Brighouse High School
Job Description
Post Title: Attendance Officer / Pastoral Administrator Year 9
Post Grade: APT & C Scale 4/5
Hours: 35 hours per week term time only
Car User: Essential
Prime Objectives of Post
The main objectives to be achieved by the Post holder:
- To assist the school in maintaining good levels of attendance
- To reduce unauthorised absence
- To provide clerical support to the Head f Year 9 and to take responsibility for routine pastoral matters
Responsible to
Heads of Year
Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher
Main Activities
What the post holder will actually do;
- To implement strategies to improve levels of attendance for individual students
- To make direct contact with parents by telephone, letter, in all instances where individual students are absent without explanation and take appropriate action e.g. report to Head of Year, Deputy Headteacher etc and so undertake home visits where necessary
- To monitor the attendance of individual students and notify the Heads of Year when patterns of absence are detected
- To monitor the attendance of known truants through attendance reports and through spot checks in lessons
- To work alongside Heads of Year to support students in improving their attendance or prevent attendance from deteriorating
- To work with Heads of Year and other key staff to implement new attendance strategies to improve overall attendance and punctuality
- Developing innovative and new ways of encouraging families to make attendance at school a top priority
- Work to raise the profile of attendance throughout the school through displays, rewards, attending assemblies and contact with tutor groups
- Management and monitoring of term time holiday requests forms
- To provide secretarial support to the Head of Year 9
- To be first telephone contact for the Head of Year 9
- To handle confidential matters relating to pupils
- To coordinate and assist in the organisation of Year 9 Choices Evening
- Maintenance and update of Year 9 pupil records (SIMS) for year group
- General filing
- To work with individuals or small groups of pupils on matters relating to well-being and welfare.
- To provide an effective liaison between home and school on matters relating to attendance
- To work with parents in explaining the legal requirements relating to school attendance
- To liaise with Heads of Year to review students’ attendance and punctuality and to decide upon referrals to other agencies
- To provide mentoring and support for individual pupils with attendance issues
- To work with the Head of Year 9 to support the welfare of Year 9 students
- To help to resolve problems between home and school, including making home visits and working with parents to encourage good attendance
- Assist with the reintegration of students, including during periods of exclusion from school
ICT, Management Information & Administration
- Check registers on a daily basis
- Examine registers for any omissions or inaccuracies and seek clarification from Form Tutors
- Provide Heads of Year and Form Tutors with records of attendance and punctuality as required
- Collate and analyse whole school attendance and punctuality reports on a monthly basis
- Prepare records of student attendance
J:\Confidential\NEWSTAFF\Associate Staff\job descriptions\Admin\Attendance Officer.doc