IGSSE Project Team Proposal

Proposal title (less than 140 characters)

Proposal acronym

[TUM-Internal Project] or [International Project]

PI1 First name, last name, academic title

PI1 Institution and department (full name)

PI1 Email address

PI2 First name, last name, academic title

PI2 Institution and department (full name)

PI2 Email address

PTL First name, last name, academic title

PTL Institution and department (full name)

PTL Email address

General Information

Proposals must not exceed 10 pages (including all appendices and in particular references with the exception of previous IGSSE project reports, support letters, CVs). All excess pages will be removed and not forwarded to the external referees. The title page does not count against the page limit

Do not edit or remove chapter headings

Format: Arial/TUM Neue Helvetica, 11pt, 2.75cm top border, remaining borders 1cm

On the title page, indicate whether the application is for a TUM-internal or an international project (delete as appropriate), e.g.:
‘TUM-Internal Project’ or
‘International Project’

International projects: The partner institution has to provide a letter of intent, stating that it will support the project with at least one doctoral researcher – ideally two, and to provide them with adequate resources for equipment, funding for travel to project meetings, etc.

International projects: Contact information for partner PIs outside of TUM should be provided on the title page as well

Upon submission of the proposal, PIs are requested to provide (via email – not in the proposal itself) contact data (name, email, affiliation) for 4 individuals that are familiar with the fields of research, but are not subject to conflicts of interest. In particular, they must not share publications or other scientific work with the proposing PIs. The proposers should ensure that the referees agree to providing a review prior to submitting the proposal.

Submissions will be acknowledged by email. Only proposers who have not received feedback by 09July, 2017, should contact the IGSSE Management Office. Please refrain from inquiries in the meantime, as this will slow down the process.

Submission deadline is 02July, 2017. Proposals must be sent electronically to:

Start page count – 10 pages


Summary of the main goals of the project. This summary should not exceed 1600 characters, including spaces. It will be published on the IGSSE website should funding be awarded.

2.Research Team

In this section the composition of the team should be explained. This includes all doctoral researchers (IGSSE-funded and associated in Section2.1) and other researchers (postdocs, student helpers in Section2.2). The chairs hosting the doctoral researchers should be indicated as well. A concept for interaction between team members should be provided in Section7.

2.1.Doctoral Researchers

Here, details of known doctoral researchers should be provided or a description of the hiring process including associated doctoral researchers. Special attention should be given to strategies for involving female candidates and students from abroad.The doctoral researchers at the partner institution in International IGSSE Project Teams should also be listed here. Thesis projects of all involved doctoral researchers should be described in Section6.

2.2.Other team members

Indicate other researchers (e.g. postdocs apart from the PTL) who will be working on the project and describe how they will be involved. This also includes individuals at foreign institutions in International IGSSE Project Teams.

3.Cooperation with other institutions/ industry

Mention institutions (apart from those listed in Section2) with whom cooperation is planned on this particular project, and where the doctoral researchers might spend their time abroad. Note that in Section2 only research institutions are to be referenced, which host doctoral researchers. Here, all others should be introduced.

4.State of the art

Explain briefly the state of the art in the field and its relation to the proposed project. This description should clarify in which context own research is situated.

5.Preliminary work

Give a summary of preparatory work that has been performed at the involved chairs, including references to publications. The state of a publication should be indicated (‘submitted’, ‘accepted’, ‘published’, etc.). In particular highlight previous work by the proposers and, if applicable, by their group. Also, indicate the complementarity of expertise in the proposers’ groups.

6.Objectives & thesis descriptions

Describe the planned thesis projects of all doctoral researchers in the IGSSE Project Team including associated doctoral researchers and –for international project teams– the projects of the involved doctoral researchers at the partner institution. This is the main part of the proposal.


Provide a concept for interaction of IGSSE Project Team members (doctoral researchers, PTL, PIs) and collaborators both at TUM and at partner institutions (International IGSSE Project Teams). This concept should describe

how the involved persons interact on a daily basis,

the frequency of (team) meetings,

the use of electronic communication means and teaching,

plans for a kick-off meeting,

the exchange of results,

the invitation of guest researchers,

visits at partner institutions (including the international research stay abroad),

joint research training (with international partners),

participation at and/ or organization of conferences/ seasonal schools.

8.Future Perspectives

Elaborate on a future perspective on how to develop the project beyond the IGSSE horizon (e.g. externally funded research group, joint publications, spin-offs).


All principal investigators and the designated IGSSE Project Team Leader submitting the proposal have to sign it. A signed pdf-document must be submitted electronically. Sending a paper copy is not required.


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11.Work schedule/ timeline

Rough preliminary work schedule (table, Gantt-chart) indicating milestones, meetings, visits, for each individual IGSSEProject Team member with description of individual events. An example is given below. The schedule is, of course, subject to change, following the needs of the project’s progress. All items in the example should be modified/ deleted as well as new ones added; interim and final report must be specified:

Months / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48
Researcher Recruitment / DR1 / M1 / I / P1 / M2 / I / I / P2
DR2 / I / I / I / M1 / P1 / P2
DR3 / P1 / M1 / I / I / I / P2 / P3
DR4 / I / I / I / P1

Training / Workshop / A / B /
Conference / S1 / / S2
Visiting Scientist / A / B /
Out-reach / Dissemination
Public engagement /

A: Kick-off meeting incl. 2 guests

B: Interim meeting incl. 2 guests; 1 staying for 5 months (collaborating with DR3)

S1: summer school 1

S2: summer school 2

M: completion of subprojects

P1, P2, P3: publications

(DR≙ doctoral researcher; I ≙ research stay abroad)

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Stop page count




Concise CVs of all PIs and the PTL.

12.2.Letters of support

Applications for International IGSSE Project Teams must include letters of support from the participating partner institutions stating the symmetric setup and the willingness to send doctoral researchers to TUM for (extended) research stays.

12.3.Reports from previous IGSSE Project Teams

In case the proposers are or were PIs or PTLs in a previous IGSSE Project Team, they must provide a brief updated progress report or include a final report.