KernCounty Probation Department
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) by offenders being released on POST RELEASE COMMUNITY SUPERVISION (PRCS)
If I am being released on PRCS, does that mean I’m on Probation again?
You are not on Probation you are on Post Release Community Supervision. You are supervised for compliance of PRCS terms and conditions by the Probation Department.
How soon do I have to report to my officer after I’m released from CDCR on PRCS?
Within two working days of your release from Prison you MUST report to Probation.
How long will I be on PRCS after I’m released? Can I be terminated early?
Your Controlling Discharge date will ultimately determine your release date from PRCS. If you are being released fallowing a new term, your CDD will be three years from your release date. If your CDD is more than one year past your release from Prison then you will be automatically terminated from PRCS after one year if you have no violations and have not been incarcerated while on PRCS. Early terminations are granted on a case by case basis if they meet certain criteria.
How often am I required to check in with my officer while I am on PRCS?
You are required to report once a month by written report forms. This form must be delivered to the Probation Department in person or by mailer between the 1st and the 10th of each month. You may be required to report more often depending on the probation officers directives.
After I’m released on PRCS, does my officer come to my house to check on me? Will my officer call and let me know when he is coming?
Yes, the officer will check on you at your residence, but will not notify you before hand.
After I’m released on PRCS, I will be living in a house with pit bulls and the owner has firearms. Is that ok?
You MAY be authorized if the dogs are secured in a location that does not hinder the Probation Officers from accessing the residence. If the owner has legal, registered firearms they MUST be secured in a locked safe inaccessible by you. These types of cases are subject to review by the probation officer.
After I’m released on PRCS, can my officer only search my room?
Any Law Enforcement Officer may search your room and any common area that is accessible to you.
If I’m being released on PRCS to a County where I have no family/friends/support/etc., can my PRCS be transferred to another County?
Yes it can. If the process is started while in Prison you should be able to go to that county if approved. If your release is too close to process, you will be required to report to our county and we will start the process after meeting with you. Regardless, you must meet with your Probation Officer within two days of release from Prison.
While I’m on PRCS, do I need permission to travel out of the County?
While in CDCR, I participated in the Substance Abuse Program (SAP). Are there any aftercare residential programs which I can be released to directly from CDCR?
There are approved substance abuse programs you can participate in but you will be required to pay. Funding may be available in the future for these programs but it will be at the discretion of your assigned probation officer.
While in CDCR, I participated in the Substance Abuse Program (SAP). If I choose not to enter a residential program after being released on PRCS, will I be violated?
No, unless your probation officer directs you to enroll in a substance abuse program.
While in CDCR, I participated in the Substance Abuse Program (SAP). If I enter a residential program after being released on PRCS, will I be violated if I decide to leave the program?
No, if the entry into the program was voluntary.
When I was on Parole, I was ordered to attend the Parolee Outpatient Clinic (POC) and was subject to violation for failing to attend. Do I still have to attend POC after I’m released on PRCS? Can I be violated if I don’t attend?
PRCS does not have POC. You will be required to attend counseling or other programs as directed by your Officer.
I have not been classified as CCCMS or EOP by CDCR. After I’m released on PRCS, can I still be referred for mental health services?
Yes, if the Probation Officer deems the services are needed.
When I was on parole, I was given food, clothing and housing vouchers. Do I still get those on PRCS?
You should ask about these types of services during your initial conference. Should services be available your assigned probation officer will assess you for services and make the appropriate referrals.
When I was on parole, I was placed in WESTEC for my oilfield certifications, does PRCS offer job placement?
PRCS can provide you with dates that WESTEC will be conducting training and is in partnership with the Day Reporting Center and Employers Training Resource which have programs to assist you in your educational and employment needs.