7DSAT Questions:
- new question:
Does consultant job planning in the Trust make provision for a consultant-led ward round on every ward every day of the week?
If No please tick the specialties that are not covered by a daily consultant-led ward round
Tick boxes:
- Standard 2 questions
What percentage of patients admitted as an emergency (not just through the emergency department) receive a thorough clinical assessment by a suitable consultant (seven days a week) within 14 hours of arrival at hospital
- Responses to be entered as a numerator and denominator (calculating % and showing?)
- Split into three sections: Weekday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Is there documented evidence that the patient and their carers have been made aware of the diagnosis, management plan and prognosis within 48 hours of admission?
No, but (+ free text box for them to add in narrative re: justifiable reason for not having this discussion as long as this is recorded in the clinical record)
- Standard 5 questions:
‘What proportion of patients are able to access consultant directed diagnostic tests and completed reporting, seven days a week’
• Within 1 hour for patients with critical care needs
• within12 hours for patients with urgent care needs
- Responses to be entered as a numerator and denominator (calculating % and showing?)
- Split into three sections: Weekday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Tests to include in list:
- Bronchoscopy
- CT
- Echocardiography
- Histopathology
- Microbiology
- Colonoscopy
- Upper GI Endoscopy
- Ultrasound
- Standard 6 questions
Do inpatients have 24 hour access to consultant directed interventions 7 days a week, either on site or via formal network arrangements?
- Drop down response
- Split into three sections: Weekday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Options:
- No
- Yes –on Site
- Yes – off Site (via formal arrangement)
- Yes – off Site (NOT via formal arrangement)
- Mix of on and off site
- List of interventions as below:
- Critical Care
- Cardiac Pacing
- Thrombolysis
- Emergency General Surgery
- Interventional Endoscopy
- Interventional Radiology
- Renal Replacement
- Urgent Radiotherapy
- Standard 8 questions
What % of patients on the AMU, ASU , ITU and other high dependency areas are seen and reviewed by a consultant twice daily (including all acutely ill patients directly transferred and others who deteriorate)?
- Responses to be entered as a numerator and denominator (calculating % and showing?)
- Split into three sections: Weekday, Saturday, and Sunday
- Separate answer for AMU, ASU, ITU and other HDU.
Once transferred from an acute area of the hospital to a general ward, what percentage of patients are reviewed, as part of a consultant-delivered ward round at least once every 24 hours, seven days a week (unless it has been determined that this would not affect the patient’s care pathway)?
- Responses to be entered as a numerator and denominator (calculating % and showing?)
- Split into three sections: Weekday, Saturday, and Sunday