Gaylord Little League Board Meeting Minutes


Present: Becky Radulski, Kirt Roach, Dawn Jones, Kristie Kozlowski, Brian Kozlowski, Chantal Fennell, Jessica Maas, Mike Perdue, Ken Blust, Matt Radulski, James Vanderveer, Ron Moeggenberg

December Minutes - Approved

Treasurer’s Report: 12/13/2014 Little League had $10,822.21 and a credit of $17.47 Great Lakes Energy.

Maintenance: Dawn Jones looked into shed replacements at Home Depot. Board decided on replacing 3 sheds – 2 10 x 10 and 1 – 10 x 12. Dugouts can wait until spring to be looked at. Motion made by Kirt, second by Ken, motioned passed by board.

Concession Stand: The board has decided to either have someone step up and take it over or have Chuck from B.C. Pizza take it over. Kirt will get more information from Chuck on how he runs his concessions and bring it back to the board for a final decision. Motion made by Kristie, second by Dawn, motioned passed by board.

Sponsorship Board: Follow up on banners, concession board – sponsors name on it, add sponsors name to website, and update the sponsorship letter. Sponsorship letter will include single - $100, double $200, and triple will be $300. Chantal will be working on the sponsorship letter which will include pricing and what they will get with their sponsorship. She will send it to the board members for review. A final decision will be made at our next meeting.

Banners: Previous years banners are located in one of the storage buildings and thought to be in good condition. Kirt will locate the banners and let Chantel know the condition and which banners we have.

Registration Fee: The cost to register will be $60.00 with a $180 max for a family. Online registration will be from January 18th – February 28. From February 29 – March 15 there will be a $25.00 late fee for registration. There will be an on-site registration done on February 22 from 1-5 at the Sportsplex. Motioned by Ken, Second by Dawn, Motioned passed by board.

Baseball & Softball Clinics: Baseball clinic will be on Saturday March 21 at the Gaylord High School. A pitching clinic will follow. Softball clinic will be on Saturday March 28 at the Gaylord High School.

Mandatory Skills Clinics: There will be a mandatory skills assessment day for both Super Minors and Major divisions. The boy’s skills assessment day will be the afternoon of March 21, following the baseball clinic at the Gaylord High School. The girl’s skills assessment day will be the afternoon of March 28, following the softball clinic at the High School. Younger than 9 by the Little League age chart that request to move up to the Super Minors Divisions must attend or they will not be placed on a Minors team.

Team Assignment: T-ball – assigned; Coach Pitch girls – assigned; Coach Pitch boys – assigned (James Vanderveer); Minors/Majors – Skills assessment then draft.

T-ball age groups: Little League ages boys and girls differently. A 4 year old boy per Little League could actually be 3 ½ . A 4 year old girl would actually be 4 ½ at start of the season. To keep the ages even for T-ball, both boys and girls will be required to be 4 by December 31 2014, or 4 ½ at the start of the season.

Tournaments: District 8 requested hosts for state tournaments for 2016-2017. It was agreed that Gaylord would request to hold the 2016 9/10 SB. District 8 was also requesting hosts for this spring All-Stars, which Gaylord requested to host as well.

Other Business:

Thank you note will be put in the Herald Times for anyone who donated money (sponsorship) to help us have a successful season. This will also include the businesses that help with the fundraiser.

Before season starts the sprinkler system needs to be looked at and fixed, the girl’s Super Minor dugout needs to be addressed and fixed. Next month we will get an update on the sheds from Home Depot.

Pick a day for Spring Clean up.

Kristie and Brian will be looking into Kohl’s volunteer program and the Verizon program for extra income.

Next Meeting Sunday February 8th at 6:00.