IGTC Committee Meeting, Saturday, 23/09/17

Apologies for Absence: Mike Large

Committee Meeting minutes from 6/05/17 approved.

(Proposed by EC; seconded by SO)

Matters arising from 6/05/17 committee meeting:

1. Floodlights –

EC reported that the arrangement with Benenden Hospital to use

their floodlit courts for junior coaching would end this


Since no other options have emerged it was agreed that she would

email the membership togauge the support for installing

floodlightsat the IGTC courts.

It was also agreed that there would need to be strong support to

justify the inevitable expenses.

Whatever the results from the emailing are, they will be discussed

with the members at the AGM.

2. Changes to website –

Thanks to Gill, the changes have been completed.

Chairman’s Report:

Summer at Iden Green has seen plenty of activity at the courts.

Saturday mornings continue to thrive with an average of 10-12 players participating at our club sessions. We have welcomed some new lady members to add to our mixed doubles pairs.

The men’s sessions have also been well attended and members have made the most of the Tuesday evenings.

Sadly, our team was relegated to Division 2 of the Wealden MixedDoubles League. We have, however, won both our matches in the new division so all is not lost.

We are planning a social coffee morning in the coming weeks andhope to welcome both playing and non-playing members.

Secretary’s Report:

Website updated.

IGTC advertisement in the Benenden Magazine improved.

LTA membership and insurance renewal pending.

Treasurer’s Report:

Current account: £9,775.00

Deposit account: £15,926.00

Membership Secretary’s Report:

36 junior members

7 18-25 year old members

93 adult members

Membership income = £6085

Tournament Report:

Rather than a tournament, EC and CP organised a coffee tennis morning on 15/07/17 which was not very well attended. They willtry again, probably in October.

H & S Report:

DM checks courts and surrounds regularly and keeps a record. No current issues.

Admin Officer’s Report:

No current issues.

GT will need to bere-appointed before the next AGM.


1. Re private coaching arrangements using the club courts,

it was agreed that there should be no court charge but that all

thosecoached must be members of IGTC and the coach must be

responsible for his/her own insurance etc.

2. Re re-introduction of ladies events it was agreed that the best

approach would be for an individual to take this on. EC thought

an email to the (female) membership might be useful.

3. Re the Christmas party it was agreed that The Woodcock was a

popular venue but there were complaints about the food last year.

SO offered to talk to Poodle and then get back to the committee.