/ International
OFFICERS’ AGENDA: 25 March 2015, 12.00 EDT, 15.00 GMT


Agenda item: /
  1. Minutes of last meeting

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  1. IBC Victoria Update

Comments / Budget discussed. Need additional information to clarify the following CAN/US $, GST, VAT liabilities.James would like to have a short conference call with Mitacs to clarify. Budget should show revenue in US$ and expenses in CAN$. The $20K Mgt. fee inconference budget will be moved to overall management. Fundraising Committee is ready to send out sponsorship letters. Elizabeth will follow up with WNAR contacts and students at UVC. Conference website is launched. John and Dee Ann will travel to the WNAR meeting and meet with the Regional Board.
Invited sessions will include 14 sessions from 35 submissions. 16 short course proposals were received. The Education Committee will meet in the next two weeks.Call for Contributed Papers can go out any time with deadline line for submission early December.
Dee Ann will update the Conference Manual financial section and have it replaced on the website with the Nov 2014 revision date.
Agenda item: /
  1. IBC Barcelona update: Nothing to report.

Agenda item: /
  1. Executive Board issues
  2. John to schedule a meeting with Krista and Elizabeth next week for a short orientation.
  3. Face-to-face meeting 23 April: Using agenda template from the July meeting, Dee Ann will slot in items identified so far for discussionat next officers’ call. Dee Ann to message committee chairs to get reports in by 15 April.
  4. Following issues identified for agenda: JABES editor, Nominating Committee (P&P & Bylaws), Chinese Journal, IBC general issues for the future, update on funding streams. Website. Draft agenda will be sent to EB members to in advance to see if they have other items.

Agenda item: /
  1. Update on IBS standing committee activity
  2. Finance- December 31financial statement ready but needs revision to account for Springer funds. Dee Ann will call Michael Rhinehardt about investments. Dee Ann to contact Wiley to see if we can get quote on preliminary income by EB meeting.
  3. Education – Short Course deadline ended 16 Mar. Dee Ann is sending proposals to committee and setting up conference call. Aurélien Latouche <> has agreed to chair the Journal Club initiative. Dee Ann to follow up with Pascale about education funding for speakers.
  4. Editorial – JABES editor approved by EAC and ASA editorial board. Biometrics co-editor has 6 candidates; book review editor eblast is out and 2 nominations are in. Communications –Job description for Bulletin Editor is being revised by Sue and the call for editor should go out at end of March.
  5. Awards Fund – Committee has funded 2 more travel grants: from Bulgaria and Ghana.
  6. Strategic Issues – no update.
  7. Conference Advisory Committee- Call with committee held 23 March. Follow-up call is scheduled with Andrew Zhou, James and Dee Ann for 30 March.
  8. Rep. Council: - Network funding program is being worked on by Rep. Council. Andrea is willing to serve as Chair another two years.

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  1. Staff activity–
  1. Janet is keeping the database/dues payments up-to-date with the goal of having a report for the EB in April.
  2. Al Baggett is in touch with the German Region about the video produced at the CEN for uploading to the IBS website.
  3. Dee Ann is updating website where she can and forwarding other items to the vendor.

Agenda item: /
  1. Any other business
  2. Dee Ann will draft an agenda for the EB meeting which we’ll use for next Wednesday’s meeting with officers.
  3. John will check with Elizabeth on whether to replace EB members now or wait until the end of the year.
  4. Taylor & Francis proposal for Chinese Journal was reviewed. James will draft letter to Andrew Zhoufor John’s review, stating that IBS is keen to support the development of a journal but that a business plan should be developed, ownership clarified, support shown by Chinese region and a number of other issues. Further discussions will take place at the Executive Board meeting.


Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 12:15 (EDT)


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