RFID technology by Elatec to be deployed at the Museum of Geology and Palaeontology in Muenster

Muenster/Munich, March 30, 2007 – The Museum of Geology and Palaeontology, run by the University of Muenster, plans to introduce a new interactive information system based on RFID technology developed by Elatec. The museum and ERCIS (EuropeanResearchCenter for Information Systems) joined forces to create a PDA-based multimedia communication system that dynamically adjusts contents to the current user and collects valuable data which the museum can use to customise exhibitions to visitors' interests.

The system allows visitors to either join a pre-selected guided tour or to decide for themselves which areas of the museum they wish to explore. They receive a mini-computer (PDA) with an integrated RFID reader by Elatec that reacts to the passive RFID tags provided for all exhibits in the museum. Each Compact Flash Card Reader has an RFID antenna that recognises radio tags at a frequency range of 125kHz. The PDAs can identify RFID tags within a few steps of an exhibit, so all a visitor needs to do to start a multimedia presentation is to point the mini-computer at the information plate that belongs to the object of interest. The museum has thus succeeded in creating a communication system that visitors of all age groups will find extremely easy to use.

The mini-computers are configured to customise contents based on the age, interests, standard of knowledge, etc. of a user. The additional information supplied by the PDA – text, images, or video clips – complements the physical exhibition, thus revolutionising the traditional museum experience. As Professor Vossen of the ERCIS team remarks, "the RFID technology enables the seamless integration of the physical world and the virtual spheres of information systems. Mobile applications, in particular, have a fantastic mediatorial potential."

The RFID-based PDA solution offers two other significant benefits for the museum: Since the mobile database technologies devised specifically for the new information system are deployed on the mini-computers, there is no need for an expensive infrastructure, e.g. a wireless local area network (WLAN). What is more, the data collected indirectly via RFID on the PDAs can be evaluated anonymously to find out how much time visitors spend in front of an exhibit, how many visitors pay attention to a specific object, etc. The knowledge gained from this data can be used to optimise the exhibition and the supplementary information to the visitors' interests.

Available graphical material

The following printable graphical material is available for downloading at:

Compact Flash Card Reader by Elatec with integrated antenna. /
From 2008, visitors can retrieve information on individual museum exhibits from a PDA-based multimedia information system.

EuropeanResearchCenter for Information Systems (ERCIS), University of Muenster

The EuropeanResearchCenter for Information Systems (ERCIS) is a network of scientists that conduct cooperative research in the field of integrated information systems development and organisational design. For the first time, core competencies in the discipline of information systems are interrelated with issues in the field of computer science, business administration and specific legal issues within an institutional framework. Thus, a holistic view of information system development and organizational design issues can be ensured.

Due to its outstanding reputation in both research and teaching within the field of information systems and business administration, the University of Muenster has been selected by the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia to found the EuropeanResearchCenter for Information Systems. The exceptional performance of both the information systems and business administration faculty has been affirmed many times in the annual ranking of German universities.

Visit for further information.


Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vossen
Phone:+49 (0)251 83 38150
Fax:+49 (0)251 83 38159

Joachim Schwieren (Dipl. Wirt.-Inform.)
Phone: +49 (0) 251 83 38160
Fax: +49 (0)251 83 38159
Responsibility: Project management

Museum of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Muenster

The museum building is under reconstruction at present. From early 2008, it will feature exhibits from the fields of palaeontology, mineralogy and geology.

The museum wishes to provide a platform for the intelligible communication of geoscientific issues, covering a wide range of topics from evolution and extinction to earthquakes and tsunamis, emphasising the value of current research at the supporting organisation and presenting its findings in special exhibitions. The museum does not, however, target scientists and other specialists with a certain level of professional expertise. Its main audience is comprised of school classes and families. Therefore, its presentation concept focuses on legible texts, clear images, and the attraction of authenticity, abandoning modern staging techniques wherever possible. For several years, the "old" Museum of Geology and Palaeontology registered a regular annual increase in attendance and hopes to beat its own record of 20,000 visitors when it reopens.

Visit for more information (German only).


Dr. Markus Bertling, Curator
Phone:+49 (0)251 83 23942
Fax:+49 (0)251 83 24891

Elatec Vertriebs GmbH

Elatec is a highly specialised distributor of Semiconductors, Industrial Computing Systems, Display Technologies and RFID solutions. Elatec has 9 sales & marketing offices throughout East Central Europe and provides a broad product portfolio from world leading suppliers to all market segments in the electronics industry. More about Elatec at:

Elatec PR Contact:
Manfred Oelkers – Director Communications
Hans-Stiessberger-Str. 2a
D-85540 Haar
Phone +49 (0)89 4623 07 12
Fax +49 (0)89 4623 07 99

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