Forensic Enabled Intelligence (BFEI) systems - Army
9.Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Data Analysis Program - FHWA

11.Data-Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas Lab to Foster Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning – NSF


1.International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) - NSF

Solicitation: NSF 12-551

Due: August 20, 2013

The International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) program supports development of globally-engaged U.S. science and engineering students capable of performing in an international research environment at the forefront of science and engineering. The IRES program supports active research participation by students enrolled as undergraduates or graduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. IRES projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the IRES program

2.National Reconnaissance Office Broad Agency Announcement for the FY2014 Director's Innovation Initiative Program
SOL: NRO000-13-R-0319
DUE: 080913
The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is interested in receiving research and development proposals for the Director's Innovation Initiative (DII) Program focusing on the following areas: 1) Enabling Collection Technologies and 2) Data Processing, Management And Dissemination Enabling Technologies. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) as contemplated in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.102(d)(2) for US domestic private industry and educational institutions. This announcement declares the NRO's intent to competitively fund research and development for innovative technologies that meet the focus areas set forth in the BAA. Synopsis

3.Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) - Methods of Improving Air Traffic Radar Performance – Dept Transportation
DUE: 070113
United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) is seeking non-federal partners ("Collaborators") in industry and/or academia to consider for entry into Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) (described in 15 USC 3710a) to: - Collaboratively explore, develop, and potentially demonstrate innovations in/techniques of mitigating the performance degradations imposed on air traffic radars by various large obstacles and provide an integrated view of the air traffic in the airspace volume above the obstacles which is roughly equivalent to what would be provided if the obstacles were not present. - Potentially conduct field trials of the pertinent techniques, including hardware and software components, supporting equipment and procedures, and user interfaces to assess utility in mitigating performance impacts. The products of the collaborative research will be reports regarding the nature of the techniques and paper studies and/or field trials demonstrating the techniques' feasibility, utility, proposed Concepts of Operations, costs, and risks and descriptions of the technical details of proposed techniques. Synopsis

4.Geoinformatics (GI) - NSF

Solicitation: 11-581

Due: July 1, 2013

The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) will consider proposals for the development of cyberinfrastructure for the geosciences (Geoinformatics). EAR seeks the development and implementation of enabling information technology with impacts that extend beyond an individual investigator or small group of investigators and that facilitates the next generation of geosciences research. Proposals to this solicitation may seek support for community-driven development and implementation of databases; tools for data integration,interoperability, and visualization; software development and code hardening; and data-intensive/new computing methodologies that support the enhancement of geosciences research and education activities. Collaboration with computational scientists and the development of public/private partnerships are strongly encouraged.

5.Innovation Corps Sites Program (I-Corps Sites)– NSF

Solicitation: NSF 12-604

Due: July 1, 2013
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society.

In order tocontribute toa national innovation ecosystem, NSF is establishing the NSF Innovation Corps Sites Program(NSF I-Corps Sites).

6. Explosives and Equipment Characterization (EXEC) Pre-Solicitation Conference – Dept Homeland Security
SOL: HSHQDC-13-R-00051
DUE: 071613
The purpose of this announcement is to provide information about the Explosives and Equipment Characterization (EXEC) Pre-Solicitation Conference to be held on July 16, 2013 at the William J. Cohen Auditorium in Washington, D.C. Please see the attached document for information regarding this conference, including instructions on how to register. This conference is a follow-on to Request for Information (RFI) HSHQDC-13-R-00051, which closed on June 4, 2013.Synopsis

7. First Responders Group Broad Agency Announcement – Dept Homeland Security
SOL: HSHQDC-13-R-B0012
DUE: 060517
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology (S&T) Directorate is announcing to business and academia its intent to solicit proposals under this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is contemplated in Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 6.102(d)(2) and 35.016. This announcement does not request any proposals at this time. Solicitations (or calls) for proposals will be accomplished via amendments to this BAA. The over-arching strategy of the BAA involves the use of this 5-year open-ended BAA to quickly and efficiently execute research and development to deliver practical solutions to urgent first responder problems. This strategy will provide DHS an acquisition tool with the flexibility to solicit proposals and make awards to perform rapid prototyping of technical solutions to meet present and compelling first responder needs, as ever-changing urgent operational issues and capability gaps are identified. The BAA will remain "open" for 5 years; however, proposals will only be solicited and accepted during calls. Each call will identify solicitation topics and contain a common cut-off date for proposal submission.

8. Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, system integration, operationalization, sustainment, acquisition, exploitation and fusion support for Biometrics Forensic Enabled Intelligence (BFEI) systems - Army
SOL: W15P7T-13-R-A052
DUE: 061213
This effort will support, sustain and optimize designated Biometric Enabled Intelligence (BEI) and Forensic Enabled Intelligence (FEI) systems and build the future capabilities to meet the immediate warfighting needs and to allow the search and exploitation of the high valued adversaries. SEE ATTACHED PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT FOR A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THIS EFFORTSynopsis

9.Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Data Analysis Program - FHWA

Solicitation: DTFH61-13-R-00031

Due: July 22, 2013

This is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) pre-solicitation notice (synopsis) for a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) with full and open competition. The Office of Infrastructure - Research Development & Technology would like to conduct research with an objective for this BAA to derive useable and useful interim advances, with immediate applications in pavement design, construction, and evaluation practice, through analysis of the data available in the LTPP program. It is intended that the scope of individual analysis contracts undertaken through this BAA is to conduct LTPP data analysis that support achievement of the analysis objectives set forth in the Strategic Plan for Long-Term Pavement Performance Data Analysis.

This is a modification to the synopsis entitled RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN AERONAUTICS 2013 originally posted on December 18, 2012. This Announcement solicits proposals for new topics in Appendix E.2, provided as Amendment #2, to ROA NRA NNH13ZEA001N. Specific Details of the new topics in Appendix E.2, including Proposal Due Dates can be accessed from the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) ( ), under Open Solicitations for ROA NRA NNH13ZEA001N. All other information included in the original posting remains unchanged.

11.Data-Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas Lab to Foster Transformative Approaches to Teaching and Learning – NSF

Solicitation: 13-565

Due: Preliminary Proposals Aug 19, 2013; Full proposals Dec 9, 2013

The goal of this activity is to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches that address the use of large data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments (formal and informal) in the medium term, and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. These approaches will involve the work of learning scientists, STEM disciplinary experts, computer scientists, statisticians, database experts and educational researchers who design and study learning environments.

Other Funding Opportunities:
This and earlier notices are archived at

Environmental RFPS posted by MSU (Tom Dietz):
-SBIR/STTR - info for many agencies:
-Grants.Gov – search individually by key word, agency, etc.
-Army Research Office:
-Institutionally limited procedure for proposals for MSU –

-NIH - Bioimaging/Bioengineering opportunities –

-Office of Naval Research:
-Michigan Biotechnology -
-For more Funding Opportunity information, Search Engines, etc. see the DER Funding web site: