IHSAA Volleyball Rules Interpretations—2013
(Revised November 1, 2013)
Editorial Corrections to NFHS Materials
2013-14 NFHS Volleyball Rule Book - Major Editorial Changes (page3): Rule 5-7-3b Rule 5-8-3b
The second referee and the official scorerthe official timer will now time the 30-second injury time-out without the use of the visible scoreboard
The rule reference was listed as 5-7-3b, but should be 5-8-3b. Also the same reference states that the second referee and the official scorer will now time the 30-second injury time-out. The editorial change should be “the official timer”.
Rules Interpretations
Situation #1: Rule 5-4-4-d-2,3 Court Protocol
Prior to a deciding set, the first referee whistles the end-of-set and directs the teams to their benches. The second referee double whistles and raises a coin in the air to signal the captains to go near the officials’ table for the deciding set coin toss. Upon completion of the deciding set coin toss, the second referee communicates the results of the toss to the first referee by extending an outstretched arm on the side of the team to serve first. The second referee then indicates if the teams will remain on their current team benches or change team benches.
Ruling: Correct Procedure
Comment: The second referee indicates to the first referee the serving team by signaling their current positions on the court followed by the signal to change courts or stay at their current team bench. The first referee has the responsibility to instruct the teams to change courts or remain at their current team bench.
Situation #2: Rule 7-1-2 Lineup
Team A’s coach submits the team’s lineup for set 2 as “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”. When Team A takes the court to start the set, the R2 finds that #7 is on the court instead of #6. Team A does have #6 on the team bench. The R2 instructs the coach that #6 must enter the court in place of #7 since that is what the lineup indicates. The coach informs the R2 that she wants #7 to be a starter and not #6. The R2 informs the coach that #6 must take the court and then the coach can request a substitution, #7 for #6, prior to the start of the set.
Ruling: Correct Procedure
Comment: The written lineup shall not be changed except between sets of a match (no later than one minute remaining in the timed interval), for a legal substitution prior to the start of the set, or to replace a starting player who is injured/ill prior to the start of the set.
Situation #3: Rule 10-4-5b Libero Serving
Team A's libero #3 replaces #19 in the center back position. Team A wins the rally. Team A's #19 replaces libero #3 and moves to the left back position. Libero #3 moves to serve, without leaving the court, replacing #6 who was the right front and the next server. Team A's #6 goes through the replacement zone to the team bench. The referees declare this replacement is illegal because the double libero replacement is legal only when the libero is in the left back position.
Ruling: Incorrect ruling
Comment: This is the double libero replacement (do-see-do) from the center back position. This is not the typical time for double libero replacement, but it is legal. Rule 10-4-5b does not specify that the double libero replacement must happen from the LB position, only that the libero moves from his/her on-court position to the RB (serving) position without being out of the set for one rally/dead ball.
Situation #4: Rule 5-7-3-b Libero Tracker Responsibilities
After Team A calls their first time out, the libero tracker informs the second referee that the libero for Team A is on the court and the libero for Team B is on the team bench.
Ruling: Correct procedure
Comment: In previous years, the R2 had to request this information from the libero tracker.
Situation #5: Rule 9-7-2 Double Fault
After a legal serve by Team S, it is discovered that both Team S and Team R are illegally aligned at the time of contact for serve. The R1 whistles and signals for a replay.
Ruling: Correct procedure
Comment: The result of the play is a double foul (opposing players commit rule violations at the same instant).
Situation #6: Rule 4-1-4 Player Equipment
Team A; (a) takes the court with several players having a towel tucked into their waistband of their uniform; (b) has a substitute enter the substitution zone with a towel tucked into his/her uniform’s waistband. In both (a), and (b) the referees allow play to continue.
Ruling: Correct procedure
Comment: Changes to Rule 4-1-4 deleted the reference that a towel tucked in a player's uniform waistband is an automatic violation.
• It is now permissible for a player to have a towel tucked into the waistband, providing it does not frequently fall to the floor.
• If this occurs, unnecessary delay shall be assessed the offending team and the towel shall be removed.
Situation #7: Rule 4-1-4 and Rule 9-6-7 Player Equipment / Net Fault
Player #5 has a towel tucked into the waistband of her uniform. During a play at the net, the towel contacts the net. The R2 whistles and signals a net fault on player #5.
Ruling: Correct procedure
Situation #8: Rule 6-4-3-b Player Positions
Team R is receiving the serve and the CB is positioned, with her feet close together, directly in front of the RB. Both players are facing the net. The RB is directly behind the CB, but her right foot is closer to the right sideline than the right foot of the CB.
Ruling: The players are legally aligned and play continues.
Comment: The RB is closer to the right sideline than the CB. When determining alignment, the position of the feet of the players, not the body of the players, determines legal or illegal alignment.
Situation #9: Rule 5-1-1 and Rule 5-4-3-a-4
Prior to the match, the host school provides the first referee with two, experienced, adult line judges who have been trained in their duties. The visiting team’s coach requests that the R1 replace one of the line judges because she is the parent of one of the players on the host team. The R1 denies the request by the visiting team coach and allows the line judge in question to stay.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Comment: Line judges, unless determined otherwise by state association policy, shall be provided by the host school. It is important for line judges to be impartial during the performance of their duties so,during the set, the first referee may replace a scorer, libero tracker, timer or line judge who is not performing his/her duties properly.
Situation #10: Rule 4-1-1 Equipment and Accessories
During Team B’s warm-up, the referees observe a player wearing an arm sleeve which is made of a moisture absorbing material with elbow padding and palm protection. The referees allow the arm sleeve to be worn as a legal accessory.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Comment: The sleeves do not increase a player’s advantage any more than long sleeved shirts.
Situation #11: Rule 4-2-2 Libero Uniform
Team A’s regular players have uniform tops that are predominately red with long sleeves. The libero is wearing a plain white short sleeved uniform top with legal numbers on the front and back. During the team’s warm-up, Team B’s coach asks the first referee to disallow the libero because the sleeves are different length than the other players. The first referee rules that the libero uniform is legal.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Comment: The style and trim of the libero’s uniform top may differ from teammates’ uniforms, but the shorts must be like-colored to teammates.
Situation #12: Rule 10-4-Penalty 1 Libero Replacement
After the whistle/signal for serve but before contact for serve, the libero for the receiving team replaces a back row player. The R1 does not call the illegal replacement immediately, but waits until the server for Team S contacts the ball before blowing the whistle for illegal replacement.
Ruling: Correct Procedure
Comment: The penalty for illegal libero replacement after the whistle/signal for serve is illegal alignment. Illegal alignment must be called after the contact of the serve.
Situation #13: Rule 4 Player Equipment
At the beginning of a team warm-up, the referees observe (a) a player on the court with jewelry, (b) a team manager assisting with drills wearing an electronic music device, (c) a student assisting with warm-up wearing flip flops, (d) a student talking on a cell phone while assisting with warm-ups, (e) an adult assisting with warm-ups with high heeled shoes. The R1 informs the team coach that in each case, the person must make corrections to their attire before continuing to assist with the warm-up.
Ruling: Correct ruling in a, b, c, and d. Incorrect ruling in e.
Comment: Previous NFHS rule interpretations have indicated that it is important for purposes of risk minimization that any individual actively taking part in team warm-ups be in proper attire and free from electronic devices such as cell phones and music devices. It has been determined that adults participating in a team warm-up are legally responsible for their own well-being.
Situation #14: Simultaneous contact Rule 9-4-6-d
While at the net, player #1 on Team A and player #4 on Team B contact the ball at the same instant. The ball rolls down the net cable and (a) lands within Team A's court; (b) lands out of bounds on Team A's side of the net.
Ruling: In (a), and (b)Team B's player #4 is considered to have contacted the ball last since the ball landed on Team A's side of the net. (a) dead ball inbounds, point to Team B; (b) out of bounds, point to Team A.
Situation #15: Simultaneous contact and antenna contact Rules 9-4-6 and 9-3-3a
Immediately following a joust, the ball rolls along the top of the net into the antenna, landing out of bounds on Team S's side of the net.
RULING: Replay.
COMMENT: The ball becomes dead when it hits the antenna.
Situation #16: Official Volleyball Signals
During the set, the first referee indicates player faults by using signals from a non-NFHS rule code.
Ruling: Improper officiating mechanics by the first referee
Comment: Only Official NFHS Volleyball Signals are to be used by the first referee and second referee. The signals are listed in the Official Rules Book and the Officials Manual.
Situation #17: Player Equipment Rule 4-1-1
Prior to the match, Team A’s coach has the referees inspect the hand of a player who is wearing a “playing cast” which is covered with soft padding. The first referee declares the cast illegal equipment and does not allow the player to play.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Situation #18: Injury Time-out Rule: 11-4-2
A team, with only 6 players, has an injured/ill player who is unable to play at the end of an official’s injury/illness time-out and all other timeouts. No legal or exceptional substitutes are available. The first referee calls a special injury time-out of up to three minutes for the injured/ill player to return. The player cannot return by the conclusion of the special injury time-out. The team continues the set with only 5 players. During this set, another player on the team is injured and the first referee allows another special injury time-out.
Ruling: Proper procedure
Comment: A player may be granted only a single special injury time-out during the match. If the player cannot return by the conclusion of the special injury time-out, then the team shall play short for the remainder of the set. The injured/ill player could return to play in subsequent sets of the match.
Situation #19: Officials’ Signals Officials’ ManualSection G
During play, Team A contacts the ball and it then lands outside court area on Team A’s side. The line judge signals Out-of-Bounds.
Ruling: Incorrect signal
Comment: Ball Touched: Signal 10 "Used to indicate a touch off a block or a team's first, second, or third contact with the ball landing out of bounds on that team's side of the net."
Out of Bounds: Signal 14 "The ball is ruled out of bounds after completely crossing the net."
Situation #20: Start of Match Protocol
During introductions, (a) the players stand on the endline, (b) stand on the attack line, (c) stand at the team bench and greet the opposing coach prior to taking a position on the sideline in front of their bench. After the introductions, the first referee whistles for the teams to meet at the net to shake hands.
Ruling: Proper procedure in each case
Comment: The host school determines where teams are to stand during the pre-match ceremonies. The most common place is on each endline.
Situation #21: Start of Set Protocol Officials’ Manual Section D
At the beginning of the match, after checking the starting lineups of each team, the second referee takes the ball from the officials’ table and rolls it to the first server. For subsequent sets, the second referee holds the ball while checking the lineups.
Ruling: Incorrect protocol
Comment: The ball should be on the officials’ table while the second referee checks the lineups. The R2 should check with the scorer, timer, and trackerto see if they are ready for play prior to rolling the ball to the first server.
Situation #22: Back-Row Blocker Rule 9-5-1-Note
Team S serves and the Team S setter moves to her RF setting position near the net. Team R returns the ball in the area near the Team S setter. While in close proximity to the net, the setter contacts the ball while it is completely above the height of the net using overhead finger action. The R1 allows play to continue because, in his opinion, the setter intended to set the ball to a teammate.
Ruling: Incorrect ruling by the R1. The Team S setter is an illegal back-row blocker.
Comment: If a player near the net is reaching above the height of the net and opponents legally cause the ball to contact him/her, the player is considered to a blocker. A back-rowplayer attempting to play a ball in the space directly above the net is considered an illegal blocker if the ball is attacked or blocked by an opponent into the back-row player while the player is reaching above the height of the net. The referee should only rule on the position of the player and the position of the ball and must not determine play on the player’s intent.
Situation #23: Back-Row Blocker Rule 9-5-1-Note
Team A’s back-row setter in near the net with her hand extended above her head when a Team A teammate returns the ball. Team B blocks the return and the ball deflects off of the hands of Team A’s setter. The contact with the ball by the setter happens while the ball is completely above the height of the net. The R1 whistles and awards a point to Team B for a back-row blocker fault by Team A.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Comment: If a player near the net is reaching above the height of the net and opponents legally cause the ball to contact him/her, the player is considered to a blocker. A back-row player attempting to play a ball in the space directly above the net is considered an illegal blocker if the ball is attacked or blocked by an opponent into the back-row player while the player is reaching above the height of the net.
Situation #24: Illegal Alignment Rule 6-4-3a
At the moment of serve, the RF’s foot on Team R is on the sideline of the court with her heel contacting the floor outside the court. Upon contact of the serve the R2 whistles and signals illegal alignment. Team S is awarded a point.
Ruling: Correct ruling
Comment: At the moment of serve all players, except the server, shall be within the team's playing court and may be in contact with the boundary lines or center line, but may not have any part of the body touching the floor outside those lines
Situation #25: Second Referee Responsibilities Rules 5-5-1-Note and 5-5-3-b-9
The second referee does not maintain a lineup card. During the set the R2: (a) checks the starting lineup from the coach’s submitted lineup sheet, and (b) retrieves the score sheet from the officials’ table to conduct a lineup check requested by a team captain.
Ruling: Incorrect procedure
Comment: The second referee is required to maintain a lineup card.
Situation #26: Starting the Match Officials’ Manual Section D
Team A’s coach submits a starting lineup with #5 listed as the libero. The R2 tells the coach that the libero is required to be on the court at the start of the match.
Ruling: Incorrect procedure
Comment: By listing the libero on the submitted lineup, the coach has made the libero eligible to play, but the libero is not required to play.
Situation #27: Starting the Match Officials’ Manual Section D