Fold back the paper along the dotted line. Use the blanks to write each word as it is read aloud. When you finish the test, unfold the paper. Use the list at the right to correct any spelling mistakes. / 1.______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
14. ______
15. ______
16. ______
17. ______
18. ______
19. ______
20. ______ / 1. video
2. poet
3. riot
4. piano
6. radio
8. ruin
9. diet
10. giant
11. dial
14. lion
15. casual
16. trial
18. science
19. quiet

ideas pianofuelcasual prior

poet diaryrodeotrial lion

riotradiosciencediet quiet

video dialcruel ruin giant

Sort each spelling word by finding the sound and spelling pattern to which it belongs.


1. ______12. ______

13. ______

eo14. ______

2. ______15. ______

3. ______


ia16. ______

4. ______

5. ______ua

6. ______17. ______


8. ______ue

18. ______

ie19. ______

9. ______

10. ______ui

11. ______20. ______

Using the Word Study Steps

1. LOOK at the word.4. WRITE the word.

2. SAY the word aloud.5. CHECK the word. Did you spellthe

3. STUDY the letters in the word. word right? If not, go back to step 1.

ideas pianofuelcasualprior

poet diaryrodeotriallion

riot radiosciencedietquiet

video dialcruelruin giant

A. Fill-Ins

Fill in the missing letters of each word to form a spelling word.

1. cas ______l11.l ______n

2. rod ______12. d ______l

3. rad ______13.d ______ry

4. p ______t14. id ______s

5. qu ______t15. g ______nt

6. r ______n16. f ______l

7. vid ______17. d ______t

8. p ______no18. r ______t

9. cr ______l19. tr ______l

10. sc ______nce20. pr ______r

B. Reverse Alphabetical Order

Use the lines below to write the spelling words in reverse

alphabetical order.

1. ______6. ______11.______16. ______

2. ______7. ______12.______17. ______

3. ______8. ______13.______18. ______

4. ______9. ______14.______19. ______

5. ______10. ______15.______20. ______

ideas pianofuelcasual prior

poet diaryrodeotrial lion

riotradiosciencediet quiet

video dialcruel ruin giant

A. Fill in the Blank

Write the spelling word that best completes each sentence. Use the

word box to check your spelling.

1. My sister wrote in her ______each day.

2. Did you watch the ______about mythical animals?

3. She played the ______while he sang.

4. Did all the angry people cause a ______?

5. Her ______included a suggestion for serving better food.

6. I’d like to write a poem about her, but I am not a ______.

7. We saw horses and cowboys at the ______.

8. My father went on a ______to lose weight.

9. We stopped the ______boy from hurting the animals.

10. We wore ______clothing because we were sitting on the ground.

B. Definitions

Write the spelling word that matches each definition below.

11. device that plays music and17. study of things like: plants and

news ______animals; forces and motion

12. large cat ______

13. not noisy ______18. type of energy, such as gasoline


14.before ______19. destroy ______

15. huge person ______20.decision process in a court

16. call on phone ______

A. Circle the misspelled words in the passage. Write the words

correctly on the lines below.

My friend Ken wants to be a famous poete. He has a genuine talent with

words. He has even written some songs with my sister. She plays the peano

and composes music. They even made a vidio of one of their most recent

songs. They hope it will be played on the television and raydiosome day.

They’re full of creative ideus!

1. ______3.______5. ______

2. ______4. ______

B. Writing Activity

What kinds of creative projects interest you? Use the lines below to

write about them. Include four spelling words.
