Tallest Tower in the World
What is the tallest structure that you can build in one class period that will support at least two geometry textbooks? You may work in groups one, two, or three but each person must submit their own report.
1) Be kind and share parts with other groups.
2) Take responsibility for your mess and clean up your area before leaving class.
3) Be considerate and don't touch another group's building.
3) You many not hoard or save building supplies.
4) Do not throw pieces.
5) All bridges must be completed and load-tested five minutes before the end of class to clean up.
Questions to consider:
1) How can we test the strength of a shape before it is incorporated into the tower?
2) Is it better to use longer struts as opposed to shorter ones?
3) Where will the tower break, at the connection between the node and the strut, or will one of the elements actually break?
Questions to answer: Remember to take notes as you build to help you create your report.
1) List the height of each tower created, the maximum weight supported, and the class period length.
Attempt # / Height / # of Books Held / Class Length1
3 ?
2) When weight was placed on top of your towers, where were the weaknesses? Did your structures wobble to one side or did they twist?
3) Are some Zome pieces stronger than others? Why or why not?
4) Given the short time limits, how did you maximize your efficiency in building your towers?
5) What shapes were most effective in reinforcing the structures? Why?
6) What were some things that the tallest towers had in common?... the sturdiest? ...the most efficient?
7) How would you change the design in building another tower? What aspects would you leave the same?