Draft Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held at 6.30 p.m.on

Tuesday 29th August 2017 at the Winchelsea Court Hall

Present: Councillors Ms J Austen, Mrs S Lyward, D Smedley, Mrs J Stanford, P Turner, S Turner and N Warren.

In Attendance: Jocelyn Cannings (Deputy Clerk). Members of the public were also present.

1The Chairman to invite members of the public to speak on any planning matters they wish to raise.

Nine members of the public spoke on application RR/2017/1785/P Limekiln Cottage, Rye Harbour Nature Reserve.

2 To record any apologies for absence.

There were none.

3 To receive any declarations of interest.

To receive any disclosure by members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the member regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. Members are reminded of the need to repeat their declaration immediately prior to commencement of the item in question. Members should ask the Clerk for a Declaration of Interests form which must be completed and returned to the Clerk before the item in question is discussed.

There were none.

4 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the 14th August 2017. Approved.

5To consider applications referred by Rother District Council since the previous meeting.

The Chairman proposed taking agenda item 5b first. Agreed.

a)RR/2017/1785/P Limekiln Cottage, Rye Harbour Road, Rye Harbour

Demolition of existing building (Lime Kiln Cottage) currently used as staff and visitor facility. New visitor/staff facility building with associated vehicular hard standing area and wildlife garden.

Object due the site being part of an SSSI, to access, flood risk and the impact on local businesses and services. It was also felt that local public consultation had been insufficient with more needed – e.g. no consultation had been carried out in Winchelsea Beach.

b)RR/2017/1817/P Long Barn, Smeatons Lane, Winchelsea Beach

Demolition of existing property and erection of replacement dwelling.

No objection to the dwelling but concerns raised regarding access to the site and damage to the lane by heavy vehicles during demolition and building works. Smeatons Lane is privately owned and maintained by the parish council and is not surfaced with tarmac. If permission is granted, the committee requests that the applicant consults with the parish council prior to work commencing.

Due to time constraints, all other agenda items were deferred to the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 7.25pm.