Mown Grassland / Cut main areas in Quarry and KGG as defined and agreed with FSTGS
Grass area to N of Quarry entrance to be kept short to reduce problems with arisings. / MBC / Target of 12 cuts during growing season (New figure is not known – guidance is it will be reduced) / Oct 2014
Rough Grassland
Quarry + KGG / Annual Cut / MBC / No earlier than end July and preferably later / Meadowland in Quarry cut by MBC June ’ 15.
In KGG, clear grass from around base of planted oaks and walnut tree to reduce competition for nutrients / Friends / Include in strimming programme / June 2015
Hedges / Light trim of long edges / Contract / BC / 1/annum / Completed by JT Sept 14
Full trimming of young hedge in KGG
KGG hedge bordering church boundary / Contract / BC
AL / payback service / 1/annum.
Spring 2015 ASAP / Completed by JT Apr 15
Completed March 2015 only needs tidying
Non-native and invasive species / Snowberry bush (in mature woodland) – check for spreading and introduce control measures if required / Friends / Under Control
Indian balsam – control along the beck- side (including plantation) by pulling (preferred) or cutting of plants before they reseed / Friends / Strim / uproot little and often. / Now largely under control apart from some remaining balsam in areas containing brambles.
Dominant species in Wet Area – control to avoid area drying out. (Some white leaved grass identified by MA of WFA as needing to be raked out) / Friends / Annually as needed / Oct ’13 Some white leaved grass removed from pond area and a quantity of Flag Iris lifted to be replanted in the pond area of Stainton wood.
Ivy - remove ivy selectively where it might smother young saplings / Friends / Ongoing Programme / Spring ‘15
Woodland Management/Selective thinning of trees / Fell dead trees and branches on the steep slopes of the quarry and general tidy up / Friends / Tree felling ASAP – tidying ongoing / Dead trees/branches taken down new habitat formed Mar ’15. Tidying ongoing activity.
Quarry + KGG / Inspect for safety and integrity. Repair or replace as necessary. / Friends / Every 3 months / All fences in reasonable condition
KGG Drainage System / Repairs to field drains due to blockage / Friends / Every 6 months / Repairs implemented by BC June 2015.
General Maintenance and Improvement / Wet Area in KGG / Local contractor and/or TMG / # Wet area strimmed and tidied up by Friends Q3 ‘13.
# Pond scooped out by JT Q3 ’11.
Paths and revetments – Quarry - major project to improve safety and access on lower paths and steps to iron bridge.
New grant application successful. / MBC/ TVWT
AL / Friends / Stage 1 – April / May
Stage 2 – Aug
Feb 2015 / New handrails and steps fitted in the steep part of the Quarry Qtr 4 2013, after initial attacks seems to be surviving.
Further repairs Aug 2014 only minor damage.
New hard core paths to be developed along lower paths, work started Mar 2015 completed April 2015
KGG Pack Bridge
Badgers have been removed and now returned from the Quarry
Consideration to be given for introduction of Yellow Rattle as weed control
‘Whinstone Cluster’ (Stain Henge)
Mole control in KGG / BC/AL
BC to arrange / Examination in 2014
Oct 2014
Early 2015
Ongoing from early 2015
Annually / Concerns regarding the bridge have receded, the stone work has stabilised due to the removal of a shrub growing nearby. Condition to be monitored, but no further action needed - BC
Removed from Site to effect preservation / restoration. To be cleaned, stained and returned possible to new location and standing area – Spring 2015
Yellow Rattle seed planted in lower triangle in the quarry near picnic bench recent inspection showing signs of growth in all areas of planting.
A group of large Whinstone rocks has been assembled on the higher path of the quarry, this feature to be developed with wild flowers and indigenous plants through 2015.
Mole control considered essential, potential hazard created for gala day.
Strimming Programme / Quarry – Mow slope and owl seat area
Quarry – East field, trim edges
Quarry – Copse area and lower East path, remove brambles after fruiting
Quarry – Orchard area, maintain grass levels around Owl seat, develop pruning regime for fruit trees.
Wildflower Areas:-
Quarry – Wildflower area behind seat close to gate.
Kell Gate Green – Hedge sides, Deer area + Wild flower banks
Kell Gate Green – Field edges and beck sides
Kell Gate Green – wet area and wall
Spinney – Maintain integrity of path edges and recently planted new tree area. / Friends
AL / Friends
Friends / Regularly – 3wks May to October.
2 – 3 months May to October
Annually .
Grass 4 –6 wks.
Pruning annually in winter.
After wildflower seeds have fallen – Late Aug / Sept
Early spring after bulbs showing and late autumn
Regularly – 3 wks May – October
2 – 3 months May to October
2 – 3 months May to October / June ‘15
Sept / Oct 2014
Sept 2014 by payback group.
Old apple trees given first pruning winter months this year. ‘14
Agreed – this area to be sown with wildflower seeds and NOT to become part of the normal / regular strimming regime.
Agreed – this area to be sown with wildflower seeds and NOT to become part of the normal strimming regime.
Concerns raised about strimming activity in this area?
June ‘15
June ‘15
June ‘15
Bird Boxes / Resite old boxes and new bird, bat and owl boxes, in collaboration with TVWT / NC / AC / Friends / Very early Spring ‘14 / New boxes installed an additional 20 sparrow / tit boxes, 2 owl boxes, ! x kestrel box, 1 x tree creeper and 3 bat boxes, all located in various part of the quarry and KGG
Education and Training / Arrange School Holiday Sessions 2015 as part of new grant / SA / AL / Throughout the year / New sessions as part of 2015 grant application, 30/03. 26/05. 19/07. Aug or Sept?. 26/10 + 21/12.
Fund Raising / Regular support coming from PC and Comm Council. / Friends / Friends Grp. Meetings / Option for fund raising to be considered for Gala Day
Judges Reports
Awards Schemes / Northumbria in Bloom Judging.
Green Flag Community Award Scheme
‘It’s your neighbourhood awards’ / AL/MBC/ Friends
RHS / Annually
Annually – Dec / January
Annually / Second visit scheduled for Summer judging July 2015
2015 Award - Submission to completed and forwarded to Green Flag by AC. Mystery judges visit in Jan 2015, response to comments included in report for 2015. Only adverse comments were about poor condition of lower paths and no flagpole for the Green Flag.
Last of Summer Wine Group were awarded an ‘outstanding’ certificate for their work.
Signage/Leaflets / Develop interpretation boards for siting at Quarry entrance + KGG. Comments from Jan meeting considered – move to final stage Jan / Feb
New panels to be installed by TVWT to suit our preferred locations / AC / TVWT / Completed Qtr 1 2014 / New information panels sited at quarry and KGG entrances Mar ’14, suggestion for paving to be installed at quarry entrance to protect grassed area agreed. Completed May 2014
Damaged panel replaced by Sign Art Oct 2014
Stainton Wood / Management Plan to be developed by SA. / SA / Qtr1 / Qtr2 2015? / PB from Tees Valley Wild Green Places has been identified as the person who will be working on the management plan for Stainton Wood. Funding has been acquired for 5 years however there are 20 sites being covered. Work on the plan will start shortly but will take some considerable time to complete.
Care is needed about additional Friends workload!