IdahoAction Coalition Status Report


The Action Coalition Status Report is reformattedto better capture the successes and progress ACs are making to transform health care through nursing.Be sure to reference your AC’s Action Plans.CCNA will remove any blanks for a final document.

Action Coalition Leadership


  • Steve Millard - President, Idaho Hospital Association, (; 208-489-1400)
  • Sandie Nadelson - President, Idaho Alliance for Leaders in Nursing,(; 208-409-3333)

Workgroup Leads:

Include name, title, organization, email, phone, workgroup area(s) (education, Leadership, practice, data, IPC, Diversity, capacity building).

  • Education: Lori Stinson, (Interim Provost , LCSC, ); Sandie Nadelson (Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies School of Nursing, Idaho State University, )

Leadership: Buffie Main (Director, Rural Connection, St Lukes Health System, ) Recruiting new co-chairs for this team.

Access to Care: Cherese Severson, RN, DNP-BC(Nurse Practitioner, St Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, ), Sandy Evans (Executive Director, Idaho Board of Nursing, )

  • Data: Margaret Henbest (Executive Director, Idaho Alliance of Leaders in Nursing, ), Sandy Evans (Executive Director, Idaho Board of Nursing, )

Tell Us AboutYour AC’s Goals and Progress in Pillar Areas:

Include as many goals as your AC has identified for each pillar. For each goal, provide significant progress made during the reporting period. If you have a SIP related goals, please report progress of them in the SIP Workplan Report. DO NOTre-list SIP goals in this document.


AC Education Goal A:

  • Develop an education model for nursing which promotes associate degree nursing graduates to achieve higher levels of nursing education

Progress made towardgoalA, this quarter:

  • The Council of Nursing Education Leaders (CNEL) is redeveloped an articulation agreement between the major nursing programs in the state, including: College of Southern Idaho (ADN), College of Western Idaho (AND), Eastern Idaho Technical College (ADN), Boise State University (BSN-DNP), Idaho State University (ADN-PhD), Lewis Clark College (BSN), Northwest Nazarene University (BSN-MSN), and College of Northern Idaho (ADN). The document is in the final revisions process.
  • The CNEL has also developed a helpful instructional sheet which outlines which schools have what programs in order to help prospective students find the right program in advancing their degrees.

AC Education Goal B:

  • Increase the number of Master and Doctorally prepared nurses in Idaho by 50% by 2020

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

  • ISU and BSU launched new doctoral programs in 2013. ISU has new students being admitted into doctoral and DNP programs. BSU has begun a DNP program this fall. Both schools continue to offer masters degrees as do other Idaho nursing programs.
  • Funding secured for next 2013-2014 semi-annual nursing overview to capture growth in number pursuing and completing advanced degrees.

AC Education Goal C:

  • Develop a model for nurse residency programs in Idaho

Progress made to Goal C, this quarter:

  • See SIP for progress in this area – much movement forward has occurred in this area as the already established residency programs are being identified. Those in charge of them have been talking about similarities, differences, and needs.
  • One of our big needs is to help ready nurses for rural care work sites. One of the possible interventions being discussed is focusing on the new graduates who will be going to rural sites. Helping them adjust to their new roles and develop the competencies needed is very important to assure they don’t leave their positions.

AC Education Goal D:

  • Establish goals which reflect career competency measures for nurses

Progress made to Goal D, this quarter:

  • none
  1. Has your AC enrolled students via one of the four identified promising models of education progression? Yes No

If yes, check all that apply:

RN to BSN Degrees Awarded by Community Colleges

RN to MSN Programs

State or Regional Competency Based Programs

State or Regional Shared Curriculum

Other:We are working with the Idaho State Nurses Association to develop student involvement and interest in the Coalition.

  1. Through efforts of your AC, has the state community college association agreed to help inform/recruit ADNs to advance their education? Yes No

If yes, briefly explain: We have been working on developing a new graduate survey. The Idaho Board of Nursing has agreed to help us with finding new grads and collecting data. The survey is being worked on. We have collected questions, including the survey questions from California.


AC Leadership Goal A:

  • Increase nurse participation on boards

Progress made toward goalA, this quarter:

  • Placed nurse on Idaho Health Insurance Exchange Board
  • Another is on the State Healthcare Innovation Plan, Quality and Safety Commitee
  • We know that other nurses are on boards, but do not have a formal list. Our plan is to work to find out who is on which board over the next few months.

AC Leadership Goal B:

  • Develop a Leadership Course (SIP)

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter: (See SIP report)

  1. Has your AC implemented new selected and proven successful leadership program to prepare nurses to lead change to advance health? Yes No
  2. This work has begun on an informal basis. A curriculum and potential speakers list has been drafted. Our plan is to pull together a task force to formalize the process. Since our SIP grant will focus on the creation of a statewide leadership course that will be offered annually, and because we have lost chairman on this team, we have not made additional progress in this area.

If yes, check all that apply:

Preparation and process in place for getting nurses on state or local boards

State-wide Leadership Institute

40 Under 40 or an emerging/young leaders recognition program

Mentorship Program

Collaboration with state or national leadership program (i.e. AONE, ANA, etc.)

Methods to educate the public on the Affordable Care Act


  1. What is the number of nurses appointed to a state board as a result of the AC (e.g. hospital boards, task force, commission, committee): ____4___

Margaret Henbest (HIX Board), Medicaid Task Force (Beth Gray), Medical Home Collaborative (Beth), SHIP Quality and Safety Committee (Heather Healy).

Practice & Care

AC Practice & Care Goal A:

  • Improve patient access to health care services provided by advanced practice nurses (APRNs) in Idaho through the creation of an actionable plan to overcome cultural and statutory barriers that limit APRNs to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Progress made towardgoalA, this quarter:

  • Developing comprehensive APRN practice and employer survey (SIP)
  • Dissemination of best practices in hospital privileging (Nurse Practitioners of Idaho conference). This conference will be held on September 13th, 2013. One of the speakers is Joanne T. Clavelle DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, JONA who will talk about nurse practitioner privileges. The health systems she helps lead has made substantial strides in opening doors to nurses.

AC Practice & Care Goal B: N/A

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

  1. Is your AC working on removing barriers to RN level of care? Yes No
  1. Has your AC advanced favorable state policy to remove barriers to care provided by APRNs? Yes No

If yes to 2 or 3, briefly explain:

Interprofessional Care

  1. AC Interprofessional Goal A: N/A

Progress made towardgoalA, this quarter:

AC Interprofessional Goal B: N/A

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

  1. Does your AC have a strategy on Interprofessional Care? Yes No

If yes, briefly explain:


  1. AC Diversity Goal A: N/A

Progress made towardgoalA, this quarter:

  • We would like to focus on enhancing diversity in several areas including rural vs urban nurses, increasing the number of male nurses, and then ethnic diversity. We are currently looking for a nursing student to help us with literature search, data collection, and planning.
  • We have begun working with the Idaho Student Nurse Association about this issue. Their board is interested in being involved with enhancing diversity in the state. One possible way is having presentations at their annual conference in spring 2013.

AC Diversity Goal B:

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

  • None
  1. Does your AC have a diversity Plan? Yes No

If yes, briefly explain:


  1. AC Data Goal A:

Progress made towardgoalA, this quarter: The IBN has statutory authority since 2012 to use license fees to support the collection of nursing workforce data and research. IBN received spending authority from the Idaho legislature in 2013, effective July 1, 2013. The IBN created an advisory group of the board and charged it with making recommendations for awarding nursing workforce research grants, and committed to the biennial publication of the “IDAHO NURSING OVERVIEW” last published in 2011. IALN in partnership with the Idaho Department of Labor requested, and recieved at $55,000 grant to update this report. It will be published in 2014. The IBN also funded a $23,000 SIP grant project which will analyze barriers to APRN practice.

AC Data Goal B:

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

Capacity Building (strategic planning, organizational structure, funding, etc.)

Reminder: Please update your AC’s attached funding chart with specific instances of cash grants or donations.

  1. Capacity Building Goal A:

Progress made toward goalA, this quarter: $78,000 in grant money from the IBN.

  1. Capacity Building Goal B:

Progress made toward goal B, this quarter:

Other Goals

Most Significant Success this Quarter

  • The working groups are meeting and getting people involved in the goal directed process. Leaders have been identified in most areas and committees are working toward meeting our statewide needs.

Most Significant Challenge this Quarter

  • Finding people who have the time and energy to commit to this work above and beyond their already busy work lives. In our regional group, we suggested having a webinar on helping increase volunteer interest and keep the energy up from volunteers.

Technical Assistance Requests

What additional technical assistance does your AC need to advance its goals and objectives?

  • At this time, we do not have a need. As data is collected, help with statistical analysis may be helpful.

Action Coalition Stakeholders (This list indicates stakeholder groups that are represented on the Action Coalition). To check a box: double click the desired box, click “checked”, then click “OK”.

AARP State Office / Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association / Other State Officials
AACN Members / Physicians
Area Health Education Centers / National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association / RWJF AF4Q
Businesses / RWJF Health Policy Fellows
Chambers of Commerce / National Association of Hispanic Nurses / RWJF Nurse Executive Fellows
Community Colleges / RWJF Nurse Faculty Scholars
Community College Associations / National Black Nurses Association / RWJF PIN Grantees
Family Caregiver Organizations / State Board of Nursing
Foundations / National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations / State League for Nursing
Health Plans / Insurers / State Nurses Association
Health Systems / Philippine Nurses Association of America / State Org. of Nurse Executives
Hospital Association / Unions
Human Resource Associations / Nursing Students / Universities/Colleges of Nursing
Legislators/Policy Makers / Nursing Workforce Center / Workforce Investment Boards
Minority Nursing Groups / Other Consumer Advocates
American Assembly for Men in Nursing / Other Health Clinicians

As of 7/2013Page 1