Health and Safety

The Nursery takes the maintenance of health and safety extremely seriously as a matter of both legal and moral importance. All staff will be familiarised with the provisions contained within this policy as part of their induction and be expected to act in accordance with them at all times.

We aim to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff, children, visitors and other individuals who may be affected by the Nursery’s activities. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and their associated Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) and guidance will be complied with at all times. The Head and staff will always strive to go beyond the minimum statutory standards to ensure that health and safety remains the first priority.

The steps below will be actioned as a matter of course:

• Create an environment that is safe and without risk to health.

• Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.

• Use, maintain and store equipment safely.

• Ensure that all staff are competent in the work in which they are engaged.

Responsibilities of the Headteacher, C C Manager and Staff

The identification, assessment and control of hazards within the premises is vital in reducing accidents and incidents. Both the Head and one other designated member of staff are responsible for assessing risks to health and safety arising out of the Nursery activities and introducing suitable steps to eliminate or control any such risk identified. A member of the governing body will also complete independent Health and Safety checks.

It is vital to ensure that health and safety matters are taken seriously by all members of staff and other persons who are affected by the activities. Staff who have been found to have blatantly disregarded safety instructions or recognised safe practices will be subject to the procedures laid out in the Staff Disciplinary Procedures policy.

The Head and Children’s Centre Manager holds ultimate responsibility and liability for ensuring that the Nursery and Children’s Centre operates in a safe and hazard free manner. The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that staff both understand and accept their responsibilities in relation to health and safety procedures.

The Head will ensure that adequate arrangements exist for the following:

• Monitoring the effectiveness of the Health and Safety policy and authorising any necessary revisions to its provisions.

• Providing adequate resources, including financial, as is necessary to meet the health and safety responsibilities.

• Providing adequate health and safety training for all staff.

• Ensuring that all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are adequately reported and recorded (including informing the LA Health and Safety Executive, and Ofsted, where appropriate).

• Reviewing all reported accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences, and the Nursery/Children’s Centre response, to enable corrective measures to be implemented.

• Ensuring that all staff, students, volunteers and any other adult who come into contact with children have appropriate and up to date Disclosure and Barring checks.

The Head/Children’s Centre Manager is responsible for the day to day implementation, management and monitoring of the Health and Safety policy. The room leaders are required to report any matter of concern regarding the Health and Safety policy to the Head.

The Head will ensure that:

• An additional designated member of staff is made jointly responsible with them for the health and safety and risk assessment provisions at the Nursery/Children’s Centre, as set out in this and other policies.

• Regular safety inspections are carried out and the reports accurately logged.

• Any action required as a result of a health and safety inspection is taken as rapidly as possible.

• Information received on health and safety matters is distributed to members of staff.

• An investigation is carried out on all reported accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences.

• Staff are adequately trained to fulfil their role within the Health and Safety policy.

Staff are responsible for ensuring that the provisions of the Health and Safety policy are adhered to at all times. As such, they are required to:

• Have regard for the Health and Safety policy and their responsibilities under it.

• Have regard for any health and safety guidance issued by the Head or the designated member of staff, and act upon it whenever appropriate.

• Take reasonable care for their own health and safety as well as of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

• Take all reasonable care to see that the equipment and premises that are used by children, and the activities that are carried out at the Nursery, are safe.

• Report any accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences that have led to, or may in the future be likely to lead to, injury or damage, and assist in the investigation of any such events.

• Undergo relevant health and safety training when instructed to do so by the Head.

• The Health & Safety legislation is displayed in the staffroom.

• Fire Safety Awareness (see Risk Assessment).


The Children Act 1989 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, place a number of legal responsibilities on the Nursery. The LA has insurance cover appropriate to its duties under this legislation, including Employer’ Liability Insurance. Responsibility will, in most cases, rest with the Nursery, but staff will take reasonable care, both for themselves and other people who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. If the Nursery is held responsible for any incident that may occur, public liability insurance will cover compensation.


Under provisions contained in the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, the Nursery/Children’s Centre has a duty to ensure that both children and any visitors are kept reasonably safe. The parties named in the wording of the premises contract are responsible for this duty.

Fire Safety

The procedure for evacuating the premises is clearly displayed at several points in the school - class cloakrooms and entrance areas. Fire practice is held once each half-term alternating am and pm drills, and the system is tested weekly by the Site Officer. Appropriate fire extinguishers are checked annually and are placed around the school. A foam fire extinguisher and blanket are located in the room with the cooker.

First Aid

First aid supplies are kept in the cupboard in the hygiene room – a member of staff has responsibility for stock control. All staff hold the 12 hour paediatric first aid qualification a regular programme of staff meetings are in place to update staff on changes. Two members of staff hold the advanced 4 day First Aid in the Work place certificate.

All accidents involving treatment are logged and filed in addition minor accidents are logged in the accident/incident book. A copy of the accident log is given to parents/carers when the child is collected the relevant paperwork is completed and filed.

If a child requires attention at Hospital parents must be informed. The Head/Children’s Centre or nominated person must assess the nature of injury and take appropriate measures if parents/carers cannot be contacted immediately.


Staff do not normally administer medicines in school unless they have been trained to do so, but school should help children with inhalers who need them. All inhalers, spacers, etc., must be kept in the classroom cupboards with the dosage clearly marked. (Refer: Medicines Policy)

"Teachers and other school staff in charge of pupils have a common law duty to act as any reasonably prudent parent would to make sure that pupils are healthy and safe on school premises and this might, in exceptional circumstances extend to administering medicine and/or taking action in an emergency."

Hearing aid batteries should be kept by HI teacher or an agreed arrangement made with staff and parents.

Safety Equipment

All equipment in the school must be assessed for risk of injury to a child. Fixed Equipment in the garden meets the BS1 Standards regarding surfacing and Critical Fall Height; they are inspected regularly. Our Health & Safety Governor makes termly assessments of the site.

Pieces of equipment that are damaged or broken must be removed from both the outside area and in the classrooms.

All electrical equipment is tested during the Summer Holidays. Cleaning materials are kept locked in the cleaning cupboard. No bleach is permitted in the school. Other toxic substances i.e., Whiteboard markers are not used by children.

During outside play staff are 'zoned' and have specific responsibilities. The outside gate must be bolted.

Children do not run in the classroom or cloakroom. When planning activities inside staff must assess any risk to the child. Spilled sand/water/paint must be mopped or swept up immediately.

Car Parking

Staff must be aware of children's movements on the school site when parking their cars. Access points to the sites (gates) must be kept free of traffic. Parents are not permitted to park cars on the site unless permission has been granted from the Headteachers.


Smoking is not allowed in the Nursery/Children’s Centre buildings and the school would prefer that parents/visitors do not smoke on the school site.


Dogs (except Guide Dogs/Hearing dogs) should not be on the school site - they should be securely tied away from the two access points to the site if they accompany parents.

Personal Safety of Children

We encourage the children to keep themselves safe - to know their name, address and if possible their telephone number. The collection arrangements for each child are detailed on the database and children are not handed over to anyone who is not known to the school unless parents have given permission. No child can be handed to anyone under 16 years of age.

All visitors to the school must report to the school office to sign in and not enter via the playground gate.

When children are handed over to staff they act in "loco parentis". Staff are kept informed in order to reduce the risk of abduction. (See Critical Incident Statement).

Safeguarding Procedures

A statement on Child Abuse is detailed in the school booklet. Documentation on Child protection procedures is kept in the Head's office and is always available. It is very important to record every detail with care - dates and times etc. Staff should be vigilant in assessing risk to children. All staff have child protection training – 3 staff have designated child protection training. The Head is the Child Protection Designated Officer for the school. A separate file for details on any child on the Child Protection Register is kept in the admin office filing cabinet. All staff have a refresher update at the beginning of the school year. Governors have CP refresher training bi-annually.

Food Hygiene

The staff are regularly trained in Food Hygiene. (renewable every 3 years)


Children are not encouraged to wear items of jewellery to school - if earrings are worn they must be removed during P.E. sessions on the apparatus, although we would prefer that parents remove them on that day. Coats, if worn must be buttoned up to avoid catching on any piece of equipment outside. 'Flip-flop' shoes are discouraged as they do not give appropriate support during outside play.

Outside Lettings

Any group using the school for activities outside school hours must be aware of Health and Safety conditions relating to the premises.

Sun Protection

Refer to Sun Policy , which is updated as advice is changed.

Outside Contractors

Contractors undertaking work on the school site must report to the Head or Site Officer who can check on the arrangements and assess the risk to either children or staff. It would be preferable if all repairs, maintenance, etc., could be carried out when the children are not in school.

School Visits

Any trip or excursion outside the school premises must follow the guidelines in the LA manual "Educational Visits and Journeys".(office)

Each parent must sign a slip giving permission for a designated trip - An accompanying letter should state

a) time of departure and return

b) contribution needed for the trip

c) any special clothing or food needed

Children must be allocated to an adult on a 2:1 ratio or 1:1 if this is more relevant to the child's needs.

Each parent must be given a "visit letter" and the names of children s/he is responsible for.

No Smoking is permitted on coaches or during trips.


Medical matters concerning parents are displayed on cloakroom notice boards.

Information leaflets are available via cloakroom notice board or from reception office.

The Nursery’s full responsibilities and procedures in respect of Health and Safety, are contained in this policy, alongside the relevant sections of the following policies:


•Physical Environment

•Risk Assessment

•Site Security

•Fire Safety


•Managing Behaviour

•Child Protection

•Sun Policy

•PSED Policy

  • Personal safety policy

Reviewed : May 2015

Discussed at H and S Governors meeting – June 2015