If telephoning please ask for:Nadine Byrne
Direct Dial: 01724 – 296778
Fax No: 01724 - 296749
Email Address:
Reference No:URN2429592
Date:19 December 2014
Please address all correspondence to Business Services
Dear Mr Hinchcliffe
Re: Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your information request dated4 December 2014.
How many complaints have been made to the Council relating to dog fouling on what is commonly known as the Coop Sports Ground between 05/05/2011 and 30/11/2014?
The management of this location is outside the remit of the Dog Warden Service. However, I can inform you that the Dog Wardens have no record of dog fouling on the Coop Sports Ground.
How many complaints have been made to the Council relating to aggressive behaviour from domestic dogs on what is commonly known as the Coop Sports Ground between 05/05/2011 and 30/11/2014?
I can inform you that the Dog Wardens have no record of any aggressive dogs on the Coop Sports Ground. We have anecdotal evidence of "aggressive" or unruly dogs throughout Central Park but again no specific complaints.
How many recorded cases of Toxocariasis related disease in humans have there been in North Lincolnshire since 05/05/2011?
This is outside the remit of the Dog Warden Service. This information may be obtainable from GPs or the NHS but I suspect would be virtually impossible to obtain or prove the source was the Coop Sports Ground.
How many Council staff are routinely present in Central Park, including the area commonly known as the Coop Sports Ground between 6:30pm and 6:30am (excluding gate opening/closing)?
The management of this location is outside the remit of the Dog Warden Service. However, the Dog Wardens would visit if there was evidence of on-going dog control issues. We have no record of dog control issues on the Coop Sports Ground requiring night / evening visits / patrols. We have a team of approximately 5 full-time staff and 3 apprentices currently operating within Central Park including grounds maintenance, litter picking, pitch marking out etc.
How many incidents of unlawful activity by humans in Central Park, including the area commonly known as the Coop Sports Ground, were reported between 05/05/2011 and 30/11/2014?
This is outside the remit of the Dog Warden Service. This information may be obtainable from the Safer Neighbourhoods Partnership and Humberside Police.
Please notethat the supply of documents under Freedom of Information does not give the person or organisation that receives them an automatic right to re-use the documents in a way that would infringe copyright, for example, by making multiple copies, publishing, or issuing copies to the public.
If you wish to re-use the information supplied you must apply to the Council for a licence. The
terms of this licence may be found at on the internet. An application for a licence must be made in writing (which includes email) and provide the following information:
- your name and address
- a statement of which documents you wish to re-use
- the purpose for which the document(s) will be re-used
Thank you for your enquiry and I hope that we have dealt with your request satisfactorily. If you are unhappy with any aspect of this case you have the right to complain. In the first instance I would ask that you contact me on the contact numbers or address shown but there are other options available to you.
The Council's complaints procedure can be viewed on the Internet here:
The Office of the Information Commissioner has advice on making a complaint and this can be viewed on the internet here:
If you wish to communicate further with us about this FOI request please contact me on the following numbers: -
Direct Dial: 01724 – 296778
Fax No: 01724 – 296749
Email Address:
Yours faithfully
Nadine Byrne
Business Services Manager