Robotics Engineering – DoDEA Career Technical Education

Identifying Elements of Materials and Structural Design - Agenda

Revised 13 October 2018

/ Robotics Engineering
DoDEA Career and Technical Education

Identifying Elements of Materials and Structural Design


D. Identifying Elements of Materials and Structural Design


/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
1. / Materials and Structural Design / ( / / ) / ( / / )
Before you get started, print out this Agenda and the Learning Log. The Agenda is your management and progress assessment tool and it covers this entire module of study. The Learning Log is a list of key terms and concepts you must understand. Complete it as you proceed through this module. Start at sub-task “a” and proceed through this portion of the checklist. Once you have completed the Pre-Test, go directly to Task 2. This and the remaining sections form the instructional meat of this module. While completing these tasks, you will learn the content and complete assignments that you will be tested over so study these lessons carefully. Once you have complete all of the tasks return to this section. Once you have completed all the Tasks and the Learning Log then you must finish the module Practicum and Exam. Please note that you must complete all assigned Subtasks to receive credit for the complete Task. There is no partial credit. Please remember that you are also required to pass the module Practicum and Exam before moving on to the next module.
Upon completion of this module, students will be able to identify key facts regarding materials and structural design. Students will recognize shapes of structures and the materials used to provide greater strength and functionality. They will also study and apply fastening and fabrication techniques as they evaluate their design through destructive testing and analysis. Students will identify the forces acting upon structures in an effort to maximize the efficiency of their design. Finally, students will apply this knowledge to the construction of both a virtual and physical model.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()25 MinExerciseTeam Building Initiatives

b.()5 MinExerciseAgenda (Print)

c.()5 MinExerciseLearning Log (Print)

d.()10 MinPre-TestID Elements of Materials/Structural Design


e.()5 MinPresentationID Elements of Materials/Structural Design

Source:Presentations: Presentation.pptx

f.()90 MinPracticumDesigning and Buildinga Robot Chassis


g.()10 MinReviewID Elements of Materials/Structural Design


h.()20 MinSummarized NotesID Elements of Materials/Structural Design


i.()10 MinDigital Binder / Notebook Review

j.()15 MinExamID Elements of Materials/Structural Design



/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
2. / History of Mechanical Engineering / ( / / ) / ( / / )
At the completion of this activity, students will research the origin of mechanical engineering and create a detailed timeline of ten (10) significant accomplishments in mechanical engineering throughout history. Students will also research one of the following engineers and describe their contributions to mechanical engineering and the impact their work has had on society.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()45 MinHomeworkHistory of Mechanical Engineering Source: Deliverables:Exercise 1 - Historical Events in Mech. Eng.


/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
3. / Materials / ( / / ) / ( / / )
When students have completed this task, they will have the knowledge and skills to determine the origin and purpose of many materials used to make everyday products. Students will also study and categorize sample materials by characteristic and properties of a variety of materials used in manufacturing. Students will determine the characteristics of materials used in the manufacturing process. Students will:
  • differentiate between primary and secondary manufacturing.
  • describe the types of materials used in manufacturing.
  • identify properties of materials.
  • classify manufacturing materials.
  • determine what to consider when developing a new device.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()30 MinExerciseMaterials

Source:Deliverables: Exercise 2 -Materials

b.()60 MinHomeworkMaterials

Source:Deliverables: Exercise 2a - Making Plastic From Milk

c.()30 MinHomeworkMaterials (Optional)

Source:Deliverables: Exercise 2a -3D Molecular Model - Casein


/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
4. / Loads, Forces and Shapes / ( / / ) / ( / / )
When students have completed this task, they will have the knowledge and skills to determine the purpose of many materials used to make everyday products. Students will also study various characteristics and the forces of tension and compression as applied to different materials and shapes. As they discover the fundamentals of structural design, students will determine the characteristics of materials used in structural design.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()30 MinTutorialForces, Materials, Loads and Shapes



/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
5. / Computer Aided Design (CAD) / ( / / ) / ( / / )
Students will complete a tutorial to apply specialized CAD software. They will assemble component parts to create assorted virtual structures. As students familiarize themselves with the various tools and operations of the software, they will design structures associated with robot chassis and structural design. Students are provided with a sample study model using an online gallery of images. Use the Help menu option to gain access to the LDD User Manual.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()20 MinTutorialLego Digital Designer – Mindstorms

Source:Free Download at Click on Help

b.()30 MinCADLego Mindstorms CAD Model

Source:CAD: Compact Motor Attachment


/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
6. / Fasteners and Trusses / ( / / ) / ( / / )
Students will explore various combinations of fastening techniques and use them to construct truss structures. They will CAD and then assemble structures from their design. Students are provided with a sample study model using an online gallery of images. Students will demonstrate theiracquired skill-set by CADing and Constructing the solution to a structural design problem.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()25 MinWorksheetFasteners, Fastening and Bonding

Source:Worksheet3– Fasteners, Fastening and Bonding

b.()20 MinStudy ModelFasteners and Fastening

Source:Exercise 3 – Fasteners and Fastening

c.()3 HrsStudy ModelChassis Design

Source:Exercise 4 –Trusses and Chassis Design

d.()45 MinCAD and Study ModelSwing

Source: CAD & Study Model: Swing


/ Started
mm/dd/yy / Completed mm/dd/yy
7. / Designing and Analyzing Virtual Structures / ( / / ) / ( / / )
Students will use the West Point Bridge Designer(WPBD) program to create a structural model of a truss bridge. Engineers apply physics and mathematics to virtual modelsto predict how a structure will behave once it is actually constructed. The WPBD simulation software allows students to identify the forces of tension and compression as they act upon the members of the truss structure. The goal is to create an efficient model bridge, which means a bridge that will support the required load while meeting budgetary constraints. Students will use mathematical modeling to make changes in their design (including using different materials) to extrapolate the characteristics affecting bridge efficiency. The initial goal is for students to design a successful bridge. Later, students can compete to see who can design the most efficient bridge design.

Sub InitTimeType of TaskTask Description

a.()20 MinTutorialWest Point Bridge Design Tutorial


b.()60 MinExerciseBridge Design Problem

Source:Deliverables: Exercise 5 - WPBD Challenge

c.()4 HrsExerciseFile Folder Bridge Design (Optional)

Source:Deliverables: Exercise 5b - EDP to Build a Support Structure

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Lastname, FirstPeriod

Complete each subtask in the order presented. Your mentor will initial each substask as it’s sucessfully completed. You must indicate the task start and completion dates. Submit this form to the instructor as each task area is completed to receive credit.