Idaho City Community Club
Norma Somervold Scholarship
Teacher Education/Library Science Form
The Idaho City Community Club is a non-profit organization established to enhance the welfare of the community by promoting education and providing financial assistance as needed. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist individuals majoring in teacher education or library science. This scholarship is in memory of Norma Somervold who lived in the Boise Basin for 60 years and taught for 27 years. Norma was a member of the Idaho City Community Club for 44 years and was very instrumental in establishing the Club’s scholarship program.
Scholarship applicant must be accepted in an accredited academic program leading to a degree in teacher education or library science. Applicants do not have to be first year students; however, applicants will be awarded only one scholarship. The amount of the scholarship is $750. The scholarship check will be made payable to the college or university that you are attending.
Applicant must: (incomplete applications will not be considered.)
1. be a resident of East Boise County or a graduate of Idaho City High School and a US citizen.
2. be accepted in a four-year degree program leading to a degree in teacher education or library science.
3. supply an official college/university transcript.
4. complete this application form.
5. mail complete form and transcript to:
Idaho City Community Club
Attention: Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 92
Idaho City, ID 83631
This packet must be received by Idaho City Community Club by April 1st.
Late applications and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Do not mark below here.
Date Received______Recommendation of Committee______
Scholarship Chairperson______Date______
Decision of Club Membership______Date______
Idaho City Community Club President______
Application for Norma Somervold Teacher Education/Library Science Scholarship
Home Address______Email: ______
Phone: Home______Cell______
Projected Graduation/Completion Date______
1. Attach to this form a one- to two-page typed essay with other relevant information. Other information to discuss in your essay can include mention of the activities that demonstrate your commitment to the profession (e.g. involvement in education-related student organizations or volunteer work). Address what or who empowered you to want to teach or go into the library science field.
2. Attach your official transcript.
3. Attach a copy of your Letter of Acceptance from your college/university reflecting major in library science or teacher education.
4. Application must be received by April 1. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Applicant’s Signature: ______