Maidenbower Junior School
Harvest Road Maidenbower Crawley West Sussex RH10 7RA
Tel: 01293 883758 Fax: 01293 889409
Headteacher: Mrs AR Croucher BA (QTS) Hons
April 2015
Dear Parents
This year, the children in Year 5 are taking part in the Forest Schools Project. This will involve children spending time in the forest where they will develop their team work skills, respect for nature and respect for each other. Each class is intending to go out to the forest for 4 sessions this term.
We need your permission to walk the children past Oriel High School, under the railway and to the edge of Tilgate Forest to the site we are using. A full risk assessment of the site has been carried out by staff and The Sussex Wildlife Trust.
We really would welcome any offers of help from parents. For morning sessions, we will leave school each day at approximately 9amand return at around 12:30pm. For afternoon sessions, we will leave school each day at 11:45am and return at around 3:05pm.
We require at least 2adult helpers to accompany the children. Thank you.
5KN - Weds 6th May pm, Thurs 21st May pm, Mon 8th June pm, Tues 7th July am.
5JD - Thurs 7th May am, Thurs 21st May am, Mon 15th June am, Tues 7th July pm.
5ST - Weds 6th May am, Tues 19th May am, Mon 8th June am, Weds 8th July am.
5CW - Tues 5th May am, Mon 18th May pm, Weds 10th June pm, Weds 8th July pm.
5OC - Tues 5th May pm, Mon 18th May am, Mon 15th June pm, Mon 6th July pm.
The children will need a packed lunch and a drink in their water bottle as we will picnic in the woods. If your child normally has a hot school lunch, this will need to be cancelled for this date.
Children should wear hardy, home clothes and suitable footwear such as trainers or walking boots. Long sleeves and trousers will prevent scratches and insect bites – no shorts or skirts. A waterproof layer is essential and, from experience, too many layers are better than not enough! A covering of insect repellent is also recommended before the children leave home. If the weather is too wet or windy we will postpone the day and inform you of the next rearranged date. This decision will be made on the day so please still assume it is on and come to school with all the kit on the scheduled day.
I apologise for the short notice on some of these dates but we wanted to get out in the woods as soon as possible to undertake the Forest School programme. Please could you therefore complete the permission slip below and return to school. Many thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely
Miss K. Negus
Year 5 Assistant Head
Child’s name…………………………...... …… Class………………………..
I give permission for my child to walk to Tilgate Forest to do the Forest School activities.
Please tick appropriate box
[ ] I am able to help (please indicate which dates you are available for)
[ ] I am unable to help.
Curious Children Growing Massive Minds