WBAI 103rd Annual Installation Dinner
Contract for Sponsorship
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at the Hilton Chicago
We/I commit to participating in the WBAI’s 103rd Installation Dinner at the level checked below and agree to pay the amount indicated by the deadlines given below (the benefits are described herein):
□Presidential Sponsorship $7,500 by Wednesday, May 23, 2018; to be featured on the invitation by Wednesday, April 18, 2018
□PlatinumSponsorship $6,000 by Wednesday, May 23, 2018; to be featured on the invitation by Wednesday, April 18, 2018
□Diamond Sponsorship $5,000 by Friday, May 23, 2018; to be featured on the invitation by Wednesday, April 18, 2018
□Gold Sponsorship $4,000 by Wednesday,May 23, 2018
□ Silver Sponsorship $3,000 by Wednesday, May 23, 2018
□Bronze Sponsorship $2,250 by Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Please mail, email, or fax this Sponsorship Commitment Form to the WBAI Office and submit payment by WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2018 at 5 PM. To pay by check, please make the check payable the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois. To pay by credit card, please provide the credit card information below or call the WBAI office:
Women’s Bar Association of Illinois______
321 South Plymouth Court, Suite 4SCredit Card Number
Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-341-8530______
Fax: 312-341-8533 Credit Card Expiration Date
Questions? ContactWBAIExecutive Director Monique Austinat 312-341-8530.
Presidential Sponsorship $7,500
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Invitation, sent to hundreds of law firms and corporations.
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Advertisements, including those published in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and WBAI Newsletter.
- The Sponsor’s Logo on the WBAI website following the Event as a Presidential Sponsor.
- The Sponsor’s Name on the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- Full-Page Ad in the Event’s Program (8” wide x 10.5” tall, black and white; see page 3 for submission requirements).
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Presidential Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Presidential Preferred” Reserved Table.
- 15 Complimentary Tickets to the President’s Private Reception immediately preceding the event.
- 3 Half-Page Articles or 3 Half-Page Ads in editions of the WBAI Newsletter (8.5” wide by 5.5” tall). (The first article or ad will appear in the next published newsletter and must be approved by the WBAI prior to publication.)
Platinum Sponsorship $6,000
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Invitation, sent to hundreds of law firms and corporations.
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Advertisements, includingthose published in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and WBAI Newsletter.
- The Sponsor’s Logo on the WBAI website following the Event as a Platinum Sponsor.
- The Sponsor’s Name on the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- 1 Full-Page Ad in the Event’s Program (8” wide x 10.5” tall, black and white; see page 3 for submission requirements).
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Platinum Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Platinum Preferred” Reserved Table.
- 10 Complimentary Tickets to the President’s Private Reception immediately preceding the event.
- 2 Half-Page Articles or 2 Half-Page Ads in editions of the WBAI Newsletter (8.5” wide by 5.5” tall). (The first article or ad will appear in the next published newsletter and must be approved by the WBAI prior to publication.)
Diamond Sponsorship $5,000
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Invitation, sent to hundreds of law firms and corporations.
- Prominent Display of the Sponsor’s Logo on the Event’s Advertisements, including those published in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and WBAI Newsletter.
- The Sponsor’s Logo on the WBAI website following the Event as a Diamond Sponsor.
- The Sponsor’s Logoon the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- 1 Full-Page Ad in the Event’s Program (8” wide x 10.5” tall, black and white; see page 3 for submission requirements).
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Diamond Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Diamond Preferred” Reserved Table.
- 5 Complimentary Tickets to the President’s Private Reception immediately preceding the event.
- 1 Half-Page Article or 1 Half-Page Ad in a WBAI Newsletter (8.5” wide by 5.5” tall). (The article or ad will appear in the next published newsletter and must be approved by the WBAI prior to publication.)
Gold Sponsorship $4,000
- The Sponsor’s Name on the WBAI website following the Event as a Gold Sponsor.
- The Sponsor’s Name on the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- 1 Full-Page Ad in the Event’s Program (8” wide x 5” tall, black and white; see page 3 for submission requirements).
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Gold Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Gold Preferred” Reserved Table.
- 3 Complimentary Tickets to the President’s Private Reception immediately preceding the event.
- 1 Quarter-Page Article or 1 Quarter-Page Ad in a WBAI Newsletter (4.25” wide by 5.5” tall). (The article or ad will appear in the next published newsletter and must be approved by the WBAI prior to publication.)
Silver Sponsorship $3,000
- The Sponsor’s Name on the WBAI website following the Event as a Silver Sponsor.
- The Sponsor’s Name on the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- 1 Half-Page Ad in the Event’s Program (8” wide x 5” tall, black and white; see page 3 for submission requirements).
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Silver Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Silver Preferred” Reserved Table.
Bronze Sponsorship $2,250
- The Sponsor’s Name on the Welcome Boards at the Event.
- Honorable mention in the Event’s Program as a Bronze Sponsor.
- 10 seats at a “Bronze Preferred” Reserved Table.
If your sponsorship level comes with an ad for the Event Program Book, please refer to these instructions:
Ad format:Please provide a print-ready, high-definition JPEG in the correct ad size that comes with the sponsorship, which will be printed in black and white:
Full-page: 8” wide x 10.5” tall
Half-page: 8” wide x 5” tall
Quarter-page: 4.25” wide by 5.5” tall
Black and white ads:You are welcome to submit a color JPEG for the ad that comes with your sponsorship, which will be printed in black and white. Before submission, please print the color ad in black and white in order to test how the colors will translate to grayscale.
Where to submit ad:Please email the ad JPEG to (referencing the entity name & ad size in the subject line, please).
Deadline:We must receive your ad JPEG by Wednesday, May 23,2018at 5 PM in order for the ad to be included in the Installation Dinner Program Book.
If you have any questions about advertisement specifications, please don’t hesitate to contact Ad Book Co-Chairs Lauren Waninski and Genevieve Neimann at .
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