2015 Agricultural Education Scholarship and
IAAE-Purdue Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Application
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and returning seniors in agricultural education are eligible to apply for a scholarship. Selection criteria include scholarship, honors, awards, memberships, activities, and a written essay concerning career goals. Dependent upon the number of applications, interviews may be held to aid in the selection process.
All scholarships awarded will be a credit to your University fees with 50% credited each semester. Students within one semester of graduation will have the award credited to their remaining semester fees.
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in agricultural education are eligible to apply for the Distinguished Service Award. Up to 25% of IAAE-Purdue membership may receive the Distinguished Service Award each year.
Do not include High School Activities on this application.
A minimum Purdue University Overall Grade Point Average of 2.65/4.00 at the time of application is required for scholarships. This is a Purdue University requirement.
Applications including this cover page are available in the Agricultural Education counselor’s office (room 220 AGAD) or may be printed from the YDAE web page. Click on “Current Students,” “Agricultural Education,” then “Scholarships.”
The application should be submitted to room 220 AGAD
Application deadline is 5:00 P.M. on February 2, 2015.
Scholarship Selection Criteria - 2015Activities
30% / Agricultural Education / IAAE-Purdue
30% / COA, University, Community, & Living
10% / Essay
30% / Total
2015 Agricultural Education Scholarship and
IAAE-Purdue Distinguished Service Award (DSA) Application
This document outlines the application procedure for an Agricultural Education Endowment or other sponsored scholarship and DSA. You are highly encouraged to attend the 2015 IAAE-Purdue Banquet as scholarship and DSA recipients will be recognized and may have a chance to meet donors. The banquet is April 18, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Beck Center on U.S. 52 northwest of campus.
A minimum Purdue University Overall Grade Point Average of 2.65/4.00 at time of application is required for scholarships. This is a Purdue University requirement.
A complete scholarship application consists of the following:
(If only applying for DSA, only complete items 1 and 2)
1) This signed cover sheet
2) IAAE-Purdue Activities Participation Sheet (Be sure to include level of participation.)
3) Maximum of two pages (12 point font typed) for a listing of activities, awards, honors, and recognitions (do not include high school) in the areas of: Purdue University, Purdue College of Agriculture, YDAE Department, and Community (can be Lafayette area or other). Include the date(s) of activity/award and level of participation
4) A 300-500 word essay on your future plans including your inspiration for making this choice and your career goals.
(Please staple all sheets together.)
Semester classification:______
Grade Point Average:______
Home High School ______Home County ______
Dual major or minors:______
Career Goal______
Interested in teaching secondary horticulture/landscaping? Yes __ No __
I ______am a dues paying member of IAAE-Purdue and hereby give my permission for the Agricultural Education Program to release this information to their Scholarship Selection Committee and the public.
Applications due to (AGAD 220) February 2, 2015 @ 5:00 PM.
Indicate your level of participation (attended, chair, worker, etc.)
IAAE-Purdue Activity / Spring 2014 / Fall 2014 / Prior to 2014 (year and level)EXAMPLE ACTIVITY: Invitational Creed / Timekeeper / Judge / 2013 - Attended
Sandwich Making: Meats/Dairy Foods (January)
Purdue Ag Alumni Fish Fry
District Parliamentary Procedure Contest (Which district?)
District Leadership Contest (Which district?)
IAAE-PU Banquet
Spring Fling
Spring Fest
Sandwich Making: Livestock/Dairy (May)
Sandwich Making: Science Workshops (June)
State FFA Convention
Ice Cream Social
Chicken BBQ
Fall Frolic
Soils Invitational (September)
District FFA Kick-Off (Which district?) (Sept.-Oct.)
Sandwich Making: National FFA Convention (October)
National FFA Convention (Which events?)
Pumpkin Painting
IAAE-PU Service Learning Project (YWCA, etc.)
FFA Center Workday
Fall AgEd Recruitment Day
Crops Invitational (November)
Christmas Party/Elections
Learning Community Mentor
Learning Community Study Table Mentor
IAAE-PU Officer (Which office?)
IAAE-PU Committee chair (Which committee?)
Other ______
Other ______
Other ______
Other ______
Other ______
Other ______