IGU Commission
Diversity in
Mountain Systems
Prof. Dr. Jörg Stadelbauer
Dept. of Cultural Geography
University of Freiburg
D-79085 Freiburg
Fax: +49 761 203 3575
Newsletter 14 / December 2007
1 Editorial
Dear Colleagues,
welcome to everyone in the mountain community. If you are not yet member of our commission, please contact me by sending an e-mail so that I can include you into the list of members. Of course, membership should not be written only on a paper: Please feel motivated to conduct further mountain research, to inform other members about it and to participate in the activities and meetings of the Commission! This is said especially to those who are member of a national specialty group on (high-)mountain research.
Members of the Steering Committee 2004 – 2008 of our commission are:
Professor Dr. Jörg Stadelbauer (chair) (Germany)
University of Freiburg
Department of Cultural Geography
D-79085 Freiburg
PD Dr. Jörg Löffler (Secretary) (Germany)
University of Bonn
Department of Geography
Meckenheimer Allee 166
D-53115 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Yuri Badenkov (Russia)
Institut Geografii Rossijskoy Akademii Nauk
Staromonetnyy pereulok, 29
Prof. Dr. Monique Fort
UFR GHSS, Case 7001
Centre de Géographie Physique
Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot
2 Place Jussieu
F-75 251 Paris Cedex 05
Prof. Donald A. Friend, Ph.D. (USA)
Department of Geography
Minnesota State University
Armstrong Hall 7
Mankato, MN 56001
Professor Dr. Hans Hurni (Switzerland)
Department of Geography
University of Berne
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern
Professor Dr. Martin Price (UK)
Director, Centre for Mountain Studies
Perth College
UHI Millennium Institute
Crieff Road
Perth PH1 2NX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1738-877217
Fax: +44 (0) 1738-877018
URL: http://www.cms.uhi.ac.uk
Prof. Fausto Sarmiento, Ph.D.
The University of Georgia
212-B GG Building
The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 30606
Telephone: 706-542-1753
The Commission continues to register all interested scholars in an e-mailing list.
Please also visit our website: http://www.geographie.uni-freiburg.de/ikg/igu-mountain/
There, you will find the Newsletters edited by the IGU Commission “Diversity of Mountain Systems” since 2000.
2001: Newsletter #1, Dec.
2002: Newsletter #2, June, #3 Dec.
2003: Newsletter #4, March, #5 Nov.
2004: Newsletter #6, July, #7 Dec.
2005: Newsletter #8, July, #9 Sept., #10 Dec.
2006: Newsletter #11, June, #12, Dec.
2007: Newsletter #13, Aug., #14, Dec.
2 Main event forthcoming: The International Geographical Congress 2008, Tunis/Tunesia
The website for online-application is now open for the 2008 Tunis International Geographical Congress. If you intend to participate, please send the following form to the organizing committee. You will find all information available at the moment on the official website:
I add the formal invitation by the national organizers:
InvitationOn behalf of the community of Tunisian geographers, it is my honour and privilege to invite you to take part in the proceedings of the XXXIst Geographical Congress that will be held in Tunis from August 12th to 15th 2008.
The 2008 Tunis Congress will be held under the aegis of
His Excellency Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, President of the Republic of Tunisia.
It enjoys the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology, and is backed by various other ministerial departments and academic and research institutions.
The Congress will be held in a country rich of a three thousand years old heritage, and enjoying an exceptional geographical diversity. It is a country of openness and dialogue, offering its hospitality to, and providing all world geographers with the necessary means to grant the success of their congress.
For this major geographical event, the National Organizing Committee of the 2008 Tunis Congress has planned a scientific agenda meant to further develop the reflection and debates of the past two decades, while highlighting new paradigms and promoting new stances to geographers.
«Building together our territories» will be the major theme of the Congress. Three major issues will be discussed: the territory; the operational orientation of geography; and the role of the players. Going beyond the classical divides of the discipline, these issues make of geography a science that allows man to live intelligently with the others and his milieu.
Other breaking-news topics themes are also scheduled for debate. The evolution of geographical thought; Cultures and Civilisations for Human Development; the Renaissance of the Mediterranean; the International Year of the Planet Earth, are, inter alia, some of the issues that will be raised, showing the ability of geographers to share their concerns with others. Tunis 2008 will provide an ideal forum for geographers to express and confront their visions on the major issues of our time.
The 2008 Tunis Congress will host 36 IGU committees and 4 working groups whose activities will be integrated in the Congress general agenda. It will also offer the possibility of convening meetings for the different IGU regional networks (the Commonwealth network, Latin America network, South-East Asia network, Australia and the Pacific network) or for other nascent networks (Mediterranean, Africa, the Arab world, etc). The 2008 Tunis Congress will thus be a collective undertaking, aiming mainly at building and contributing to the renewal of Geography.
The excursion programme will be particularly rich. Owing to the diversity of its landscapes (from the Mediterranean forests to the desert, form the coast hills to the hinterland mountains, from the urban centres to the countryside), and because of the multiplicity of dynamics, constraints and the responses brought by society, the country does indeed offer limitless opportunities.
The social programme is no less interesting. Other assets of the country will be made available to you and to those accompanying you, so as to make of the Congress an opportunity to share the charming facets of the life of geographers. Beaches, desert dunes, oases, archaeological sites, festivals, the medinas, etc., are yet other opportunities to extend the Congress into family vacations.
Dear colleagues,
We are looking forward to welcoming as many of you as possible so that we can build together this major event in the life of the community of world geographers, while enhancing and renewing the century-old tradition constituted by the International Congress of Geography.
See you in Tunis 2008.
The CNOC Chairman
Adnane Hayder
The 31st Geographical Congress, Tunis2008, will be held during the tourism high season. The Organizing Committee calls into attention that the registration procedures as well as hotel reservations should be done as soon as possible in order to avoid facing any problem. The organizers will apply the rule “First-come, first-served”. Moreover, abiding by the deadline will allow the participants to benefit from registration and accommodation price fees reductions.
Registration Calendar & Fees
Please note: The German National Committee of the IGU has been informed most recently, that the registration fees for senior and student participants were reduced and are now 100 EURO less!
*Please submit proof of student status
Note: The registration fee include the access to the academic works spaces, the participation in the opening and closing ceremonies, the supplies and the cocktail party.
Other Items
Field trip registration posted fees fort each excursion.
Participation in training workshops………………….…posted fees for each workshop.
Participation in the welcoming program
Cocktail Party…………………………………...... (Included in the registration fees)
Farwell Diner-Gala………………………………………90 Euros
Participation in the social program…………………….Posted fees for each activity
Important: All reservations concerning these itemswill be stopped in May 31, 2008
Registration Method
To register, please fill out the application form with paying attention to the required sections. After confirmation, it will immediately reach us and will be transmitted to the Congress Secretariat which will, in its turn, send you your file number. Once you have paid the fees through the way you have chosen, the Secretariat will transmit your final identifier. For those who will not be able to finalize the registration process from the website of the Congress, it will be possible to download the registration form, fill it out and send it to the congress secretariat. Service contact via email, phone or fax is placed at their disposal by our partner:
Millesima Travel
Email : This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel. : +216 71 28 23 24 / 71 28 23 21 / 71 28 23 30
Fax. : +216 71 28 24 82
Please feel free to contact Millessima Travel for any change of information or application for an additional allowance.
Payment details
Payments are to be made onlineusing Credit Card or by bank wires to the following bank account:
I.G.C Tunis 2008
Bank: Amen Bank 139 Bis, Boulevard 20 mars Le Bardo - 2000 Tunis
Account Numbers:
Wires from abroad:
IBAN : TN 59 0720 6004 1105 8108 6783
Wires from Tunisia:
RIB : 0720 6004 1105 8108 6783
Important : Amount indicated are net and must reach integrally the congress bank account, all bank charges are to be paid by sender.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must reach the congress secretariat by writing(by e-mail : This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view itor byFax.: +216 71 28 24 82) before May 31st 2008.Cancellations made before May 31st are subject to 90 Euros cancellation fees, after that date, no refund for cancellation will be possible.
Application Form
Click on this link to get the registration form : APPLICATION FORM
The scientific Committee of the Congress Tunis 2008 is happy to invite you to participate in the workings of the 31st International Geographical Congress by presenting papers or posters that relate to one of the Congress topics. For more information concerning these topics, please go back to the Scientific Program section. Upon receiving your paper, the scientific Committee will send you its decision as soon as possible.
Technical Characteristics
The abstracts (paper or poster) have to respect the following technical characteristics:
- Language: English or French
- -Maximum word number: 200 (Title is not included)
- -Text: Word
- -Font: Arial
- -Size: 12-Justification of the text from right to left
- -Bold and centered title.-The name or the author at the centre, below the title
-Institution andpost & e-mail addresses at the centre below the author’s name
-No figures, maps, or statistic tables.
You are kindly invited to fill out the " Abstract Submission form " in the dynamic module, in order to download your abstract. Whenever you have validated your form, we will immediately receive it and send you a confirmation message. If you have not received this confirmation message, please feel free to contact us at the following email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Attention: The deadline for abstract submission is fixed to May 31st 2008
Remark : If you can not send us your abstract form electronically (through the dynamic module), for logistics reasons, you can just send it via Fax: +216 71 28 24 82 or by email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please do not forget to mention your name and surname, your institution, country and contact.
Activities of the Commission during the main Congress
Our Commission intends to participate activily in the main congress with specialized technical sessions. Therefore, I once again invite all members of the Commission to send proposals for panels or individual papers either to the organizing committee at Tunis or to me. One paper session will probably be organized in collaboration with Prof. Annick Douguédroit (Chair of the Commission on Climatology); other joint sessions will be possible depending on the interests of participating people. The presence of mountain researchers at the Tunis Congress will also influence the decision of the IGU Executive Committee on the future of a mountain Commission within the IGU network.
With the Tunis Congress, the second 4-Year turn of the Commission expires. Nevertheless, we hope to continue the work of a mountain commission within the IGU network under a different label. I shall inform you about the discussions in the next newsletter.
3 Awards, extraordinary events
4 Conferences, Workshops in the future...
A regular service on forthcoming conferences and workshops is provided by the Mountain Forum. Please contact the website: http://www.mtnforum.org/calendar/calendar.htm
4.1 Mountain GIS e-Conference: Promoting Geographic Information and Earth Observation Applications for the Sustainable Development of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region
14 -25 January 2008
Co-organisers: MENRIS Division of ICIMOD and the Mountain Forum Secretariat
Online registration: http://www.mtnforum.org/rs/ec/index.cfm?act=reg&econfid=15
Contact person:
Web site: http://www.mtnforum.org/rs/ec/index.cfm?econfid=15
4.2 DIAMONT Final Conference
1 February, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria
The Interreg IIIb Project DIAMONT Data Infrastructure for the Alps Mountain Orientated Network Technology) was set up in close co-operation with the Alpine
Convention and aims to help with the conceptualization of a pan-Alpine information system, to identify problems of regional development and to find solutions based on existing or innovative regional development instruments. The forthcoming DIAMONT Final Conference will tackle such questions as ‘How are the Alps developing?’, ‘To what degree are they prepared to face the recent challenges of fragmented spatial development and related problems within regions?’, and ‘Which instruments exist or can be developed to steer development towards sustainability?’. The event will present project results, look at key aspects of Alpine regional development and discuss various on-going processes. Conference organizers encourage the participation of representatives from politics, public administration, academia, civil society and the interested public. Participation is free of charge and all presentations and discussions will be simultaneously translated into French, German, Italian and Slovenian.
Interested participants should send their registration details (name, institution, address, phone and e-mail) by e-mail () or fax (+43-(0)512-507-2895) before 31 December 2007.