Delaware Department of Correction

Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Committee Members Present: Carl Danberg, Commissioner; Kim Wheatley, Chief Bureau of Management Services; Jennifer Carlson, Deputy Chief Bureau of Management Services; Mike DeLoy, Chief of Bureau of Prisons; Chris Klein, Deputy Chief Bureau of Prisons; Roy Lawler, Diversity Program Coordinator; Janet Durkee, H.R. Director; Julie Petroff, Employee Relations Supervisor; Jim Welch, Chief Bureau of Correctional Health Care; Gail Stallings Minor, Chief Community Relations; Ronnie Drake, Director of Internal Affairs; Karl Hines, Chief Bureau of Community Corrections; Dave Hall, Warden I; John Painter, Chief Media Relations; Kathy Mickle-Askin, Director of Training; Aaron Goldstein, Deputy Attorney General

I. Call to order

Acting Deputy Commissioner Welch called to order the regular monthly meeting of the DOC Executive Team at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 5th in conference room 300 of the DOC Admin Bldg.

II.  Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes approved as written.


Bureau of Management Services: Chief Wheatley

Business Office:

·  Year-end is coming quickly … deadline for new POs has passed, the deadline for change orders is this Friday (6/8).

·  GAAP package time has begun, CBO is communicating with the budget units to gather the appropriate documentation. We just ask that all budget unit managers keep in mind the deadlines and review their submissions for accuracy before submitting.

·  We have been notified that the State will no longer support blackberry services, as we phase out older equipment. CBO will be working directly with impacted users as their anniversary dates come up for renewal. The State will be offering a different “free” option for those employees required to carry a device, and will also be reminding staff about the alternative reimbursement option.


·  DACS server upgrade is underway, with the software and hardware orders in the pipeline, and conversion effort planned to begin by the end of June, beginning of July. We have been working with DTI to accomplish this.

·  IT has completed all walk through with wiring vendor to implement wiring necessary to support EMR.

Central Records:

·  Level 4 ATR c/s position is filled, with the DACS modules about ready for go-live.

·  Rebecca will be meeting with court liaisons during June to discuss current issues and updates.

Food Service:

·  FS is finalizing details on the planned job fair; we intend to have it during this month.

·  Ramadan is coming up in July, so FS is gearing up to accommodate those offenders.


·  We currently have 25 projects in the works, excluding NORESCO projects, anywhere from design to construction.

·  ADA shower renovations at T bldgs at Vaughn are in 60% design stage, with 100% to be completed within the next month.

·  Range project initial design has been signed off on; architect is working through OMB design review process.

Bureau of Community Corrections: Chief Hines

·  ID program: is going well at all institutions.

·  BOTC Class: next class is scheduled to start August 27th with a graduation date of November 2nd. Interviews are now being done for candidates to the class.

·  Gender specific: working with Medical and BWCI on risk and needs.

·  Interstate Compact Annual Business Meeting: meeting is scheduled for August 27 – 30th in Madison, WI. Only one topic at this time “Retaking.”

·  Victim Services Coordinator: position has been filled; hope to have the person on board quickly.

·  Meeting is schedule with Judges Jordan and Rocanelli to discuss their ideas.

Bureau of Prisons: Chief DeLoy:

·  Population update: Count today is 5,580 up from last year this date 5,553. Increase seems to be at BWCI and HRYCI.

·  Overtime status: up slightly over target across the board.

·  TIS Modifications: Bi-annual mandatory reviews completed 1414, 47 eligible, 18 mandatory recommended, 3 D-NM Recommended, 2 approved, 5 scheduled, 9 still open.

·  Use of Force: six month review has 372 reports.

·  MOU’s: 2 MOU’s are in the works; 1) MOU between DAFB and DOC was signed yesterday; 2) MOU with ICE is still being worked through. Hope to have ready for signature late summer or early fall.

Bureau of Correctional Heath Services: Chief Welch

·  Awaiting final changes to DOJ letter to end federal monitoring.

·  Interviews for Medical Director will take place the 3rd and 4th week of June.

·  Working on final mental health contract with proposed vendor. They are to start up July 1, 2012. Current vendor MHM is working very well to assist with the transition.

·  Audits are occurring at all sites June and July. Report is due the end of August.

Janet Durkee:

·  Pay Increases for State Employees: A 1% pay increase was approved for State Employees that will take effect July 1, 2012. DOC has a couple of exceptions: Bargaining Unit 11 will not receive the 1%, however: they will receive a 1.5% increase on January 1, 2013. Bargaining Unit 10 will receive 2% increase on July 1, 2012.

·  Range: SVOP/SCCC will not be able to continue ground maintenance at the range. CVOP has the manpower but not the equipment. Steps are being reviewed to correct this issue.

Aaron Goldstein:

·  Paternity leave: arrangements have been made for when Aaron goes out on paternity leave. Baby is due to arrive any day. Elio Battista, Commissioner office/BMS; Stacey Cohee, BOP; Rae Mims, BCCC; Lisa Barchi, BCHS; Catherine Damavandi, CEIT class instruction and Ilona Kirshon will be available to coordinate their services and provide assistance to them as needed.

·  Interstate Compact Annual Business Meeting: one additional item that may come up involves offenders from other states requesting to invalidate conditions of their home state.

·  ADA: status update, per BC Wheatley one item is complete at HRYCI moving to the second issue. No completion date at this time.

Chris Klein:

·  Percentage of detentioners is currently running 23% to sentence. Typically we are at 20 to 21%.

John Painter:

·  Working with the Governor’s Office concerning the June 19th 700 MHz recognition that is scheduled at BWCI

·  Mental Health Vendor press release is pending

·  FOIA:

o  Use of Force continue to work on-met with Chris Barrish

o  Inmate Day Labor hope to wrap up this FOIA Friday, June 8th

Jenn Carlson:

·  PC power management – began in this bldg last Friday, will continue roll out with P&P sites in the next few weeks.

·  We are anticipating piloting a food composting project at BWCI in the near future. Michael and I will be meeting with the Warden to discuss implementation at that site in the next few weeks.

Roy Lawler:

·  In-house training scheduled in June:

  1. Performance review
  2. Dealing with difficult people

Gail Stallings- Minor:

·  Summer interns are being processed

·  Public Defenders starting facility tours

Dave Hall: no comment

Ron Drake:

·  190 pending backgrounds.

Julie Petroff:

·  As of May 30th 103 vacant C/O series, 16 P&P

·  June 29th CEIT Class has 36 out of 40 cadets: 32 C/Os, 2 FS, 4 MNT.

·  Director of Training: received 72 applications

No Closed session

Commissioner Danberg adjourned meeting at 9:40 a.m.

Submitted by: Lea Dulin

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