Volunteer Opportunities in Our Neighborhood: Summer Meal Programs for Kids

Many school-aged children receive the bulk of their food each day from food assistance programs in public schools during the school year. But during the summer, those children often do not have access to that same assistance. This has been an issue that Senator Patty Murray has tried to shine a light on each year. According to her website, 1 in 5 U.S. households face “food uncertainty,” meaning “limited or uncertain access” to food. In the summer, “research shows that hunger for families with school-aged children increases by 34.2%.”

(For more information from Senator Murray: https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/summer-hunger)

There are several local options that address this issue, and these groups need our help.

1. Summer Meals at Kingsgate Library


· Serve lunches from 12:00-1:00 on W/Th/F

· Need 3 to 5 consistent volunteers on Fridays through July and August to serve lunch (11:45 – 1:00). Please see Sarah or email to volunteer.

· Need fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, etc.)

· Need take-home snacks

· Donations can be brought to the front desk at the library

2. Summer Food Invasion through the Northshore YMCA


· Serve lunches from 11:30 – 1:00 on M/T/W/Th/F at Kenmore City Hall and First Lutheran Church in Bothell

· Need food donations for adults who accompany the kids (refrigeration is available), as well as non-perishable snacks to send home with the kids

· Engage kids in educational or physical activities as a compliment to the food service

· For information on volunteering or to arrange a drop-off of donated food, please email Rodney Scott at .

· Drop-off location: Carol Edwards Center in Woodinville (17401 133rd Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98072)

3. Husky Pantry

Husky Pantry is a resource for all UW Bothell students who might be between paychecks or just need some extra resources to get through the week or month. This resource is available year-round.

· Non-perishable food donations are taken during business hours at:

Husky Village Community Center (18612 Beardslee Blvd, Bothell, WA)

Student Diversity Center (18115 Campus Way NE Bothell, WA)

· Commonly requested items: pasta/pasta sauce, rice, canned soup/chili, peanut butter, protein shakes/mix, snack bars, dried fruit, nuts

· Personal hygiene items are also needed (toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, tampons). Please drop these items at the second location, the Student Diversity Center.