Insight Ch 34/35
ID-The Wages of Despair, Adolf Hitler Reviewing the Troops (803)
Summary 1-Why did many Germans support Hitler?
Summary 2- When did WWII begin and what event ignited the war?
OI-Storm-Cellar Isolation
1) Who were the three Totalitarians in Europe?
2) Why did Germans turn to Hitler?
3) How did Japan try to make it’s unhappiness with the world known?
4) What country did Italy attack? What could the League of Nations have done to slow Italy?
5) Identify two reasons the US stayed out of these affairs (other than Isolationism)
ID- What Next? 1938 (807)
Summary 3-What countries did Hitler swallow up in 1938? Why should Hitler taking over these countries cause alarm to the world in 1938? (Look at Sum 2)
OI- Appeasing Japan and Germany/ Hitler’s Belligerency and US Neutrality
6) What was the Sudetenland? Why did the European democracies allow Hitler to annex it?
7) What did the Non-Aggression Pact between Hitler and Stalin allow?
8) What event caused England and France to declare war on Germany?
9) How did the US try to help the Allies with the Neutrality Act of 1937
ID- Main Flow of Lend-Lease Aid (816)
Summary 4- Where did the majority of aid (continent?) Why do you feel the aid was sent there?
OI- Congress Passes the Landmark Lend-Lease Law
10) How did Lend-Lease propose to keep America out of the war?
11) What did Lend-Lease provide?
12) How did Lend-Lease change the nature of the war, short of America declaring war?
13) How did Hitler react to Lend-Lease?
ID- The Battleship West Virginia (819)
Summary 5-Why are these ships on fire? Who attacked?
OI- Surprise Assault on Pearl Harbor
14) How did the US try to hurt Japan’s war making ability?
15) Where did the US think Japan would attack the US?
16) What priceless piece of naval hardware was not at Pearl Harbor?
17) What was FDR’s reaction to Pearl Harbor?
ID- Enemy Aliens (823)
Summary 6- What three countries were the US at war with?
Summary 7- Which group of immigrants was targeted by the US government? Why do believe that group was targeted and not the other two?
OI- The Shock of War
18) Why were so many Americans supportive of US entry into WWII?
19) Why were Japanese-Americans targeted by the US? How did Jap.-Am. React?
20) What was the importance of Korematsu v. US
ID- War Workers (827)
Summary 8- What group of Americans did the country rely on to build war goods/ Why them?
Summary 9- What do you think motivated those workers?
OI- Building the War Machine, Manpower and Womenpower
21) How did the War Production alter what was made in the US? (Think what was no longer made?)
22) What type of regulating was the Office of Price Administration in charge of? (Think how civilian lives were changed?)
23) What was the Bracero program?
24) Why were women so eager to work for the war effort?
Ch 34/35 PII
ID- Internal Migration in the US during WWII (828) and Segregation in the Military (829)
Summary 10- What group of migrants moved in large numbers to take advantage of new jobs in the West?
Summary 11- Prove that the Tuskegee Airmen were among America’s best pilots!
OI- Wartime Migrations
25) What happened to Ca.’s population during the war? How much?
26) Describe Af/Am. Movement during the war
27) Who were the “Code Talkers”?
28) Who were Zoot Suiters and what happened to them in Los Angeles?
ID- Allies Landing in Normandy (840)
Summary 12- What did the Major mean when he quoted Shakespeare?
OI- D-Day: June 6, 1944
29) Who was the commander in charge of the invasion?
30) Why was Normandy selected?
31) What US general led the US assault across France?
ID- The Horror of the Holocaust
Summary 13-Why did General Eisenhower force Germans to look at the victims at Buchenwald?
OI- The Last Days of Hitler
32) What was the importance of Battle of the Bulge?
33) What happened at the Elbe River?
34) What country reached Berlin first? What was Hitler’s response?
35) What happened on April 12, 1945? Who was Harry Truman?
36) What and when is VE DAY?
ID- The Flag Raising at Iwo Jima
OI- Japan Dies Hard
37) Describe the devastation with numbers of US firebombing on Tokyo in March 1945?
38) What was the importance of Leyte Gulf?
39) What is a Kamikaze?
ID- Hiroshima, Japan (845)
Summary 14- What caused this devastation? How many were killed?
OI- The Atomic Bomb
40) Who convinced FDR to build the Atomic Bomb? WHY?
41) What was the name of the project to build the A-Bomb?
42) Where was the first Atomic Bomb dropped? How many died?
43) Why did the US drop a second bomb on Nagasaki?
44) When and what is VJ Day?
ID- VJ Day: Crowds Cheering at Times Square (847)
Summary 15- Why is everyone celebrating?
OI- Allies Triumphant
45) How many casualties did the US suffer? How much? Who suffered more? How much?
46) What advantage did the US have exiting the war?
47) What was America’s ultimate advantage in winning the war?