
International Policy


The Governors and staff of StamfordParkJuniorSchool have always promoted and valued an International dimension in the school curriculum, in order to enrich the learning experience of its pupils. We recognise that further developing the international dimension across the curriculum will open up opportunities for our pupils and enable them to feel part of a world society. We wish to equip them with thenecessary skills and knowledge for life and work in a global society and economy. Tolerance and understanding of diversity is equally important in our wish to develop International links.


  • To develop our partnerships with schools in India, Spain, Bulgaria and Italy.
  • To develop new partnerships with schools in other countries.
  • To develop regular communications with our partner schools abroad, using modern technology.
  • To enable students to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts and institutions necessary to become informed, active, responsible global citizens.
  • To enable students to understand issues of human rights and to develop a sense of social justice.
  • To develop students’ values and perceptions of other parts of the world and also celebrate our rich cultural and ethnic diversity.
  • To maintain a commitment to International Education within the Senior Management Team and within the whole staff.
  • To encourage greater involvement in environmental issues.
  • To regularly audit the formal and informal curriculum to assess the depth and balance of International Education opportunities.
  • To foster and encourage positive attitudes to take part in the global community.
  • To provide our pupils with a raised awareness of their national and international identity.
  • To raise awareness of how the world is changing economically, culturally and technologically and to foster a greater sense of interdependency.
  • To exploit any opportunity to welcome overseas visitors to the school.
  • To develop students’ capability to communicate effectively and confidently in other languages.


  1. To identify and embed opportunities for developing the International dimension across the curriculum.
  1. To encourage teachers of different year groups to work together to promote the international agenda and develop cross-curricular opportunities with Partner schools abroad.
  1. To develop partnerships links with schools in other countries throughout the world.
  1. To involve pupils in e-mail links and video-conferencing with our partner schools abroad.
  1. To provide opportunities for pupils to develop their cross-cultural skills.
  1. To involve pupils and staff in welcoming visitors from other countries.
  1. To enable pupilsto develop an understanding of major global issues.
  1. To provide staff with opportunities to benefit fromCPD afforded by interaction with teachers in other countries.
  1. To provide opportunities for pupils and staff to learn languages that are not on the curriculum, in order to develop international awareness and develop language skills needed in the commercial world.

This policy will be reviewed regularly, by the Governing Body.

CAD 2010