William Barr Elementary School
Opening of School 2014-2015
Visitation: You may visit Barr Elementary School on Monday, August 18, 2014 from
1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. Please be sure to stop by and check out the school, find out who your teacher will be and locate your classroom for the new school year. Classroom lists will be posted on Friday, August 15th on the front doors. Please note that this is classroom visitation only, and teachers are not required to be present, but please feel free to stop in.
Open House: Open House will be on Thursday, September 4th, from 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.
Student’s First Day: Students may arrive at the building at 8:20, and can report to the gym at that time to purchase breakfast. Students are sent to their homerooms at 8:35, and will be considered tardy after that time. Our dismissal time is 3:20.
Transportation: Bus routes are posted on the school website www.sheffieldschools.org and will also be published in the local newspapers in August. If you have additional questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 949-4215.
Student Drop-off/pickup: Please feel free to drop off students after staff is available at 8:20 A.M. Students are to be picked up after dismissal starting at 3:20 P.M. Cars can enter the main parking lot at the SOUTH entrance, and proceed to the back of the school to wait for your child. You can continue out toward the parking lot the same way you entered, and please remember to drive slowly and watch carefully for children going to their cars. The front turn-around is for our buses, and all car riders can be picked up in the back parking lot only. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING REGARDING ALTERNATE AFTER SCHOOL ARRANGEMENTS:
We would like to remind parents of Page 2 of the student handbook, which states:
“All students are required to submit a written note from the parent/guardian if after-school arrangements have changed. Please note that a change in bus transportation is NOT PERMITTED. Any student without a written note will not be permitted to alter their after-school arrangements.”
We realize that there are occasional emergencies, however we kindly and respectfully ask that you please do not contact the office to change your child’s after-school transportation or arrangements, unless it is a true emergency situation.
We thank you in advance for following this handbook policy, and helping us to make sure that your child arrives home safely.
Supplies: Enclosed you will find this year’s supply list. It will also be posted on the front doors of the school, as well as on cable, Barr’s website, and at the board and building offices.
Emergency Forms: Forms will be distributed on the first day of school and need to be returned as soon as possible. This is a priority safety issue. Please take the time to complete this important form. Include as many local, emergency contact people along with their phone numbers as you can, in case you cannot be reached during school hours and your child should become ill at school! Make sure you sign the form in the area designating if you want or do not want emergency treatment and your alternative choice. Read the consent section carefully to be sure you are signing in the correct spot! Thank you!
Cell Phones: Cell phones are permitted in the building, but must be turned off, kept in book bags and may not disrupt the school. If cell phones are confiscated, parents are responsible for picking up the cell phone from the main office.
Free and Reduced Lunch: Sheffield students who received a free or reduced lunch last year
will continue to be eligible until Friday, October 3, 2014. Before the deadline in October, everyone must re-apply. This form will be sent home the first day of school with your student.
*Lunch Prices: The price of the elementary lunch is $2.50/reduced $0.40. Breakfast is $1.30/reduced $0.30. Applications for free and reduced lunches are available in the office. Money can be sent in with your child or check the district website to use the Pay For It (PFI) link to put money on your child’s lunch/breakfast account at any time.
*Prices may be increased for the 2014/2015 school year.
School Dress: Students are expected to come to school clean, well groomed and dressed appropriately. We recognize that proper attire fosters positive behavior and proper demeanor. Clothing and accessories should not be distracting or disruptive and should not present a danger to the student’s health or safety. The school does not permit halter-tops, bare midriffs or any top, which does not appropriately cover the upper torso. Extremely short skirts or shorts are also prohibited. Any attire with inappropriate pictures or words and/or reference or promote the use of alcohol, controlled substances, tobacco or drugs is prohibited. Clothing should not disrespect nor discriminate against ethnic, cultural, gender, sexual or religious differences. Hats and other head coverings are not permitted (except for religious reasons) in the building.
Safe and appropriate footwear is highly encouraged at all times. Shoes must be worn at all times in the classrooms and hallways. Flip flops are discouraged due to safety concerns at recess and on the playground. Shoes with pop out wheels are not allowed. Students may not participate in physical education class wearing sandals, boots or hard soled shoes. Shoes for physical education class must be soft soled.
Assignment Books: Every student will receive an Assignment Book the first week of school. The Assignment Book also has the school discipline code, which each student is expected to read. The book includes other important information and is to be used as an organizational tool to record assignments. Parents can arrange with teachers to use the book to write messages back-and-forth between the home and the school.
Special Medical Needs: Where there are medical needs that require special attention, please contact Mrs. Fly, the school nurse at .
Correspondence: If your child is going to be absent from school, please remember to call the office, 949-4233, the morning of the absence. Any written notes to the teachers/office, including reasons for absences, tardiness, early release for doctor appointments, etc., should be dated and include the student’s full name.
Waiver/Professional Development Days: PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL NOT BE EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS THIS YEAR. However, Barr students will have the following dates off for Staff Waiver/Professional Development Days: Sept. 12, Oct. 20, Jan. 20, Feb. 13, Mar. 23; please mark your calendar accordingly.
Pertinent Info Barr 2014