AP CalculusAB (2011- 2012)
Teacher:Yuxia ZhangSchool phone number: 713-741-2410
Email:onference Time:08:35 AM-10:00 AM(A Days)
This is a college level course and students can get college credit for 1 semester of Calculus if they get a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the Advanced Placement (AP) test given by the College Board in May 2012. I work very hard to prepare my students for the AP test and I expect each student to work hard and take that test. Students will have to work regularly in order to perform well in this course.
TESTS: There will be at least 2 tests per grading cycle.
QUIZZES: There will be approximately 4 quizzes per grading cycle.
HOMEWORK: Assignments are due on the quiz days. Homework is graded on effort and percent of work completed, not necessarily on correct answers. Work must be shown for each problem.
DeBakey HSHP Retake Policy:
- If a homework assignment is not turned in on the due date, that assignment may be turned in to the teacher by the beginning of the next class meeting; the grade received will be no higher than a 70%. If the assignment is not turned in on the next meeting day, the grade remains a zero.
- No retakes are allowed for quizzes and the end of cycle test. If a student receives a failing grade on any other test in a cycle, he/she may request an opportunity to re-take that test. That request must be made in writing to the teacher during the class on the day that the student receives the graded test.
- The retake final assignment grade will be an average of the two scores, the original and the retake, unless the average is higher than a 70. If the average is higher than a 70, the grade defaults to a 70. The highest grade a student can receive on the final assignment or test is a 70%.
- The retake test or class assignment must be completed within two school days of receiving the grade.
- Retake opportunities must be scheduled outside the regular class time. Before school and after school (M-Th) are options.
Lesson Plan: Atentative schedule for lessons, homework assignments, quizzes, and tests will be provided to students at the beginning of each grading cycle. Updates may be necessary during a grading cycle. Students should use the cycle lesson/assessment plan to schedule their studies and to practice for assessments.Parents can use the lesson plan to closely monitor their child’s progress in the course.
Progress Reports: All students will receive a progress report by the end of the fourth week of each grading cycle. Students are expected to have a parent sign the progress report and return it on the following class period. Each grade is also posted on Gradespeed.
Making Up Work Due to Absence:
If the student is absent from class the day a lesson is given, the student should attend the next available morning or after school tutorial to receive help.
Students who are absent on the day an assessment is given, must be prepared to makeup the assessment on the day they return to school. The homework assignment will be due no more than 2 class days after returning from an absence.
Students returning from an absence on the day an assessment is given must be prepared to take the assessment as scheduledunless the assessment includes material that was covered during the absence. If so, the assessment must be made up by the next class period. Parents are requested to ensure that their child has talked to me about the arrangement of make up for the test or quiz or contact me through email or telephone.
I may give extensions for students with extended illnesses or emergencies on an individual basis. Extensions will not be given for lack of organization or planning on the part of the student.
Calculator: TI 84 Plus will be used in class. I would like each student to buy a calculator (TI 84 Silver Edition) as it will be required for homework and for their college courses too.If a student is having any difficulty in this matter it should be brought to my notice. I will issue a calculator to such students. They will be responsible to return it to me at the end of the semester in good working condition.Students are responsible to bring the calculator for each class. This would help in saving time for distributing of calculators to students for each class and that time can be used for instructional purpose.
Returning graded assignments: Exams and quizzes will be graded and returned to students within two class periods from the time of administration. Parents are requested to monitor the progress of their child through these graded assignments and contact me if there are questions or concerns.
End of cycle test will not be released to the students. That test will be reviewed in class and students will have the opportunity to review it during before and after school tutorials.
Tutoring: Students will have opportunities to attend before or after school tutorials. Details will be announced in class during the first week of school.
Please refer to the school time tracker for all other school policies especially about the use of cell phone and electronic devices in school premises.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing below. I will post this document on Gradespeed for your future reference.
Student Name ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Name ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______