Planning Calendar Page 1 of 4
Service Team Planning Calendar
Consider holidays, school schedules, community events and other activities, when planning.
- Distribution of fall supplies
- Fine tune recruitment plans; order flyers, set dates, assign people to specific events
- Attend SUM kickoff/training
- Team Meeting -- set goals; plan for upcoming year
- Create SU calendar for the year
- Begin SU rosters by troops and levels
Dates to consider: Labor Day, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Eid
- Troop re-registration due by Sept. 30th (This means that Troop Leaders should completeonline membership registrations before September 29 at 11:59PM ET.)
- Hold recruitment events: back to school nights, etc.
- Develop SU goals and finalize SU budget
- Plan investiture/rededication ceremony for leaders in October
- Schedule orientations for newly recruited Leaders
- Hold Team meeting and SU meeting
- Fall product sales begins
Dates to consider: Columbus Day, Halloween, Yom Kippur, Eid
- Review status of recruitment/placement of girls and adults, continue recruitment activities
- Develop Leader Roster
- Check on progress of new troop organizations
- Hold Team meeting and SU meeting
- Investiture/Rededication ceremony for leaders
- Juliette Gordon Low’s Birthday -- Oct. 31
- Fall product sales ends
Dates to consider: Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Chanukah
- Check on new troop progress and leader training for new leaders
- Hold Team meeting and SU meeting
- SU Cookie Manager trainings
- Consider creative plans for World Thinking Day (Feb. 22)
Dates to consider: Chanukah, Christmas
- Trip and event planning
- Hold Team meeting
- Troop Cookie Manager trainings
- Hold holiday SU meeting/event
Dates to consider: New Year’s, Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Day
- Review SU goals
- Hold team meeting and SU meeting
- Cookie kick-off event, pre-sales, eBudde entries
- Plan for spring recruitment
Dates to consider: Valentine’s Day, President’s Day
- Cookie booth sales begin
- Begin planning adult recognition event
- Distribute recognition paperwork for Adult Recognitions
- Begin planning spring troop/service unit camping events (be sure you have taken training!)
- World Thinking Day: February 22
- Hold Team and SU meeting
- Cookie delivery begins
Dates to consider: St. Patrick’s Day, Spring Break, Good Friday, Easter
- Girl Scout Birthday -- March 12
- Troop cookie paperwork due
- Plan end of year recognitions events
- Gold/Silver Awards, Silver Trefoil Reports due to participate in end of year ceremony
- Hold Team and SU meeting
Dates to consider: Spring Break, Good Friday, Easter, Earth Day
- Girl Scout Leader’s Day -- April 22
- Distribute end of the year paperwork: Annual Troop Financial Report and Volunteer Review
- Encourage troops with bridging girls to begin bridging activities
- Turn in Adult Recognitions order
- Attend annual meeting
- Hold Team and SU meeting
Dates to consider: Mother’s Day, Memorial Day
- Recruit SU team members for next year
- Remind troop leaders to early bird girls for next year
- Cookie incentives distributed
- For the following year: begin recruitment plans, secure sites for meetings and draft budget
- Schedule end of year SUM review
Dates to consider: Father’s Day, Flag Day
- Bridging ceremonies
- Annual Troop Financial Reports due to SUM/MM
- Day camps
- Early bird registration on June 30
- Leader appreciation events
Dates to consider: Dates to consider: Independence Day
- Start organizing for next year
- Develop plan of work for coming year
- Contact families of girls in disbanding troops to find placement
- Troop financial report and performance review due to membership specialist
SUM Resource Binder, Tab 4