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- Scotland – recent publications
- UK and England – recent publications
- Community mental health teams
- Primary care mental health
- Assertive outreach
- Social inclusion
- Social support
- Health promotion
- New books in the Maria Henderson Library
1. Scotland – recent publications
BS08 - Breathing Space Day 1st February 2008
Breathing Space Scotland, the free phone and web-based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety is calling on everyone to mark Breathing Space Day in their new year diaries as a time to STOP and take some time away from the business of modern-day living. BS08 is Breathing Space's flagship event and is held on this date as February is a time of year when many people are feeling the effects of low mood and depression after months of dark, cold weather and the financial and emotional excesses of the festive season. (WellScotland)
Further information from WellScotland:
BS08 pages:
Mental Health Project Final Report: National Benchmarking Project Report 2 / Scottish Government, January 2008
The Scottish Government have published the final report of the Mental Health Benchmarking Project. The objective of the report is to support the improvement of mental health services from a basis of a common understanding of the current position.
Standards for integrated care pathways for mental health / NHS QIS, January 2008
Quality Improvement Scotland have published "Standards for integrated care pathways for mental health". The standards cover bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, dementia and schizophrenia. They also outline the interactions and interventions that must be offered to all people who access mental health services.
Effectiveness of Interventions / Scottish Government Social Research, January 2008
The review provides a comprehensive overview of the known effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing suicide, suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation.
Links here:
ISD publishes annual update on NHS prescriptions for medicines used in mental health, dispensed in the community in Scotland / ISD, December 2007
- The prescribing of hypnotics, anxiolytics and barbiturates rose between 2005/06 and 2006/07 by 1.24%, from 2.10 million items to 2.13 million times.
- The rate of increase in the prescribing of medicines indicated for depression increased, from 1.4% in 2005/06 to 3.57% in 2006/07. In total 3.65 million 'antidepressant' items were prescribed in 2006/07.
- The volume of medicines indicated for psychoses and related disorders rose between 2005/06 and 2006/07 up from 626,185 to 670,842 items; an increase of 7.13%.
- Prescriptions for medicines used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) increased by 20.1% to 59,461 prescribed items between 2005/06 and 2006/07.
- The number of prescriptions dispensed for medicines indicated for dementia continues to rise, up 14%, to 83,643 items in 2006/07.
Further information and data sets:
New project to promote Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) in Scotland
Scottish Recovery Network (SRN) have announced the launch of a project to promote the use of Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) in Scotland. WRAP was developed in the United States by Mary Ellen Copeland. It is a simple ‘self management’ tool which is now used in many countries around the world to help people who experience mental health problems better manage their wellbeing and recovery. It is designed to help people take more control of their recovery, to plan how to maintain wellness and reduce, and better manage, periods of illness. WRAP does not necessarily replace other treatments or supports but it can be used to complement them. (WellScotland)
SafeTALK Pilot a Success
“More Scots than ever will be equipped with the skills to help save lives as safeTALK, a dynamic new suicide prevention course which is accessible to all, is introduced to Scotland.
Following an evaluation of a highly successful 6 month pilot, safeTALK, a new LivingWorks training programme in suicide intervention skills, will be rolled out. safeTALK is a half-day workshop which teaches people to recognise and engage people who might be having thoughts of suicide and to link them to appropriate help and support.” (ChooseLife)
Scotland to host European suicide conference
The 12th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour will be held in Glasgow on the 27th- 30th August 2008.
The conference, organised jointly by Universities of Stirling and Edinburgh in partnership with the Suicide Information Research and Evidence Network (SIREN), will bring together leading academics, policy makers and practitioners from around the globe.
The aim of the conference is to promote cutting edge research, to stimulate new thinking in all aspects of suicideology, to share insights and expertise and to enhance collaboration between science, policy and practice.
SIREN conference web site:
2. UK and England – recent publications
Raising the profile of long term conditions care: a compendium of information
This document, launched in December 2007 updates the first compendium of information on long term conditions (LTCs), published in May 2004. It focuses on the outcomes that people with LTCs said that they wanted from services and describes how more effective management of LTCs in a number of local communities is delivering high-quality and personalised care. Finally, it summarises the key systems and levers that are crucial to driving forward further improvements in care for people with LTCs. (Department of Health)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence First Report of Session 2007–08. Volume I : Report, together with formal minutes / House of Commons Health Committee, January 2008
The Health select committee of the House of Commons have published their first report of session 2007-2008 reviewing the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Guidance on determining the best interests of adults who lack the capacity to make a decision for themselves : a report published by the Professional Practice Board of the British Psychological Society / British Psychological Society, December 2007
Risk Prediction network launched
This network provides a nationwide forum to engage health and social care groups, including those involved in commissioning, clinicians, community matrons, NHS and social care managers, to share ideas, experiences and knowledge on different methods of predicting and stratifying risk of local health populations. Its key aims are to help inform further learning around risk prediction and stratification, enabling people to share solutions and successes, and providing additional support on challenging issues or queries to ensure NHS staff fully utilise the risk prediction tools available to the NHS. (From NHS Networks website)
Questionnaire to support the Moving People anti-stigma campaign
From the Moving People website: “We are asking for views from people who have or have had a mental health problem and carers of people with mental health problems to guide the development of a major national anti-stigma campaign in England and to create an identity for this programme of work. We need your help now to ensure we make a big impact and reduce discrimination.
Both surveys should only take 10 minutes to fill in. By responding you can also enter our prize draw to win £100 worth of high street retail vouchers.
The closing date for returning the questionnaire is Friday 22nd February 2008.”
3. Community mental health teams
Turner, EH, Matthews, AM, Linardatos, E et al (2008) Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy. New England Journal of Medicine 358(3), 17 January 2008, pp 252-260
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Barnes, TRE; Paton, C; Cavanagh, M et al (2007) A UK audit of screening for the metabolic side effects of antipsychotics in community patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin. Vol 33(6) Nov 2007, 397-1403.
Havermans R, Nicolson NA, Devries MW (2007) Daily hassles, uplifts, and time use in individuals with bipolar disorder in remission. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. 195(9):745-51, 2007 Sep.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Wobrock T, Sittinger H, Behrendt B et al (2007) Comorbid substance abuse and neurocognitive function in recent-onset schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience. 257(4):203-10, 2007 Jun.
Brekke JS. Hoe M. Long J. et al (2007) How neurocognition and social cognition influence functional change during community-based psychosocial rehabilitation for individuals with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 33(5):1247-56, 2007 Sep.
Forchuk C. Reynolds W. Sharkey S. et al (2007) The Transitional Discharge Model: comparing implementation in Canada and Scotland. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. 45(11):31-8, 2007 Nov.
Roberts BL. Rickard CM. Rajbhandari D. et al (2007) Factual memories of ICU: recall at two years post-discharge and comparison with delirium status during ICU admission--a multicentre cohort study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 16(9):1669-77, 2007 Sep.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Rao, H; Luty, J; Trathen, B. (2007) Characteristics of patients who are violent to staff and towards other people from a community mental health service in South East England. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Vol 14(8) Dec 2007, 753-757.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
4. Primary Care Mental Health
Hickie IB. Fogarty AS. Davenport TA. et al (2007) Responding to experiences of young people with common mental health problems attending Australian general practice. Medical Journal of Australia. 187(7 Suppl):S47-52, 2007 Oct 1.
Click here for full text from ProQuest. Athens account required.
Klein JB. Jacobs RH. Reinecke MA. (2007) Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescent depression: a meta-analytic investigation of changes in effect-size estimates. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 46(11):1403-13, 2007 Nov.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Mason, V. L; Shaw, A; Wiles, N. J et al (2007) GPs' experiences of primary care mental health research: A qualitative study of the barriers to recruitment. Family Practice. Vol 24(5) Oct 2007, 518-525.
Khan N. Bower P. Rogers A. (2007) Guided self-help in primary care mental health: meta-synthesis of qualitative studies of patient experience. British Journal of Psychiatry. 191:206-11, 2007 Sep.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Birmaher B, Brent D, AACAP Work Group on Quality Issues. Practice parameter for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with depressive disorders. Washington (DC): American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP); 2007. 36 p. [181 references]
Mental Health at Work: Developing the business case / Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, December 2007
Newcomer JW (2007) Metabolic syndrome and mental illness. [Review] American Journal of Managed Care. 13(7 Suppl):S170-7, 2007 Nov.
5. Assertive outreach
Tyrer, P; Balod, A; Germanavicius, A et al (2007) Perceptions of assertive community treatment in the UK and Lithuania. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Vol 53(6) Nov 2007, 498-506.
McGorry PD. Killackey E. Yung AR. (2007) Early intervention in psychotic disorders: detection and treatment of the first episode and the critical early stages. Medical Journal of Australia. 187(7 Suppl):S8-10, 2007 Oct 1.
Click here for full text from ProQuest. Athens account required.
Kelly CM. Jorm AF. Wright A. (2007) Improving mental health literacy as a strategy to facilitate early intervention for mental disorders. [Review] Medical Journal of Australia. 187(7 Suppl):S26-30, 2007 Oct 1.
Click here for full text from ProQuest. Athens account required.
Berk, M, Hallam, K, Lucas, N et al (2007) Early intervention in bipolar disorders : opportunities and pitfalls. Medical Journal of Australia 187(7) pS11-4
Click here for full text from ProQuest. Athens account required.
Fam J. Lee C. Lim BL. et al (2007) Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) in Singapore: a 1-year follow-up study. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 36(6):409-12, 2007 Jun.
Fakhoury WK. White I. Priebe S. et al (2007) Be good to your patient: how the therapeutic relationship in the treatment of patients admitted to assertive outreach affects rehospitalization. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. 195(9):789-91, 2007 Sep.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
6. Social inclusion
Shanok AF, Miller L (2007) Depression and treatment with inner city pregnant and parenting teens. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 10(5):199-210, 2007.
Abrams LS and Curran L (2007) Not just a middle-class affliction: crafting a social work research agenda on postpartum depression. Health & Social Work. 32(4):289-96, 2007 Nov.
Click here for full text from EbscoHost. Athens account required.
Nordt C, Muller B, Rossler W et al (2007) Predictors and course of vocational status, income, and quality of life in people with severe mental illness: a naturalistic study. Social Science & Medicine. 65(7):1420-9, 2007 Oct.
Click here for full text from Science Direct. Athens account required.
Agerbo E (2007) High income, employment, postgraduate education, and marriage: a suicidal cocktail among psychiatric patients. Archives of General Psychiatry. 64(12):1377-84, 2007 Dec.
Click here for full text from Ovid. Athens account required.
Stallones L, Leff M, Canetto SS et al (2007) Suicidal ideation among low-income women on family assistance programs. Women & Health. 45(4):65-83, 2007.
Edge D (2007) Ethnicity, psychosocial risk, and perinatal depression--a comparative study among inner-city women in the United Kingdom. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 63(3):291-5, 2007 Sep.
Click here for full text from Science Direct. Athens account required.
Corrigan PW. Watson AC. (2007) The stigma of psychiatric disorders and the gender, ethnicity, and education of the perceiver. Community Mental Health Journal. 43(5):439-58, 2007 Oct.
7. Social support
James AM. (2007) Principles of youth participation in mental health services. Medical Journal of Australia. 187(7 Suppl):S57-60, 2007 Oct 1.
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Miller E. Lasser KE. Becker AE. (2007) Breast and cervical cancer screening for women with mental illness: patient and provider perspectives on improving linkages between primary care and mental health. Archives of Women's Mental Health. 10(5):189-97, 2007.
Swanson KA. Bastani R. Rubenstein LV. et al (2007) Effect of mental health care and shared decision making on patient satisfaction in a community sample of patients with depression. Medical Care Research & Review. 64(4):416-30, 2007 Aug.
8. Health promotion
Chiverton P. Lindley P. Tortoretti DM. et al (2007) Well balanced: 8 steps to wellness for adults with mental illness and diabetes. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. 45(11):46-55, 2007 Nov.
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Saraceno B. (2007) Advancing the global mental health agenda. International Journal of Public Health. 52(3):140-1, 2007.
Blank L, Grimsley M, Goyder E (2007) Community-based lifestyle interventions: changing behaviour and improving health. Journal of Public Health. 29(3):236-45, 2007 Sep.
9. New books in the Maria Henderson Library
All these books are available to browse and borrow. Contact the Library for details.
Baker, Amanda(2007) Clinical handbook of co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems Hove; New York, NY: Routledge; Taylor & Francis, 2007 WM270 BAK 2007
Department of Health (2007) Services for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or mental health needs London: Department of Health, 2007 WM300 SER 2007
Health Technology Assessment (2005) Long-Term outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy clinical trials in central Scotland York: York Publishing Services, 2005 WM425 DUR 2005
Health Technology Assessment (2006) Psychological therapies including dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder: a systematic review and preliminary economic evaluation York: York Publishing Services, 2006 WM190 BRA 2006
Health Technology Assessment (2006) Randomised controlled trials of conventional antipsychotic versus new atypical drugs, and new atypical drugs versus clozapine, in people with schizophrenia responding poorly to, or intolerant of, current drug treatment York: York Publishing Services, 2006 WM230 RAN 2006
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (2007) NHSScotland incident reporting culture : extended study national summary report Glasgow: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland, 2007 WM35 NHS 2007
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (2007) Shifting the focus : leading on quality improvement and patient safety in community and primary healthcare services Glasgow: NHS Quality Improvement Scotland, 2007 WX84 SHI 2007
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (2007) Standards for integrated care pathways for mental health Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007 WM30 STA 2007
NHS Scotland (2007) Better health, better care : action plan Edinburgh: Scottish Government, 2007 WX28 BET 2007
Nursing & Midwifery Council [2007] Standards to support learning and assessment in practice : NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers London: Nursing and Midwifery Council, [2007] WY18 STA [2007]
Royal College of General Practitioners.(2006) Supporting self care in primary care Oxford; Seattle: Radcliffe Pub., c2006 W84.6 CHA 2006
Scottish Council for Single Homeless [2007] Stay or go? : young people living at home and leaving home : a guide for parents. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Single Homeless, [2007] HV4480 STA [2007]
Scottish Government (2007) Mental health in Scotland : closing the gaps - making a difference [Edinburgh]: Scottish Government, 2007 WM270 MEN 2007
Steketee, GailCompulsive hoarding and acquiring : therapist guideNew York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2007 WM176 STE 2007
Waller, Glenn (2007) Cognitive behavioural therapy for the eating disorders : a comprehensive treatment guide Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007 WM175 WAL 2007
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