On Your Own #1

Cordiz Construction

  1. Start Excel, if necessary.
  2. Create a new workbook using the template Weekly Time Sheet by Client and Project. You’ll need to download this template from Microsoft Office Online. You’ll find the template listed in the Time Sheets category.
  3. Save the file as On Your Own 1 in the custom folder of Excel.
  4. Enter the information shown below:
  5. Company Name: Cordiz Construction
  6. Address: 2152 W. Haveland Ave.; Suite 204; Clarksdale, Ohio 54112
  7. Change Employee to: Contractor
  8. Change Manager to: Client
  9. Change Employee phone to: Contractor phone
  10. Change Employee e-mail to: Contractor e-mail:
  11. Week ending date: 24/04/2011
  12. Contractor name: Walt Berry
  13. Client name: Harriet Homes
  14. No phone number
  15. Contractor e-mail:
  16. Client Code: starting in cell C13 going down: HCD01, HWD23, HLL12, HWD23, HCD01, HCD01, HLL15
  17. Project Code: starting in cell D13 going down: FR01, WP02, FR01, FR02, FR03, WP02, FR02
  18. Enter the following information:

Billable Hours / Other Hours
Monday / 6.25 / 2.00
Tuesday / 4.25 / 0.50
Wednesday / 6.25 / 2.00
Thursday / 10.25 / 0.50
Friday / 7.50 / 2.00
Saturday / 4.25 / 0.50
Sunday / 3.00 / 2.00

6. In H12, I12, and J12 enter the following headings: Hours at 1.5x, Hours at 2x, Hours at 2.5x

7. Enter the following information starting in cell H13 with 0.25:

Hours at 1.5x / Hours at 2x / Hours at 2.5x
4.75 / 0.75
5.00 / 1.00