The Titanic - what was below the water sunk them, same as people, we only see about 10% of who they really are, only use about 5-10% of the brain etc.
What we see are ACTIONS, which are based on DECISIONS, which translate into RESULTS which determine people’s BEHAVIORS. This is very much on the surface and to try and start running by just going out and running will bring about very short term change.
Then we get below the waterline. The biggest contributing factor to someone’s BEHAVIORS are their SKILLS. We like to do things we’re good at. Good cooks love entertaining and bad cooks usually go to a restaurant etc.
The biggest contributing factor to your SKILLS are your BELIEFS. Its very difficult to change your BELIEF if they are already strong enough.
BELIEF is something you hold to be true, but not necessarily a fact. For example a table top, the experience of BELIEF is the more legs, and the stronger the table. BELIEF - How to change… Significant Emotional Event in your life can wipe out even the strongest BELIEF, or you can CHOOSE to change a BELIEF. You will have to re-inforce, but the choice is extremely powerful.
Biggest contributing factor to your BELIEFS are your VALUES… If your highest VALUE in life was success you would have a whole different range of BELIEF than someone who’s highest VALUE was love… VALUE is something you hold to be IMPORTANT.
However, the biggest factor in your long term change is your IDENTITY. Anything you say with the words I AM creates your IDENTITY. I AM are the two most powerful words in the English language, only superseded by I CAN’T and I DON’T… Just imagine when you added to your IDENTITY I AM a parent… what VALUES, BELIEFS, SKILLS and therefore BEHAVIORS and RESULTS changed…?
Of course surrounding an Iceberg is water and surrounding every human being is our ENVIRONMENT. A VICTIM will let the ENVIRONMENT push them around and shape them, a VICTOR will shape the ENVIRONMENT to suit themselves, or not put themselves into the ENVIRONMENT.
Resistance comes from the IDENTITY itself not changing…
Here is where the linkage to BE-DO-HAVE becomes very apparent. The BE is the below the water part of the iceberg, the DO is the BEHAVIOR, DECISIONS and ACTIONS, and the HAVE is the RESULTS. .
If you're not getting the RESULTS you want, what DECISIONS are or aren't you taking (consciously or subconsciously) that are stopping you from taking the right ACTIONS? .
And if your BEHAVIOR is not congruent with your desired RESULTS, but you have the SKILLS the problem must lie deeper.? .
As we get down through BELIEFS and VALUES into IDENTITY, it's time to recognize and discard our Blame/Excuses/Denial if we are going to commit to achieving the RESULTS we need. .
And through affirmations and visualisation (Action Dream Builder) we can gradually chip away at these limiting BELIEFS and VALUES to strengthen our IDENTITY into who we CHOOSE to BE.
Therefore we must recognize that we have choice over who we are and that we can change for the better. .
For further information on this subject, read Brad Sugars Book,
‘Instant Team Building, Chapter 7, ‘Getting the Beliefs Right’