By the end of this course you will be able to:





Please respond to the following questions using the scale:

1-Strongly agree 2-agree 3-somewhat 4-disagree 5-strongly disagree 6-no opinion


1. The instructor clearly articulated the course goals at the beginning of the semester ______

2. I understood why we did specific assignments/exercises ______

3. It was rarely clear to me how specific assignments/exercises were related to course goals ____

4. The course was well organized ______

5. The instructor used a variety of illustrations/demonstrations/analogies while teaching to help me to understand ______

6. I learned new skills in this class ______

7. The skills I learned include (please fill in the blank):

8. I understand how the skills I learned in this class might be applied to other problems______

9. The intellectual difficulty of the material was appropriate ______

10. The workload for this course matched my expectations ______

11. The grading rubric for assignments and exams were clearly explained______

12. I felt the instructor was interested in my learning course material and concepts______

13. I would recommend this course to others______

14. I would recommend this instructor to others______

Evaluation of specific course goals

Please respond to questions 15 through 18 with: 1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=somewhat, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=no opinion

In the “comments” section, examples of why you think you can and cannot accomplish these goals would be particularly useful

Regarding course goal #1:

15. I feel that I can accomplish the objectives outlined in this goal ______


Regarding Course Goal #2:

16. I feel that I can accomplish the objectives outlined in this goal ______


Regarding Course Goal #3:

17. I feel that I can accomplish the objectives outlined in this goal ______


Regarding Course Goal #4:

18. I feel that I can accomplish the objectives outlined in this goal ______



I would rank my comfort in having achieved the course goals… (1= most comfortable, 4= least comfortable)

Course Goal #1______

Course Goal #2______

Course Goal #3______

Course Goal#4 ______

Any aspects of this class you would like to comment on (ex, text, organization, etc)?