Teachers, Parents, and Students:
We have heard that people in the community have had some questions about Keyboarding, which is a required class for all students entering 7th grade at CMMS. We want to clarify our keyboarding standards and hopefully answer those questions in this text.
We believe that the skills learned and mastered in keyboarding class are a very important foundation for future Middle School, High School, and College classes. We also believe that these key skills are also very important in the work force.
It is difficult to dispute the prominence of keyboarding as a foundational skill needed to compute efficiently in today’s technology-rich society.
The above statement is what Utah State Business Education Specialists have stressed in regards to whether or not a student should take a Keyboarding class. They have also stated the following:
The mission of K-12 Keyboarding is for all Utah students to possess keyboarding competence by high school graduation. Students are assessed for keyboarding competence in elementary and secondary keyboarding programs. To graduate, students must complete a Computer Technology class in high school. In order to successfully pass this class, a student must know how to keyboard correctly. Today, efficient keyboard and computer operation is a necessary and critical skill for the majority of occupations. Keyboarding is an expected tool for communication throughout one's life. Ninety-six percent of all jobs require effective keyboarding skills.
STANDARD 1: The student will demonstrate correct touch keyboarding techniques at the keyboard and use appropriate terminology to identify computer components.
Objective 1: Students will demonstrate eyes on copy, correct fingering, good techniques, and appropriate posture while operating the keyboard.
Objective 2: Students will demonstrate knowledge of computer components, functions, and care.
STANDARD 2: Students will develop touch keystroking speed and accuracy.
Objective 1: Students develop and improve keystroking speed and accuracy.
Objective 2: Students will demonstrate skill in using numbers, symbols and punctuation marks on both the traditional keyboard and the 10-key pad.
STANDARD 3: Students will demonstrate knowledge of basic word processing functions & proofreading.
Objective 1: Students will apply basic word processing functions using a variety of documents. A. Utilize basic functions: open, close, save, save as and print. B. Utilize basic editing and formatting functions: copy, move, paste, insert, font, line spacing, justification, margins and word wrap. C. Utilize outlines, bullets, and numbering functions.
Objective 2: Students will be able to proofread and make corrections using word processing software. A. Edit documents using proofreader’s marks. B. Make spelling and punctuation corrections on a variety of documents.
STANDARD 4: Students will develop skill composing at the keyboard.
Objective 1: Students will demonstrate composition skills at the keyboard. A. Key composition exercises from teacher prompt. B. Compose sentences, short paragraphs, and stories.
The above mastery standards are adhered to in every Keyboarding class at OHMS. It is our belief that successfully completing Keyboarding will greatly enrich and improve every student’s life.
Any student wishing to bypass the required Keyboarding class at CMMS will need to be tested, by an CMMS Keyboarding Specialist. Each standard (listed above) must be met fully. Test-Out Qualifications include a superior typing rate with an average of 50 wpm (words-per-minute) or higher, mastery of all the techniques listed in Standard 1-Objective 1, a 10-key typing rate of 7500 kph (keystrokes-per-hour) or higher, and a score of 80% or above on the Keyboarding Written Test.
Copper Mountain Middle School Administration and Faculty look forward to having students enrolled in our excellent Keyboarding classes. If you have any questions or concerns about this matter, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you,
CMMS Administration