Backyard Getaway

Student Instruction Guide

Get ready tocreate the backyard of your dreams! This is a journey of discovery, research and creativity. This is an opportunity to engage your intellectual abilities as well as your imagination. All information you gather will be included in your portfolio notebook. You will give a classroom presentation that will include a display board with visuals and your portfolio.

Required Tasks

Your backyard must include a relaxation area, recreation area, water habitat, flower garden, food garden and a state tribute area.

3-D Model –Create a 3-D model of your one acre backyard. (A rectangle the size of a football field scaled down). Refine this model as you research and plan your backyard.

Relaxation Area Reflection–Make a list of activities and items that are relaxing to you. Write a paragraph explaining how you will incorporate them into your backyard relaxation area and explain why you chose them.

Recreational Area Brainstorm - Brainstorm recreational activities that you enjoy.

Write about creative ways you could incorporate them into your backyard.

Recreation Area Safety Signs – For each of your backyard recreational activities, design a safety rules sign. Each sign should list important rules for being safe and playing fair.

Fictional Story – Write a fictional story using your backyard as the setting. Be sure to include all areas of your backyard in your story.

State Tribute Artwork – Create a piece of art to display in your backyard state tribute area. This artwork should be made to scale and will be added to your physical map.

Your Choice - Product Menu

Choose two of the following 3 activities to complete…

Water Habitat Poem–Compose a poem about your water habitat. Give your poem a title. It can be any style poem you like.

Water Habitat Food Chain – Choose a specific animal at the top or bottom of the food chain in your water habitat. Find or create pictures of the other plants and animals in the food chain. Organize them into a visual food chain chart complete with arrows, labels and a title.

Water Habitat Watercolor– Choose the water habitat you would like to have in your backyard. Create a watercolor artwork including all plant and animal life in and around your water habitat.

Means a sample task card is available for your reference.

Your Portfolio

Create a table of contents and an eye-catching cover page.

Your Presentation

You will give an oral presentation to shareyour dream backyard with others! Present and explain each section of your backyard.

Your presentation should be at least 15 minutes and should be well rehearsed but not memorized. Be sure you have an opportunity for classmates to ask questions at the end of your presentation.

Relax and have fun!