BoS CoC 5/4/16

Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Beth Waddle, Vivian Baar, Joyce Stockham, Ciaira Herren, Jami Crowder, Deanna Goering, Debbie Snapp, Megan Thompson, Dani Dresslar, Natasha Derakhshanian, James Chiselom, Christopher Leach, Jessica Lara, Mike Lyman, Kate Watson, Cheryl Patrick


Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Item
April CoC Minutes – Beth Waddle / Review and acceptance of the April minutes. Joyce Stockham motion to approve. Megan Thompson 2nd the motion.
HUD Update – Cheryl Patrick / Cheryl has registered the CoC for the upcoming NOFA.
For the 2015 HUD funding, two transitional housing programs (My Father’s House and Cowley County Safe Homes) were not funded. New Beginnings had $49,606 approved – there request was $128,111. As a CoC we need to determine what we can do to improve our funding status.
HUD wants a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of our transition programs (TH). HUD has communicated that TH is less cost effective as permanent supportive housing.
HUD wants to see us maximizing mainstream resources in our communities and leverage resources through community partnerships. They also want us to determine if Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is a better program for our needs. Cheryl has contacted Mindy Mitchell who is a program and policy analyst with the National Alliance to End Homelessness to conduct a Webinar on RRH for our CoC. HUD relies on the Alliance for up to date research and data analysis around homeless issues.
HUD agrees that TH works in addiction recovery, youth and domestic violence.
There was some discussion around advocating why TH works for programs in our CoC. One response was that we can advocate but we should also move toward RRH where possible.
A suggestion was made that we conduct a meeting with TH and RRH programs along with Emergency Solutions Grantees (ESG) to discuss how these programs work and how those programs work with landlords. It was suggested that Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) have experience with RRH.
As a CoC, we need to do everything we can to sustain our programs/funding going forward. / 1) Cheryl will contact Mindy Mitchell with the National Alliance to set up a Webinar to
2) Kate & Cheryl will put together a meeting in a central location to discuss how the RRH and ESG programs work to better inform how we move forward.
3) Kate will be pulling together the NOFA Committee.
2016 Summit Review - Cheryl Patrick, / There were 201 people registered for the event – with 18 no-shows. There were lots of requests for continuing education credits for this summit. The evaluations had mostly good comments about the Summit.
Jamie Crowder won the Marion Nichol’s award. Congratulations to Jamie! / Cheryl will send out the evaluations once they are analyzed.
BoS CoC Coordinator Report – Kate Watson / The report entailed collecting the PIT/HIC surveys, data entry and data analysis for this reporting period. The data was successfully submitted to HUD on May 2nd.
Balance of State & HMIS Updates – James Chiselom & Natasha Derakhshanian / The VA access to the CoC HMIS Guidance came out on 5/4/16.
Refresher HMIS trainings dates and locations are provided in the HMIS Message Board.
Regional Updates / SW Region – nest meeting is June 21st @ 9:30 at Catholic Chancery Office at 910 Central Ave. Dodge City.
Lawrence-Douglas County – they met in April and will meet again on July 12th.
SE Region – will meet on May 11th. They have recruited new groups to increase their program participant base.
Next Meeting / June 1, 2016 @ 10:00