ICHRIE Executive Board Meeting

November 10, 2014

  1. Call to order (O’Neill) at 9:01am
  2. Roll call: O’Neill, Reynolds, Brookes, Hein, Roberts, Michael O’Fallon, McCarty, Anderson
  3. Agenda: no changes
  4. Secretary Report (Roberts)
  5. Central federation’s bylaws are in alignment with ICHRIE
  6. SECSA has become active in terms of reviewing the needed changes after having partially reconstituted its leadership team. It is expected this issue will be dealt with as they continue to develop their leadership team.
  7. AsiaPAC has been quiet regarding the requested changes. Martin will have a talk with their leadership to explore this alignment issue (treasurer selection process and term of office).
  8. CEO report (McCarty)
  9. Currently the office is in the middle of the annual membership renewal process; it is proceeding normally.
  10. Kathy is involved with the strategic planning committee’s new initiative to develop a plan for the organization beyond 2015.
  11. Kathy attended the AsiaPac conference earlier in the year and also attended the EuroCHRIE conference in October.
  12. She was not able to participate in theleadership meetings at EuroCHRIE. She did attend a joint APAC/EuroCHRIE meeting where she was given a list of issues of shared concern by those two federations.
  13. Globalization of ICHRIE
  14. More financial support from ICHRIE
  15. Should members join the federation prior to ICHRIE?
  16. Membership list timeliness and accuracy
  17. Note: the list is accurate as of the moment it is produced, but members can change their personal information or renew their membership at any moment. Thus, the list is accurate when produced but issubject to member activity.
  18. Her experiences at both conferences has led to the understanding that we may need to develop a protocol of the CEO’s involvement at the federation conferences. A discussion will be held at the next full board meeting in January to develop this protocol.
  19. Kathy met with Emerald regarding the publication of our case studies in an online format. We are awaiting a proposal from Emerald with the intent of ICHRIE retaining copyrights and that it would remain an ICHRIE benefit for members.
  20. Kevin and Kathy are starting the process of developing a new RFP for a new conference management company. More information will be provided at the full board meeting in January.
  21. Past President Report (Reynolds)
  22. Nomination committee: the list of proposed candidates for the open offices was presented and reviewed. The candidates were vetted in terms of the eligibility requirement per the bylaws. The executive board confirmed that each nominated member met the minimum criteria and has expressed support for the slate. This matter will be presented to the full board electronically for formal approval prior to the January meeting in order to get the election materials prepared in a timely manner.
  23. President Report (O’Neill)
  24. Strategic planning is under way; a survey was issued to members to solicit input.
  25. Martin has continued to write articles for the Communiqué to communicate about current events to members.
  26. SECSA has been working closely with Martin in order to get a full board roster in place so that they have a federation leadership group. Martin will continue to work with them to help make this happen.
  27. The IPP (Reynolds) will open a dialog with the Past Presidents Council to develop ideasregarding sponsorships.
  28. STR proposal: to reduce the shared revenue of CHIA certification (ICHRIE to $15, $30 to AH&LA and $30 to STR for the total payment of $75). Kathy will have a conversation with Steve Hood regarding this proposal to explore options.
  29. Vice President Report (Brookes)
  30. ESD breakfast was successful with the adjustment in program. We received very good feedback. Marriott, as sponsor, was very pleased with the student interaction.
  31. Strategic planning is underway. The survey issued to members had a limited response: 129 members. Networking was the highest value in the strength rankings. Communication, awareness of new initiatives, and value for money were the lowest ranked items. Information was collected about member involvement in other conferences and that data will be used by the committee to consider future strategies. A lively discussion ensued about the full set of results. The marketing committee plans to issue a related survey regarding member perceptions of value in the organization.
  32. Treasurer (Hein)
  33. Current financials reflect that we are ahead of budget for this fiscal year. It’s early in the year, so this doesn’t represent any significance from normal.
  34. The overall budget for the conference was exceeded slightly by (+$5,142 over projected earnings) although the specific target for sponsorships wasn’t met by $50,000.
  35. Stephanie expressed budget concerns about ESD as membership signup has been lagging.
  36. Dennis reported that the ESD group of advisors met after the breakfast session 11/09/14 to discuss this issue. They explored the issue of objection by member schools regarding the payment of postage for the mailing of ESD materials (about $4k/year) that is likely impacting their willingness to induct members (hold induction ceremonies). ESD is recommending a price change from $30 to $35 per student in order to generate the funds needed to coverage postage and any related increased in ESD materials. The international member schools are paying excess of US$100 per shipment and are finding this burdensome. By increasing the dues, ICRHIE could then have sufficient funds to return to paying for postage rather than the member institutions.
  37. The executive board reviewed the proposal and is in full support of it. The proposal will be taken to the full board for consideration and approval.
  38. The finance committee has reviewed and supports the new budget (2015-2016). The executive committee also reviewed the proposed budget. Martin moved to accept the new budget; Dennis seconded; unanimous approval. The budget should now go to the full board for final review and approval.
  39. The new account for the investment funds is in the last stages of being established. Signatures from ICHRIE officers were obtained and Kathy is working with the bank to finalize the new account so that it can be used.
  40. Stephanie encouraged the federations to utilize the funds that they have in their accounts. Some federations have healthy balances and she recommended that they use their funds to the benefit of their membership.
  41. Bosselman has requested that $100k of the Future Fund monies be moved to the new investment account. The executive board has supported this proposal (O’Neill moved; Reynolds seconded; unanimous). The proposal will be taken to the full board for final review and approval.
  42. Stephanie presented a new Investment Policy Statement that was created by the finance committee. It was developed by the new finance investment committee. Stephanie asked that this committee, which is currently a subcommittee of the Finance Committee, be created as a formal, separate [standalone] committee. She will write a description of the new committee and send to Chris for processing by the bylaws committee. The policy statement was reviewed by the executive committee and unanimously approved (O’Neill moved; Reynolds seconded). The policy proposal is to now be taken to the full board for review and approval.
  43. The RFP for financial investment management services has been prepared and is submitted to the executive committee for review and approval (O’Neill moved; Reynolds seconded). A discussion was held regarding terms of the RFP. This action is just to select a fund manager. Once a fund manager is identified, this recommendation will be brought to the full board for review and approval. The executive board voted unanimously to issue the RFP so that a fund manager can be found.
  44. Old business (O’Neill)
  45. None offered
  46. New business (O’Neill)
  47. Stephanie has asked about the May board meeting schedule. It will be held Sunday May 17th in Chicago.
  48. Adjournment (O’Neill) was called at 12:55pm.