/ IH045 - Labor Distribution Outbound Interface IOG

South Carolina Enterprise Information System

Interface Operations Guide (IOG)

IH045 - Labor Distribution Outbound Interface


Document Purpose and Organization

The Interface Operations Guide (IOG) contains the interface specific information required for State of South Carolina Agencies to integrate with the SCEIS system. Each interface will contain a separate IOG with specific information. The IOG information will include the ADS number, description, file name(s), examples of load reports, frequency, run schedule, error conditions, etc. Additionally, the IOG will contain the file layout for the interface.

General system updates can be found on the SCEIS website, http://www.sceis.sc.gov

Labor Distribution Outbound Interface

Interface ADS Number / IH045
Inbound/Outbound / Outbound
Interface Title / Labor Distribution Interface/Report
Interface Description / This is a batch/on-demand interface that provides a partial extract of data generated during the execution of the Labor Distribution Report.
Version / Version 2.0
SCEIS Point of Contact
Source System / SAP - SCEIS
Destination System
Interface Type / Tab-delimited text file
Mode / Asynchronous
Frequency / SAP will transmit the interface files as needed.
File Name(s) / Outbound interface file:
IH045_<business area>_<date stamp>_<time stamp>.txt
<business area> = XXXX
<date stamp> = YYYYMMDD
<time stamp> = HHMMSS
FTP Path / created by SCEIS and communicated to Agency.

Version Control

Version / Description of Change / Date
1.0 / Initial Version / 06/25/2010
2.0 / All-agency Version / 08/16/2010

File Layout

Unit Payroll Productivity System
No / Data Element / Type / Size / Format / Description
1 / PERNR / CHAR / 8 / Personnel number
2 / SEQNO / CHAR / 5 / Sequence Number
3 / ACTSIGN / CHAR / 1 / Indicator: Status of record
4 / RUNID / CHAR / 10 / Number of Posting Run
5 / POSTNUM / CHAR / 5 / Number
6 / SPPRC / CHAR / 1 / Special processing of posting items
7 / RTLINE / CHAR / 5 / Number
8 / WPBPREF / CHAR / 2 / PC205 assignment
9 / C0REF / CHAR / 2 / Sequential number
10 / C1REF / CHAR / 4 / Pointer to cost accounting
11 / KOART / CHAR / 2 / Account assignment type
12 / MOMAG / CHAR / 3 / Transfer to FI/CO: EE Grouping for Account Determination
13 / KOMOK / CHAR / 4 / Transfer to FI/CO: Symbolic Account
14 / MCODE / CHAR / 14 / Matchcode search term
15 / TSLIN / CHAR / 10 / Line number of data transfer
16 / LGART / CHAR / 4 / Wage Type
17 / ANZHL / CHAR / 21 / HR payroll: Number
18 / MEINS / CHAR / 3 / Base Unit of Measure
19 / BETRG / CHAR / 21 / HR Payroll: Amount
20 / WAERS / CHAR / 5 / Currency Key
21 / FUNDREF / CHAR / 2 / Sequential number
22 / AUART / CHAR / 4 / Expenditure type
23 / NOFIN / CHAR / 1 / Indicator: Expenditure type is not funded
24 / SWPER / CHAR / 1 / Wage Type Comes From Person Result
25 / MO_FIX / CHAR / 3 / Transfer FI/CO: EE Grouping Standard Accounting FM/GM
26 / SWRETROACT / CHAR / 1 / Wage Type Created Because of Table T52CODIST_RETRO
27 / NEG_POSTNG / CHAR / 1 / Indicator: Negative Posting
28 / SWCODIST / CHAR / 1 / Activating Cost Distribution
29 / HASHCODE / CHAR / 16 / Hash Code from Account Assignment Combination
30 / HASHSEQNR / CHAR / 4 / Consecutive Number per Hash Code
31 / SELECTED_ROW / CHAR / 1 / Character Field Length 1
32 / DOCNUM / CHAR / 10 / Document number
33 / DOCTYP / CHAR / 1 / Document type
34 / DOCLIN / CHAR / 10 / Document Line Number
35 / BUKRS / CHAR / 4 / Company Code
36 / HKONT / CHAR / 10 / General Ledger Account
37 / KUNNR / CHAR / 10 / Customer Number 1
38 / LIFNR / CHAR / 10 / Account Number of Vendor or Creditor
39 / KONT_TXT / CHAR / 20 / G/L account short text
40 / KONTO_LG / CHAR / 31 / Text (31 characters in length)
41 / CO_OBJ / CHAR / 40 / Character field of length 40
42 / KOSTL / CHAR / 10 / Cost Center
43 / AUFNR / CHAR / 12 / Order Number
44 / POSNR / CHAR / 24 / Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
45 / KSTRG / CHAR / 12 / Cost Object
46 / NPLNR / CHAR / 12 / Network Number for Account Assignment
47 / VORNR / CHAR / 4 / Operation/Activity Number
48 / KDAUF / CHAR / 10 / Sales Order Number
49 / KDPOS / CHAR / 6 / Item Number in Sales Order
50 / LTLST / CHAR / 6 / Activity Type
51 / FISTL / CHAR / 16 / Funds Center
52 / FISTL_TXT / CHAR / 20 / Text (20 Characters)
53 / FIPEX / CHAR / 24 / Commitment Item
54 / FIPEX_TXT / CHAR / 20 / Text (20 Characters)
55 / GEBER / CHAR / 10 / Fund
56 / GEBER_TXT / CHAR / 20 / Text (20 Characters)
57 / ENAME / CHAR / 40 / Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
58 / AWTYP_PRE / CHAR / 5 / Previous document: Reference procedure
59 / AWKEY_PRE / CHAR / 20 / Previous document: Object key (AWREF_REV and AWORG_REV)
60 / AWPOS_PRE / CHAR / 10 / Previous document: Reference line item
61 / RCOMP / CHAR / 6 / Company ID of trading partner
62 / KZTXT / CHAR / 8 / Short Text for Wage Type
63 / LGTXT / CHAR / 25 / Wage Type Long Text
64 / IABKRS / CHAR / 2 / Payroll Area
65 / INPER / CHAR / 6 / In-period for payroll
66 / INPTY / CHAR / 1 / Payroll type
67 / INPID / CHAR / 1 / Payroll Identifier
68 / IPEND / CHAR / 10 / End of payroll period (IN period)
69 / ABKRS / CHAR / 2 / Payroll Area
70 / FPPER / CHAR / 6 / For-period for payroll
71 / PAYTY / CHAR / 1 / Payroll type
72 / PAYID / CHAR / 1 / Payroll Identifier
73 / PAYDT / CHAR / 10 / Pay date for payroll result
74 / RUNDT / CHAR / 10 / Date of payroll run
75 / BONDT / CHAR / 10 / Off-cycle payroll payment date
76 / FPBEG / CHAR / 10 / Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
77 / FPEND / CHAR / 10 / End of payroll period (for-period)
78 / ANZ / CHAR / 11 / Whole Number with +/- Sign (-2.147.483.648 .. 2.147.483.647)
79 / NR / CHAR / 11 / Index of Internal Tables
80 / BETRAG_S / CHAR / 21 / HR Payroll: Amount
81 / BETRAG_H / CHAR / 21 / HR Payroll: Amount
82 / DART / CHAR / 2 / Service Type (Public Service Germany)
83 / UDART / CHAR / 2 / Service Category (Public Service Germany)
84 / GRANT_NBR / CHAR / 20 / Grant
85 / GSBER / CHAR / 4 / Business Area
86 / GSBER_TXT / CHAR / 30 / Business area description
87 / FKBER / CHAR / 16 / Functional Area
88 / FKBER_TXT / CHAR / 25 / Text length 25
89 / GRANT_TXT / CHAR / 20 / Text (20 Characters)
90 / PRCTR / CHAR / 10 / Profit Center
91 / SEGMENT / CHAR / 10 / Segment for Segmental Reporting
92 / SRTZA / CHAR / 1 / Indicator: Status of record
93 / FIRST / CHAR / 40 / Last Name
94 / LAST / CHAR / 40 / First Name
95 / SSN / CHAR / 20 / Personnel ID Number
96 / ANNUAL_LEAVE / CHAR / 6 / Absence class hours
97 / SICK_LEAVE / CHAR / 6 / Absence class hours
98 / LEAVE_WO_PAY / CHAR / 6 / Absence class hours
99 / OTHER_HOURS / CHAR / 6 / Absence class hours
100 / SCHEDULED_HOURS / CHAR / 6 / Absence class hours
101 / HRLY_PY_CD, / CHAR / 1 / Character Field Length 1
102 / DUAL_EMP_CD, / CHAR / 1 / Character Field Length 1
103 / PERS_CLAS_CD / CHAR / 4 / Data Type 4 Characters

Process Flowchart

Miscellaneous Processing Notes

·  The file format is a TAB-delimited text file.

·  DATA Segment contains the line item information for the SCEIS transaction.

·  Agency contact email addresses will need to be provided to SCEIS for each agency / subsystem that will use the interface. This information will be requested as part of a testing and acceptance process for each agency system. Transmittal controls, Valid / Error reports, etc will be emailed to these designated users as files are processed by the interface. In the examples below, notifications for system “A1” would be emailed to Joe and Mary; Tom would the get emails for the “B1” system.

Agency System Email

F030 A1

F030 A1

F030 B1

General FTP Processing Notes

The preferred method of data transfer will be via secure FTP, and SCEIS will host an FTPS server for this purpose.

There will be a folder structure set up on the server for each business area. Sub-folders will be created if necessary based on the security requirements of the receiving agency. Security will be set up appropriately on the folders so that users will only have access to their data.

In the example below there are separate interface folders for business area r200 and e160.





To access data files from SCEIS‐outbound interfaces, FTPS client software will be used on the agency side. Example FTP connection options are shown in the following print screen. (Using the CoreFTP desktop client software – in other clients, the options may be slightly different.)

Richard Wicker, SCEIS Deployment Team Lead, should be contacted with questions/concerns regarding the File Transfer Protocol procedures. Telephone Number: 803‐734‐3868, e‐mail:


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