2014 -2015
Class – III
Sl. No / Month / English Reader / Grammar1 / April-May / Ch. 1 AEIOU(Poem)
Ch. 2 A light for
the palace fire
Ch. 3 Tommy’s five
Senses (Poem)
Ch. 4 Going to a village / Alphabetical Order,
Singular / Plural
Writing:- My favorite food
2 / July / Ch. 5. Seeing things (Poem)
Ch 6 A mad tea party
Ch. 7 Aladdin and the magic lamp / Verbs, use of is, am, are, was, were, have, had
Tenses:- Present, Past, Future
Writing skill
Picture Composition
3 / August / Ch. 8 The Silent snake
Ch. 9 I love my baby / Adjectives, Degrees of Adjectives
listening comprehension
4 / September / Ch 10.Mother Kangaroo get her pouch
Ch. 11 I wonder why / Articles (A, An, The) Pronouns
listening comprehension
5 / October / Ch. 12 Birbal and the cooking pot
Ch. 13 The Rabbit who thought she was somebody else / Sequencing, comprehension
6 / November / Ch. 15 If I would be an astronaut
Ch. 16 The lost pumpkin I / Sentence construction,
creative writing
How I spent my winter holidays
7 / December / Ch. 17 The lost pumpkin II
Ch. 18 Mothers are for / Jumbled words Conjunctions
8 / January / Ch. 18 Looking for Polo / Preposition,
Writing Skill:-
what do you do for your grand parents
9 / February / Ch. 19 A present for grand father
Ch. 20 The land of story books / Punctuations,
About words
writing Skill:- Holi
10 / March / Revision / Revision
Sl.No. / Lesson No. / Lesson Name / Activities Planned1 / Lesson -1 / AEIOU / Draw a picture of five vowels.
2 / Lesson -2 / A light for
the palace fire / Make a Thank you card for your mother for all that she does for you.
3 / Lesson -3 / Tommy’s five
Senses (Poem) / Draw the five sense organs.
4 / Lesson -4 / Going to a village / Write five sentences on what you like in a village.
5 / Lesson -5 / Seeing things (Poem) / Draw any two things you are scared of.
6 / Lesson -6 / A mad tea party / Design an invitation card for your birthday party
7 / Lesson -7 / Aladdin and the magic lamp / Write three wishes you would like to fulfill if u meet the genie.
8 / Lesson -8 / The Silent snake / Make a list of ten sound words.
9 / Lesson -9 / I love my baby / Make a tongue twister.
10 / Lesson -10 / Mother Kangaroo get her pouch / Make a book review.
11 / Lesson -11 / I wonder why / Make any mask of your choice of any animal.
12 / Lesson -12 / Birbal and the cooking pot / Play Enactment
13 / Lesson -13 / The Rabbit who thought she was somebody else / Paste picture of any five birds and write five sentence on that.
14 / Lesson -14 / If I would be an astronaut / Draw the land of your dream.
15 / Lesson -15 / The lost pumpkin I / Write few lines on your grandparents.
16 / Lesson -16 / The lost pumpkin II / Write few lines on things you do for your grandparents.
17 / Lesson -17 / Mothers are for / Make a Best Of Luck card.
18 / Lesson -18 / Looking for Polo / Write few sentences about your pet.
19 / Lesson -19 / A present for grand father / Makea Get well soon card for your grandfather.
20 / Lesson -20 / The land of story books / Write about your favourite story book.
बैनियन ट्री स्कूल ,मानसरोवर - जयपुर
हिंदी पाठ्यक्रम
सत्र –(२०१५-२०१६)
कक्षा - III
Sr. no / Month / हिंदी पाठमाला (तरंगिनी) / हिंदी व्याकरण (सरस्वती व्याकरण निधि ) / पाठ पर आधारित क्रियाविधि1 / अप्रैल -मई / पाठ -1 : (निवेदन)
पाठ -2 : (घमंडी तितली)
पाठ -3: (सुन्दर सीख) / भाषा,वर्ण, स्वरों की मात्रायें / पाठ (1-2)- पाठाधारित सुबह -सुबह होने वाली प्राकृतिक घटनाओं के चित्र चिपकाइए (जैसे -सूर्य उदय, फूल खिलना,फूलों पर तितलियों और भँवरों का मँडराना आदि ) पाठ (3)-चाँद,सूरज,चिड़ियाँ,बादल,फूल आदि में से किसी एक पर लघु कविता सुनाइए |
2 / जुलाई / पाठ -4: (तीन मछलियाँ)
पाठ -5 : (चित्र पठन: गांव का दृश्य) / संज्ञा, लिंग, शुद्ध भाषा / पाठ (4)-मछली का चित्र बनाकर कुछ विशेष मछलियों के नाम लिखिए|
पाठ (5)- गाँव इस विषय पर एक लघु अनुच्छेद लिखिए
3 / अगस्त / पाठ- 6 : (संत मार्टिन का मौसम)
पाठ -7: (और गधे बोझा ठोने लगे)
पाठ -8 : (एक सिक्के की कहानी) / पर्यायवाची शब्द, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, मुहावरे / पाठ (6)- हम गरीबों की सहायता कैसे कर सकते हैं? सूची बनाइये | पाठ (7)- ५-५ जंगली व पालतू जानवरों के चित्र चिपकाइए | पाठ (8)- अलग-अलग देशों के सिक्कों व मुद्राओं के चित्र चिपकाइए |
4 / सितम्बर / पाठ -9: (नेकी की खुशबू)
पाठ-10: (बुरे फँसे )
पाठ-11: (स्वर्ग का सुख) / वचन, सर्वनाम / पाठ (9)-कविता का सस्वर वाचन कीजिये |
पाठ (10)-खरगोश,शेर या किसी भी जानवर के मखौटे बनाइये |
पाठ (11)- कहानी का कक्षा में नाटकीय प्रस्तुतीकरण कीजिये |
5 / अक्टूबर / पाठ-12 : (हमारा राष्ट्रीय ध्वज)
पाठ-13 : (एक देश है भारत सारा)
पाठ-14: (मिटठू मियाँ) / विशेषण, विलोम-शब्द / पाठ (12-13)- 1.देश के महापुरुषों (जैसे : महात्मा गाँधी,मदर टेरेसा,सुभाष चन्द्र बोस आदि) के चित्र चिपकाकर दो-दो वाक्य लिखिए | 2.राष्ट्रीय चिह्नों के चित्र बनाकर दो-दो वाक्य लिखिए |
पाठ (14)- तोते का चित्र बनाकर उस पर एक स्वरचित कविता लिखिए |
6 / नवंबर / पाठ-15: (हो गयी गलती) / क्रिया, गिनती (1-50) / पाठ (15) भारत के मानचित्र में उत्तरी व दक्षिणी राज्यों को अंकित कीजिए |
7 / दिसंबर / पाठ-16 : (बुद्धिबल)
पाठ -17: (सूरज जीवन है धरती का)
पाठ-18 : (राजा कौन बनेगा?) / दिन, महीने और त्यौहार, विराम चिह्न / पाठ (16)- कथा को उचित हाव -भाव के साथ सुनाइए |
पाठ (17)- चंद्रमा अथवा बादल की प्रशंसा करते हुए चार पंक्तियाँ सुनाइए |
पाठ (18)- खरगोश,शेर या किसी भी जानवर के मखौटे बनाकर बाल दिवस पर इस नाटक का मंचन कीजिए |
8 / जनवरी / पाठ-19: (हिमालय) / रचनात्मक - लेखन / पाठ (19)- हिमालय की चोटियों के नाम लिखिए |
9 / फरवरी / पाठ-20 : (स्वास्थ्य सबसे बड़ा वरदान)
पाठ-21 : (ताज महल) / अनुच्छेद- लेखन, पत्र- लेखन / पाठ (20)- अपनी दिनचर्या का एक चार्ट बनाइए | पाठ (21)- ताजमहल पर एक लघु निबंध लिखिए |
10 / मार्च / दोहरान कार्य
2015 -2016
Class – III
Sl.No / Month / MathsTopic
1 / April-May / L-1 Place Value / 1. Students to form Biggest, Smallest , Expanded form , from the given 4 - digits
2 / July / L-2 Addition
L-3 Subtraction / 1 Magic Box – Students have to arrange given digits in box in way that total of rows and column are same
3 / August / L-4 Multiplication
L-5 Division / 1 Box Multiplication : Doing box multiplication with help of different colored strings.
4 / September / L-6 More Division / 1 Students will be show collection and then they will be told to share equally with 2, 3, 4 students etc to clear division concept.
5 / October / L-7 Fractions / 1 Students will draw different shapes and then they will color the given fraction in that shape
6 / November / L-8 Shapes, Space and Patterns
L-9 Measurement / 1 Pasting of Different shapes and write their edges and corners
2 Pasting different combination of weights to make 1 Kg.
7 / December / L- 10 Time / 1 Make a clock
8 / January / L-11 Money / 1 Pasting of different currencies
9 / February / L-12 Handling Data / 1 Make a pictograph with given data.
10 / March / Revision
Class – III
Sl. No / Month / Environmental ScienceTopics / Activity
1 / April-May / Ch. 1 Relationships
Ch. 2 In the Family
Ch. 3 People with Special Needs
Ch. 4 Our Friends, Philosophers and guides
Ch. 5 Plants Around Us / 1. Paste a family photograph.
2. Draw and colour your favourite festival.
3. Write you name with the help of Braille Script.
4. Write five lines on your grandparents.
5. Make prints of leaves.
2 / July / Ch 6Animal World
Ch. 7 The Insect World
Ch. 8 Birds / 6. Paste or draw pictures of different animals having different eating habits.
7. Paste or draw pictures of different insects which you see in your house.
8. Draw or paste the pictures of birds(National) of any four countries.
3 / August / Ch. 9 Our Helpers
Ch.10 It’s Playing Time / 9.Write telephone numbers of any five places of your neighborhood.(like-school, hospital)
10.Paste the picture of your favourite sportsperson.
4 / September / Ch 11 Different Types of Food
Ch.12 Food for Health
Ch. 13 It’s Cooking Time / 11. Prepare a sandwich using salad or cheese.
12. Prepare a diet chart.
13.Sprouting of seeds with rajma seeds.
5 / October / Ch. 14 Types of Houses
Ch. 15 Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Ch. 16 My Animal Friend / 14. Draw different types of houses.
15. Make a decoration item for your house using waste.
16. Write good and bad habits of your pet.
6 / November / Ch. 17 Mapping the Neighborhood
Ch. 18 We Need Water
Ch.19 The Story of Water / 17. Mark and locate states of India in outline map.
18. Draw a water plant and a water animal and write their name.
19.Drawing competition on topic Water Pollution.
7 / December / Ch 20 It’s Rainy Day
Ch.21 Means of Transport
Ch.22 Let Us Communicate / 20. Make a paper boat.
21. Draw means of air water and land transport.
22. Learn and write complete postal address of your house.
8 / January / Ch. 23 Pottery
Ch. 24 Textiles
Ch. 25 Pollution / 23. Make a pot using clay.
24. Vegetable printing using vegetables.
25. Debate on topic Save Trees,
Save Earth.
9 / February
10 / March
Ch. 26 Soil
Ch. 27 States of Matter
Ch. 28 Sun, Moon and Stars / 26. To make a soil profile.
27. Experiment of heating and cooling.
28. Draw ursa major and ursa minor.
2015 -2016
Class – III
S. No / Month / General KnowledgeTopics
1. / April/May / · Famous Indians
· Nick Names
· Total Recall
· Hill station
· Indian states & cities
· Important Pilgrimages
2. / July / · Capital of Countries
· World records (longest & largest)
· Sobriquets
· What and where
3. / August / · Reptiles
· What will I be when I grow up
· Something peculiars
· Guess my name
4. / September / · Things that go together
· Cricket
· Sport sign
· Sport quiz
5. / October / · Modern Kitchen
· Important currencies
· Classical & folk dances
6. / November / · Know your sense organs
· Organs of human body
· Inventions
7. / December / · Instruments and gadgets
· Pollutions
8. / January / · Amazing facts
· Brand names
9. / February / · Match them
· Question bank
10. / March / Revision
2015 -2016
Class – III
l. No / Month / ComputerTopics
1 / April-May / L-1 Introduction to Linux / Practice in Lab
2 / July / L-2 OpenOffice .org Word processor
Adding Tables
Entering Text
Selecting Text in Table
Modifying Table Structure
3 / August / L-2 OpenOffice .org Word processor
Merging and Splitting Cells
Text Alignment
Delete a Table from Document
4 / September / L-2 OpenOffice .org Word processor
Calculations in Table
Set page Definitions
Printing Options
5 / October / L-3 Fun With LOGO Programming
Features of LOGO
Starting with LOGO
6 / November / L-3 Fun With LOGO Programming
KTurtle Interface
LOGO Terms
Commands for moving the Turtle
7 / December / L-3 Fun With LOGO Programming
Commands for turning the Turtle
Commands to Clean up
8 / January / L-3 Fun With LOGO Programming
Pen Commands
9 / February / L-3 Fun With LOGO Programming
Project on LOGO programming.
10 / March / Revision
Final Exam